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Historical Maps Required, Please Help

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Does anyone know a website where they have a historically accurate map of front lines of the western front, from month to month maybe?

Also a list or map, showing where major divisions, allies and axis were stationed? any given time.

I have a basic understanding, but especially after the bulge and the push into germany itself, my knowledge gets a bit "iffy"


Any help would be appreciated.

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Well Moon, it would help if somebody finished the lists. I'd be happy to buy 1413E in France (Caumont area), but the list dead ends in the 1300s, "under construction", with the "next page" "links" just text, not links. I've known about that site for some time, and been interested in that particular map for at least six months. Without seeing any work done on the site, or (thus) having any occasion to order the map I want. Do you run it, or know somebody who does? I ask because of the "shameless plug" comment. If so, email me at -


and I'll give you an order.

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