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Rail Guns

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From KARL-GERAET by Thomas L. Jentz

A translation of the German AAR of the shelling of the Maxim Gorki turrets north of Sevastopol:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>...Prisoners stated that almost nothing was felt inside the works when they were fired at by heavy artillery or bombed by Stukas; even the heaviest Stuka bombs only caused light shaking. Contrary to this when fired at by Karl shells, which were easily recognized by the occupants as especially heavy ammunition, the effect was debilitating and extraordinarily demoralizing. [...] Surveying the ground revealed that Karl shells had scored several direct hits on the concrete blockhouse, breaking out large chunks of concrete but without seriously threatening the works. A gun tube on the southwest turret was knocked out of action by a hit from a 21 cm mortar. The other gun kept firing to the end, but its movement was limited and accuracy impaired. The effect that Karl and other super heavy caliber shells had on the "Bastion" was destructive. The deep, partially covered combat trenches which in numerous positions were protected by high concrete steps were totally destroyed. A 30 meter wide section of an especially steep glacis was broken off and caused to completely slide down. Serious losses didn't occur to the occupants inside the works due to artillery fire or bombing. Only the gun commander, two gunners, and a loader [out of about 300 men] were lightly wounded in the southwest turret.<hr></blockquote>

At the Citadell of Brest Litowsk there was a crater in the courtyard made by the shell of a Karlgerät 15 meters wide and 5 deep.

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Dont know about if this links tells the true sory and have correct facts but there are at least som pictures there.

Some info on dora:




Here you can get one for your moddel railway:


About the railway guns keep in mind they existed in several other calibres than 80cm.


This would have been amusing in some way I think.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gen-x87H:

Holy sweet jesus!

I wonder what the blast radius of that thing would be? smile.gif


actually, it would be 3.567 X 10^16 FP points. you know the daisy cutter they are using in afganistan? its like that. five football fields gone.

along the same lines, one of my favorite WW2 stories is when an american company had a number of bunkers to assult. when dawn rolled around, they prepared to assult the concrete bunkers w/ out tank or artillery support. then a american 155mm self propelled howitzer showed up and asked if they could help. out of range of the german MG's, they opened the rear breach of the monster, aimed down the barrel by sight, and fired two 155mm rounds into each bunker. the company then walked accross the field, and in each bunker was either dead or unconsious soldies.

i want to see that in CM. i dont think this games does credit to the power of 150mm+ shells.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

actually, it would be 3.567 X 10^16 FP points. you know the daisy cutter they are using in afganistan? its like that. five football fields gone.

along the same lines, one of my favorite WW2 stories is when an american company had a number of bunkers to assult. when dawn rolled around, they prepared to assult the concrete bunkers w/ out tank or artillery support. then a american 155mm self propelled howitzer showed up and asked if they could help. out of range of the german MG's, they opened the rear breach of the monster, aimed down the barrel by sight, and fired two 155mm rounds into each bunker. the company then walked accross the field, and in each bunker was either dead or unconsious soldies.

i want to see that in CM. i dont think this games does credit to the power of 150mm+ shells.<hr></blockquote>

Ian Hogg makes the point that the standard AT round for the 5.5in gun was the standard HE round, fired sans fuse and with the filler plug still in place. While he suggests firing against moving targets was difficult, the effects of the 100lb shell hitting a tank were devestating. 5.5in guns were, to my knowledge only once in WWII fired over open sights against fortifications, at Fort Duffein, Rangoon in 1945. Apparently their effects against the walls were quite destructive. I am unclear whether or not they were firing fused or unfused HE though. Large calibre guns were, again, to overuse the word devestating in direct fire.

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Craters from the HE shells measured 30-ft wide and 30-ft deep while the concrete piercing projectile proved capable of penetrating 264-ft of reinforced concrete before exploding! "

Jesus! You would have to live in deep tunnels to be safe from this thing!

264 ft of reinforced concrete!


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