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hehe... I was going to make a post to "Panzerman" that one's message is usually better received when proper grammar and spelling is used in the posting. It lends a (sometimes artificial) demonstration of intelligence and ability to properly communicate. Sometime, people's of other countries use English as a second language, and to them, my hats off. I have enough trouble using my native tongue, so I NEVER comment on their sentence structure or spelling. Welllll, a little click on the ole profile button to check if this is the case in this instance caused a brief wave of nostalgia to wash o'er me. Lo and behold, "Panzerman" was, at one time, "Rob1". Now Capt, if you've been around the forum for as long as you say you have. You have probably observed posts of his in the past (unless you've spent the last 6 months under a rock). There have been many, many topics that have carried his well crafted verse. I end this posting with... "nuff said!" ;)

Bigmac out!

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I have a spell checker and I check every post. Just because I don't use American spelling doesn't make it incorrect.

Anther thing. Why one Earth did you all get angry at me? All I did was suggest something and the guy blows his top that s not my problem.

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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If I may offer a tip, Panzerman.

Whilst you may not mean to offend, some people might interpret the way you type as being blunt with them. That's why smilies are so popular :D

What you ALL (including me) need to bear in mind is that human interaction relies very heavily on a range of almost invisible clues - stance, facial expression, everything helps you gauge a person's reaction to you and what you are saying. With the arrival of telegraph and telephone, that became more difficult, but people were able to use tonal techniques - listening to the voice - to understand the context of their conversation and to make judgments about the person saying it.

With email, and online fora, suddenly we are without a means to understand those we are conversing with. There is no facial expression, no stance for us to interpret and as a result even the smallest 'slights' could become blown out of all proportion - and they SO often do.

The little clues that you or I would use to decode when someone is 'miffed' and when, perhaps, we _shouldn't_ say something aren't there.

It is VERY difficult to express yourself accurately in written form, and I would guess that 90% of the 'flame wars' that occur happen simply because someone is acting online in a way they never would in a face-to-face disagreement about a subject.

So how about if everybody kicks back and has a beer, and we all forget the argument - and that's what it could turn into - ever happened. My guess is that nobody meant to rile anybody else, and that at the end of the day nobody wants a tit-for-tat scrap.




Smilies GOOD! :cool:

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Personally I am not a big fan of smilies, emoticons, or whatever. People should take care to right waht they mean. But, that is besides the point. What I really want to ask was I'll have a beer if you've got extras Soddball. My boss is gone for the day so I suppose I can have one or three.

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When I posted my last reply there weren't any other posts (that I recall) pointing out how an improvement in spelling would've helped your case, so pardon my unintended beating of a dead horse earlier(which is actually plenty of fun, until the Animal Rights folks catch you <G> j/k).

However I gotta say that "The_Capt"'s post of:

".....but someday you may throw at your kids (and judging by the way things are going they will be grunting and whistling) someday."

..Just KILLED me! LOL. Very nicely put (although scary when you consider that you're probably correct in that prediction). Additionally, this comment of his:

"And here is another hot tip, women love a man who can write like a hot-damn, makes em wonder what else you can do really well Har har har!"

Is absolutely right, although I realize I'm sharing in some off-topic chatter with this reply...

I have it on very good authority from both my Gfriend and other ladies that women really DO go for a guy who can write, especially those who take the time to spell properly. They consider proper spelling to mean that the guy considers them 'worth the effort'. Also consider that it's a scientific fact (as far as I've ever read) that women are more turned on by the 'written word' than men are (while men are more 'visual') - hence the huge volume of "Harlequin Romances" that've flown off the shelves for decades. To a woman, reading properly spelled and well thought out words from a man is the equivalent of a guy watching a hot lady slowly disrobe, then "make-out" with her equally hot girlfriend, and then leap into bed with the guy for some "shenanigans"... or something like that. smile.gif

If you take no other advise or suggestion from this discussion, then do yourself a favor and take this one...unless you're gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), in which case I can't help you. <G>

Oh - and I have to say something about your comment (the comment "Panzer Man" - is it?- made) about Canada not having a real army: Although the Canadian Government has stripped the Canadian Forces of just about everything they can - including sending our troops to Bosnia with baseball caps instead of helmets (a simplification that I won't take the time to elaborate on here) and leaving our shiny new mine clearing vehicles in Canada so they won't get scratched up by being used in Bosnia to save lives - the Canadian soldiers themselves are regarded very highly worldwide based on what I've read historically (since WW1) and from posts I've read from serving military personnel from other Countries. They do an excellent job in very trying surroundings, we just don't always hear about it. Did you know that the Canadians fought a battle in Bosnia a few years back that was the largest battle Canadians have been involved in since the Korean War? Neither did I until somewhat recently, and I can't find anything online orin print about it in any detail. If it was the American military that had been involved, there would have been live coverage by CNN and a ticker tape parade when their troops came home, because they value their troops more than Canadians in general value ours(imo).

Well, I'll get off my soapbox now...

No, actually I won't...

"God bless Canada!"

..okay, NOW I'm off my soapbox.


No... I'm off.

Regards and I apologize for this digression and off-topic chatter.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> What I really want to ask was I'll have a beer if you've got extras Soddball. My boss is gone for the day so I suppose I can have one or three. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have half a case of Kronenbourgh which has been living in my fridge for 24 hours. If you're local, pop in ;)

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Search archived posts instead of posting a question? Considering that everything concerning CM has already been discussed twelve times over, why don't we just close the whole freakin discussion group and browse the archives from now on! If you get so annoyed reading repeat questions why did you click on this post to begin with? Geez, lighten up, man.

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Shares? No problem - pay 45 US$ and you get your stock certificate - it comes in a CD cover on a silver-ish disc, and hey, you can put it in your harddrive and play with it, too...

Unless somebody starts a new thread on this, I have this strange feeling that this thread is going to be locked up, as it veered a little... offtopic...

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