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I was playing a game just earlier and realized something. Oh, I had noticed it many times before but never really thought about it I guess, although it always bothered me. You can't just have the turret on a tank rotate in the game. The whole tank has to. There's been many, many times I would have just wanted the turret to rotate instead of the whole tank. What a waste of time, not to mention the times I've been knocked out because it took so long to rotate the whole tank that the other tank or whatever shot first and got me. Now this has got to be important. It's almost like your tank becomes a turretless one not being able to take advantage of this feature. frown.gif

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Are you serious???????

****snip ****

oh ok never mind i see what you mean an acual order you can give to rotate turret....

Micro Management!!!!!! ahhhhhhh

as if i dont get enough at work....

all though the turret does move during the turn ie hunt command tank to left turret rotates then hull or an ambush mabey...

[This message has been edited by Dogface (edited 04-03-2001).]

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I believe he means telling the commander to rotate the turret to this point while continuing to have the hull facing the present direction. It would be a nice feature, since you would then be able to accurately have tanks travelling in column and such. (First tank covers front, second right, third left, fourth rear) I don't know, not a huge deal I guess, but I don't think it would be that hard to add in. (Correct me if I'm wrong here)


this is a total disaster....

get the mice.


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No, you got it. that's what I meant. I really think it would make a huge difference. Actually, I think it's a great idea and can't believe it's not been brought up before. Coarse , I use a lot of tanks in my games ( Me against the AI ) and need it.

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Not to mention the countless times were you get immobilized by a flank shot and wish to have the turret cover a likely/known avenue of approach (for example, the direction from where it was shot at), only to be denied the rotate command.


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This is Not a NEW Topic

Nor is this solution all that new or mindboggling either rolleyes.gif

You can point the turret where you want it with an "area target" command.

When it comes up and asks "Main Weapon"

yes or no?, select no and the turret mg will spray that area, you can make the tank move forward and fire side ways the ONLY cost is that you will expend some co-ax MG rounds doing so.

Many experienced gamers here do this.

you CAN make your tanks (with turrets) Move forward and fire to the flank or rear with a area target order.


-tom w

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lcm1947 wrote:

> not to mention the times I've been knocked out because it took so long to rotate the whole tank that the other tank or whatever shot first and got me.

Tanks have been tweaked to rotate both their hull and turret when engaging threats. This brings the gun to bear faster. Originally one had to wait for the turret to come to bear, which was a serious disadvantage with German tanks.

Can't please everybody...


"Compared to the European armies, Americans had a permissive view toward the authority of doctrine and considered blind obedience to doctrine a vice, not a virtue." – Michael Doubler's "Closing With The Enemy" in brief

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Me thinks the main argument against this would be the whole micro-management thing. Telling your TC exactly where to point his gun ( tongue.gif) should be out of your hands. But then again it would help when moving tanks in a column.


"I saw one of the new Tiger tanks at a range of around 1000 yards & fired seven times. I saw each round bounce off the front & side armour. The Tiger traversed it's gun & blew off our left track killing the driver."

British Matilda tank commander Tunisia 1943

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Surely they weren't still using Matildas in 1943 were they? They were OK in their day but cripes, the thing only had a 2pdr. I thought they phased them out in N Africa in 1942 and sent most of the to the Far East. It would have been positive cruelty to make someone fight in one in 1943. Sorry about the OT but it was more interesting than this oft discussed topic biggrin.gif


"Stand to your glasses steady,

This world is a world of lies,

Here's a toast to the dead already,

And here's to the next man to die."

-hymn of the "Double Reds"

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Surely they weren't still using Matildas in 1943 were they?


Though they were starting to put 6pdrs. in Crusaders, most of those still had the 2pdr. gun too. They were also starting to put 6pdrs. in the Valentine too, but it wouldn't surprise me if most of those in Tunisia were still armed with the 2pdr. Some of the Churchills that made it to Tunisia might have been armed with the 2pdr. plus the 3" howitzer, but I don't know for sure.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by easy-v:

Not to mention the countless times were you get immobilized by a flank shot and wish to have the turret cover a likely/known avenue of approach (for example, the direction from where it was shot at), only to be denied the rotate command.


You can give an ambush order, and the turret will rotate in the direction of the ambush point. Unfortunately, the ambush will only trigger on a threat near the set ambush point -- not just in that direction -- but it may be of some help.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy w/gun:

Me thinks the main argument against this would be the whole micro-management thing. Telling your TC exactly where to point his gun ( tongue.gif ) should be out of your hands. But then again it would help when moving tanks in a column.


Not at all. Telling your units (and not just tanks) what axis to cover is part and parcel of small unit leadership.

Right now all your tanks just point their turrets in the same direction. A definte no-no.

Jeff Heidman

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I've been reading alot about cries of micromanagement lately.

I have in the past suggested using the area target command with the co-ax MG in the turret to "get around" the problem of no turret rotate command, this is admititly a bodge or a kludge or a PITA depending on your nationality.

I would also like to see a seperate turret rotate command. Then again I would ALSO like to see a target location on a tank that is the turret ring so that a hit could result in NO further turret rotation because it is JAMMED. I think there should be a hit result in CM2 that says "Turret ring: Turret Rotation disabled"

There are some here who say that we can micro-manage EVERYTHING else except the turret rotation. I think a seperate rotate command for the turret in CM2 would be welcomed by MOST players here. It is NOT just "finer" micromanagement, it is in keeping with the rest of the degrees of mircomanagement already in the game.Examples of this are the 15 pause, the ability to rotate ANY unit it any direction you want, and setting up ambushes.

Every order you give in this game is a form of micromanagement and the desire to give the order to rotate the turret in a seperate direction from the hull is no different.

-tom w

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