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How the AI picks targets

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This has ALWAYS baffled me.

I have a spotter team at 100+ m/yds away from the nearest German unit (in a wheat field) and it's getting fired at by 2 units that both have other units closer in.

And they found his whereabouts how ???

(Remembering that his radio is his only weapon)

And BTW I don't think that seeing a radio antennae at 100+ meters is do-able in the heat of battle.

I just hope the AI treats my opponent the same way.



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The AI picks based on some criteria.

Can it damage what it is firing at.

Can it be damaged by what it is firing at.

Can it damage what it is firing at A Lot (it will fire at a point blank infantry rather than a distant infantry first).

Some special units draw fire like spotters and mortars and sometimes antitank elements. Antitank units will not fire infantry unless the infantry is close and a danger.

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Where was your spotter? If he was in a wheatfield or in the open, my guess would be that everyone on earth would be able to see the spotter.

Generally, I put spotters in woods, tall pines, & buildings. Also, I usually crawl them for the last 20 or so meters just to help their hiding state.

As Slapdragon stated, the AI targeting will (once the target is identified more precisely than just infantry) give preference to flamethrowers, spotters, mortars, guns, & AT teams. For some unbeknownst reason, it seems to me (I may be wrong, but I have no way to prove it other than by experience) that flamethrowers are the biggest bullet magnets. :eek: :eek:

Also, the target's exposure will draw AI directed fire. :D

Cheers, Richard smile.gif

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>Where was your spotter? If he was in a >wheatfield or in the open, my guess would >be that everyone on earth would be able to >see the spotter.

Hey, PD, I don't know about you, but I've hid Panthers in wheatfields. I find wheat great (and annoying) for breaking up LOSs. (Good for bread, too)

Rifle, I know you're wheatfield story is just an example, but do you know how much wheat will block LOS (assuming both ends of the LOS are on the same elevation)? Not a trick question, I'm really asking.

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I know how you feel. In a pbem game I am currently playing I have been trying to get this infantry gun to fire smoke and plug a gap where I can see that enemy tanks are massing. I know they are coming and will overwhelm my defenses in that area. If I can put some smoke in front of them I will have a chance to defeat the enemy advance in detail. The gun however cannot see the tanks. So try as I might to order the gun to shoot smoke in the area, the gun fires at other non consequential targets.

Smokeless Toad

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Situation is Canadian Armegeddon:

Long rectangular wheat field the spotter team was in hide mode in the field but near side looking up to the east and not being fired at until told to call down arty.

Armoured car with 75mm (Puma ?) started firing after first arty rounds landed and was soon followed by an infantry unit further back in next wheat field.

I won't claim the wheatfield is a GOOD hiding spot but sheesh the team isn't firing just looking and talkin on radio.



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What month is the scenario? A quick check shows that wheatfields provide the best concealment only during June, July, and August (you can see 40-60 m in) and the rest of the year you get LOS as much as 150 m into the field. There is probably still some concealment much of the year, but it's not nearly as effective as the peak months. I didn't do a comprehensive check, just a verification that it does depend on the time of year.

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What about some special units NOT aiming, no matter what you order? In one of my PBEM games I told my sniper to kill a bazooka unit some 15 meters away. For several turns nothing happened, then an enemy crew comes along and kills my sniper without him firing one single bullet! I do understand that normally snipers prefer targets that are far away, but if they are specifically told to shoot the only target at sight, how come nothing happens???

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SlowMotion:

What about some special units NOT aiming, no matter what you order? In one of my PBEM games I told my sniper to kill a bazooka unit some 15 meters away. For several turns nothing happened, then an enemy crew comes along and kills my sniper without him firing one single bullet! I do understand that normally snipers prefer targets that are far away, but if they are specifically told to shoot the only target at sight, how come nothing happens???<hr></blockquote>

Sounds like TAC AI determined that the sniper/sharpshooter would prefer not to disclose his location so the TAC AI overrode your orders and had him observe strict sound/fire discpline.

just a thought.....

-tom w

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I'm not real big on wheatfields. They do block line of sight. Infantry for sure (& you say tanks) can hide in wheatfields.

Hiding in wheatfields is certainly true and is useful. However, for infantry, wheatfields do not provide any substantial protection from fire especially compared to CM's better cover.

In contrast to wheatfields, the better cover (woods, tall pines, buildings, especially heavy buildings) provides that wonderful strong fire protection that allows infantry to live while, hopefully, inflicting pain on the enemy.

Indeed, if possible, I try to base my defenses and firing positions around heavy buildings. Much fire is required to damage infantry in such buildings. :eek:

Actually, I have never tried to hide vehicles in wheatfields, but I have learned something & will use this fact. Thanks. I may now become somewhat bigger on wheatfields. :D:D

Cheers, Richard tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SlowMotion:

What about some special units NOT aiming, no matter what you order? In one of my PBEM games I told my sniper to kill a bazooka unit some 15 meters away. For several turns nothing happened, then an enemy crew comes along and kills my sniper without him firing one single bullet! I do understand that normally snipers prefer targets that are far away, but if they are specifically told to shoot the only target at sight, how come nothing happens???<hr></blockquote>

Actually there is a minimum distance at which snipers can engage. I don't know what it is off-hand, but I know it's been discussed on the boards before. This includes stories like "my sniper and an enemy sniper were sharing the same foxhole and wouldn't (couldn't) fire at each other".

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Actually there is a minimum distance at which snipers can engage. I don't know what it is off-hand, but I know it's been discussed on the boards

before. This includes stories like "my sniper and an enemy sniper were sharing the same foxhole and wouldn't (couldn't) fire at each other"

I suppose there is then, but IMO snipers should be able to use their rifle at shorter distances if it really is necessary. Just like schrecks are meant to be used against tanks, but they can be used against infantry for self defense. For this kind of situations it would be nice to have a command modifier 'Don't think, just do it' which would make the unit pretty much ignore anything else but the command it was given.

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Just an observation and not based on any tests or anything, but I've noticed that...

If infantry is doing the shooting, all else being equal (i.e., same distance away, same amount of exposure) they shoot at

1. Tanks to button them up

2. Guns

3. FOs

4. HQ units

5. Mortar teams/flamers

6. Infantry squads

7. AT teams

4 and 5 may be switched.

If armor is doing the firing

1. Other armor

2. Guns

3. AT teams

4. Mortars

5. FOs

6. HQ units

7. Infantry squads

HQ units are ALWAYS preferentially targetted over their squadies, even when not positively ID'd. AT teams are ALWAYS preferentially targetted by armor over any other infantry unit, even when not positively ID'd.

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