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New ALLIED Images!!!! Come and See!!!!

Guest Rommel22

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MantaRay wrote:

> Don't forget us letting Monty take Palermo too! Oops, we beat him there did we?

You're right, of course, Manta. From the very beginning, the US was willing to hold off and allow its allies to take the credit. Just think of those first few years, when you could easily have marched in and crushed the Axis war machine, but instead you generously allowed Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, France, Britain and company a piece of the cake. When your determination to crush the perpetrators could be restrained no longer, you finally joined the fray, coincidentally around the time that Japan gave you a sound kick in the teeth. Your entry was not a moment too early – you almost allowed us to rob you of the credit for winning the war! What would we do without the US, eh?

Rommel22 wrote:

> If people want American images I'll give it to you, but I am NOT doing any other ones.

So you keep saying. Are you expecting someone to get upset?

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>The US did much more in the defeat of Nazi Germany than did Britan, Canada, France, or any other Ally accept for the Soviet Union, and that is open to any of your flames.

What do you mean by "much more".

> And if you don't like my comment, well until America entered the war with troops, Britan was getting their ass kicked by not only Germany, but also by Japan in the Pacific.

Tends to happen when Germany and Japan are both determined aggressors with plenty of mileage in them.

> Now tell me Canada and France was even a factor? Very small factor if any.

I was under the impression that the Canadian authorities contributed a great deal by directing some of their resources to Britain.

> And instead of commending Rommel22 for his work, you berate it. Next time Rommel, make one that shows thses guys what it would have been like if we hadn't entered the war...ie Swastikas and lots of blood.

You tell 'em Manta, "them" Berliners would be speaking German if it wasn't for "us".

> AND THE US IS THE BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH....where do you think CM was developed at gomers?

Best in what way? The happiest, wealthiest, most spiritual, most kind to the poor, most populace, most what? How do you quantify this??

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Guest Rommel22


nice pic, thats exactly what I meant when I did the Americn pictures!!! Thanx for clearing that up!!!!


Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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david, nice pic! but i must criticize the historical errors of the flag, ie lack of stars and too few...i expect more accuracy from someone who loves cm smile.gif

rommel22...good response!



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[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-24-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by MantaRay:

And by saying General Patton was an ego maniac, well show me one who wasnt. I have never met a humble General, and would hate to be commanded by one.

Well, that you have not met one does not mean they did not exist of course.

From Brendan Phibbs: 'The other side of Time'

Bill Mauldin described Truscott as a man 'so tough he could chew up a ham like Patton without bothering to pick his teeth'. He also described the time Truscott gave the address on Memorial Day, 1943, in the military cemetery at Salerno. He turned his back on the assembled windbags and sparklers and talked to the crosses in the cemetery, quietly, apologizing, and then walked away without looking around. (p.201)

Publicity: the essence dissected further brings up Truscott's absolute exclusion of his name from dispatches. Such-and-such batalion captured this, or a particular regiment stormed that, or Private Somebody heroically did the other. Any attempt to use Truscott's name or namesof third division headquarters officers in dispatches was chopped off with reproof.

The Patton complex, on the contrary, meant a shameless sniffing for newsprint and adulation with the commanding general's leading every dispatch. (p.200)

Major Phibbs was the Combat Surgeon of CCB in 12th US Armoured, 7th Army, during the campaign in the Vosges and when the division was the spearhead into Germany.



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[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 02-24-2001).]

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Guest MantaRay

Originally posted by Rupert_2:

I think MantaRay likes his own xenophobic version of history.. Makes him feel better.

He's been watching too many Hollywood movies..........................

oh yes, I stand corrected. You had them right where you wanted them. Sorry for my lack of respect for the great military might of the UK.


When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

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Come on fellers, dont turn this into another US vs UK thing! Let's just agree that the USSR kick both your arses


(3 smilies used to emphasise the joking aspect of my messege)

BTW: David, love the pic. Had me chuckling for a good minute!



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

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In the late 30's and early 40's most of the Germans were very "patriotic"... That way it was very easy to make them accomplice of systematic civilian mass murder.

6.000.000 of them ended up paying with their lives for being "good" Germans... and for what ? That is the main question... for what ?

Some Germans were not "good" Germans and were not very patriotic, specially in the universities and other places of learning... Their only option was the exile or to die warning the "good" and very patriotic Germans of the evil they were doing... I salute them, because they were the bravest of the braves

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The best army is the one that's so damn good, it never has to leave its barracks. It's led by politicians that are so damn good, they never have to ask for votes. It fights for citizens who are so civil that they have no enemies. And all these folks live in a country so great, that they never think of leaving it.

OK, now all you folks who live in this great land, raise your hands! We want to know where you live!

