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Book recommendations?

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I'm fairly new to this fighting in the mud stuff, coming from an air power background. As a result I've got plenty of tomes covering the planes used by the various services during WWII, but very little (and nothing comprehensive) dealing with infantry weapons and armor.

Can you guys recommend a couple of encylopediac type books covering allied & axis weaponry? I'm sure this is probably covered in a FAQ somewhere, but I'd like a bit of personal commentary and some insight into specific titles.

What's the verdict on the Peter Chamberlain "Encyclopedias" of tanks that I found on Barnes&noble.com? The online reviews for the German version are pretty glowing.

A couple of infantry books I'm considering are "U.S. Infantry Weapons of World War II" by Bruce Canfield and "Germany's Infantry Weapons, 1939-1945" & "Allied Infantry Weapons of World War Two" both by Terry Gander.

Any infantry tactics "must have" titles, other than Rommels?



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You should definitely read "Company Commander" by Charles MacDonald. True story of a captain's experience leading an infantry company from fall 1944 to the end of the war. Terrific descriptions of tactics, fears, etc. Also has a great section on the Battle of the Bulge. In the Bulge, his unit was hit hard - two Congressional Medals of Honor earned during the initial onslaught by other members of his regiment.



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This was covered a couple weeks ago. Had nothing else to do, so ran a search.

This one is the most recent


More suggestions


Here's a website devoted entirely to a CM reading list



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Doberman --

To answer your question about the Chamberlain Encyclopedias --

The German One -- 5 out of 5, a very good read, and lots of good pictures. After reading this, I felt like I knew a lot more about German tank development. One warning -- it assumes prior technical knowledge of suspensions, which I did not have.

The Allies one -- 3 1/2 out of 5 -- not organized as well as the German one, not as many exact armor dimensions for each tank, but more text on tank development. I didn't feel it was as concise as the German one, but some may appreciate the lengthy discussions on each tank. Also, not as many good pictures. I also didn't like that it didn't plainly state production numbers up at the top (and sometimes omits production numbers altogether) -- the German one had everything in an easy-to-read, easy to find format. However, it did take more of a beginners approach to tank construction, which might be appreciated.

[This message has been edited by Capt. Toleran (edited 03-30-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Capt. Toleran (edited 03-30-2001).]

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I'll second that last note on the 'Encyclopedia

of German Tanks' by Chamberlain. Excellent pics and information about all types of armor.

A great reference book for looking up the difference between a 'pantherA' and 'pantherG'.

(I don't know, they'll both kill ya'!)


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I'm not really that noligible on the real technical aspects of armor. But try going to your local modeling store they have should have some great picture books of different armor. I've seen alot of those since my best friend is heavy itno modeling.

"Closing with the Enemy" how GI's fought the war in Europe,1944-1954.Is a great read and everytime I reread it I learn something new plus there is a great Bibliography to lead to other sources. Another great read is "Panzer commander: the memiors of Hans Von Lucke. A Panzer commander who fought on every front of the war.

Also I have access to the FM manual on the Sherman. Would anyone be interested in a photo copy of it. If there were enough people interested in it I could get quality copies of it an offer it to cover my cost.


"PHHFFFFFFT" Bill the cat

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I would be interested if the cost was reasonable. . .



But we're saying goodbye to them all

We're Harry's police force on call!

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Originally posted by Doberman:

Can you guys recommend a couple of encylopediac type books covering allied & axis weaponry? I'm sure this is probably covered in a FAQ somewhere,

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Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

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