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Small operations

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Good to hear from someone who likes the smaller op's. I was working on one before my Hard Drive failed and had to be replaced. I guess now I will have to finish it! (or actually, re-start it)

Once I get it near completion, I would be happy to email it to you for playtesting.


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The author's notes for "21st Panzer Counterattacks" specifically state that he was fed up of huge operations and wanted to make a nice small one - and I think he did a good job. Reviewed at http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum6/HTML/000895.html but I'm not sure where to get it now that CMHQ Depot seems to have disappeared. If you can't find it email me and I'll send you a copy.

[This message has been edited by FriendlyFire (edited 03-13-2001).]

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I recommend the "Any port after a storm" and "No rest for the weary" scenario packs. Not really an operation, more like seperate scenarios linked to a common campaign (the first is the drive to Cherbourg, the second is the advance down the Contein peninsula). They are reinforced companies in size, about 30 turns a game.

I have both packs in my HD. If you are interested e-mail me and I can zip them to you later on tonight. My address is in my profile.

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Yes, I played a very good one recently. It is a fictional Operation concerning elements of the 21st. panzer division in a local counter-attack. The author escapes me at the moment, as does the site I downloaded it from. However the author states the Operation was designed deliberately not to be a CPU hog. It is played from the German side and was very well done. I downloaded it about two weeks ago so with a bit of looking I imagine you can find it.

I would provide the Author’s name and site from which I obtained it but I recently reinstalled all the software on my system and forgot to back-up my downloads directory.

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Excellent request. In my humble opinion some of these newer Operations are so big they kind of ruin the charm of CM.

After all when you start getting these maps that are so big it takes almost as long to scroll through as it would to walk, it get tedious.

I find that CM is at it's best at a size of no more then a couple of reinforced companies tops. Once past that size it ceases to be a tactical game and is more a game of micro managing an oversized battle map, and lacks the up close and personal effect!

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