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Guest Rommel22

bwaaaa, bwaaaaa,

All I wanted.... bwaaa.... was.......

bwaaaaaaa...... A DAMN FREAKIN' PIC people would enjoye. Guess not!!!

It turns into a flame war, of which freakin' allied country is better and which did the most. I DON'T CARE!!!!! It's a picture!!!



Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Good Lord, I am glad everyone realizes how uninformed MantaRay is - it means I don't have to even comment.

Shall I be first to say Hi Mom?

I've never understood the debate about Monty vs. Patton. They were both good generals with faults.

Everyone is quick to jump all over Monty, but no one is clever enough to name any British generals who could have done a better job than he did. Usually because their "research" doesn't extend beyond watching Monty's portrayal in that George C. Scott movie.

This is SUCH a good forum when people contribute positively to it. And such a depressing one when people blather on for the sake of mere argument about things that they will never convince anyone of anyway. (SIGH)

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

*ahem* Excuse me?

Either way,

'MY' country is better then 'YOUR' country!!

'MY' dad can beat up 'YOUR' dad!!

'MY' - holy s@it *barely ducks heavy object flung at his head*

Chill down before BTS closes this thread, ya'll biggrin.gif

I tried to stay out but this set me off.

I do not remember thousands of Americans being catured at a single battle because they were surrounded.

Russains:"Oh we are surrounded what will do??? I got an idea lets surrender and be starved to dealth by the Germans".

If you think your country is better than why are we Americans number 1 now.

Ha can't beat that.

And I do not need my Daddy to take care of my own battles.

Your the one who needs to chill BUD.

[This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Perhaps you should read about the U.S. 106th Infantry Division in the Schnee Eifel. Or of the U.S. Phillipine Division at Bataan. Both qualify as mass surrenders of U.S. Army troops surrounded in a single battle. Conclusion: if our country is great, it's because some poor s.o.b.'s died for it, some lived for it and others just did the best they could at the time, including living to fight another day so they could raise children to live in said great country(hint, hint.)

(BTW I do not begrudge a grunt's right to save his butt when it moves him to do so. And if he ends up starving to death in captivity, it's not because he planned to do so.}

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Guest Rommel22

Please close this thread down, it's depressing.

For the sake of the poeple, NO MORE AMERICAN OR ALLIED images.

Or the next time it will get even worse I think.


Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Originally posted by Rommel22:

Please close this thread down, it's depressing.

For the sake of the poeple, NO MORE AMERICAN OR ALLIED images.

Or the next time it will get even worse I think.

Rommel22 it not your fault

I was just trying to defend the Americans

[This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:


Perhaps you should read about the U.S. 106th Infantry Division in the Schnee Eifel. Or of the U.S. Phillipine Division at Bataan. Both qualify as mass surrenders of U.S. Army troops surrounded in a single battle. Conclusion: if our country is great, it's because some poor s.o.b.'s died for it, some lived for it and others just did the best they could at the time, including living to fight another day so they could raise children to live in said great country(hint, hint.)

(BTW I do not begrudge a grunt's right to save his butt when it moves him to do so. And if he ends up starving to death in captivity, it's not because he planned to do so.}

True I do not know the actual numbers for the Americans captured at Bataan, but weren't something like a 100,000 russians catured in the early invasion of Russia by the Germans.

Another thing, we were supplying the British with supplies and weapons and also fighting the Pacific and West front.

Can the Russians say they were contributing this much to the war???

[This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Shatter:

Another thing, we were supplying the British with supplies and weapons and also fighting the Pacific and West front.

Can the Russians say they were contributing this much to the war???

[This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]

In terms of sacrifice, devoting the entire economy to fighting a war and over such a long period of time... a resounding YES!

Oh, and in answer to a query about whether there was any other Pommy general who could have done a better job than Monty... anyone ever heard of Wavell?

BTW, also hopeful of being the last poster to this thread before the "Lockman" cometh.


Jim R.

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Guest MantaRay

Well the whole point of this has gotten way out of hand. But I am so sick of everytime someone says anything that is pro-American, 3 or 4 of you find some kind of fault with it and start blabbering about inclusion.

All Rommel did was make a damn pic and all this started. And I don't feel like the US is all powerful, but I grow tired of people dismissing our large contribution, and when someone brings up Patton, it seems to amplify it.

So I will sound my fighting withdrawl and go back to my only source of information, PATTON.


When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

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Originally posted by Shatter:

Since all of you are making me out to be the bad guy, did any of you read any of Commissar's posts, sorry these just set me off.

[This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]

Yes I did and it was VERY CLEARLY intended as a joke. I suggest you treat this thread in the same vein & not get so worked up about it. Enjoy the day!


Jim R.

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