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WineCape's Wine Tourney

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I realised early in the game that that was only 1 company Cap. Saw squads represented by 2 men running in groups of 7 (3x split platoons and 1 HQ. You should really mix them up better if you want to try that bluff. That is why I emailed you and said "thats a lot of men u have there...". My hope was youd figure I would defend that flank strongly and thus be weak on the right/centre and youd push there. Which is what happened, with great results for me smile.gif Dont beleive everything you read, email is my propoganda tool, and a very effective tool it is...

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Well then we both psyched each other out, cause all I saw was your armour come out and defend that flank when I made that move..which would have been a good time for me to take em out but seeing as I pick Marders which tend to blow up when pissed on, we all know how that turned out. Good point though, I'll mix em up a bit more next time, along with making sure my right hook is about 200m closer so you can't have time to swing your arty at me.

Treeburst my loss 18 to 75.

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It seems that I'm gonna need KiwiJoe's delivery address details very soon! smile.gif


Charl Theron



Some of these vintages won't be ready to drink for a long time. If we wait much longer, our kids will be toasting us over our graves! Let's drink up what we have, and let them buy their own.

-- Burgess Meredith, American actor (1909 - 1997) to film director John Huston (1906 - 1987)

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Currently under the CAL rules the allies can buy up to 3 platoons of airbourne infantry but no other airbourne units. I'm suggesting the brits and yanks should be allowed to purchase the 75mm pack howitzer (only available to airbourne units). It is very similar to the german 75mm IFG which is a great little cheap gun. It would be subject to all the current CAL rules reguarding guns of course.

Any1 have a comment on this?

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I don't know if we want to rock the boat at this point in the tournament, but I like the idea. It might make a good addition/modification of the CAL rules. I'd say at this point if your opponents agree to it then it is fine. I need to gather up all the changes to the CAL rules we've made and establish an official ruleset since I think we've improved on the CAL rules. I would be tempted to include the 75mm howitzer in the Allied airborne allotment. I'll do this as soon as I get time.

Treeburst155 out.

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Well sock monkey has put up possable the best fight of the tournament, but on turn 22 he got itchy fingers and moved his 2 vet PZIVs closer to the main VL only to have them promtly depatched :0 (well 1 took 3 penetrations to kill). Thus this battle is mine and I beleive that means I cant be beaten. Email me Wincape and I'll send my postal address for the 1st shipment of your brillant liquids.

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Is KiwiJoe the winner here Treeburst? Seems like it. If so - Congrats!! Let me know Treeburst and I'll email KiwiJoe for his postal details. He must just promise me NOT to pour all the wine in one bowl to drink it ;)

Couldn't check the standings of this tourney on your link Treeburst, seems broken (using IE5 btw)


b]Charl Theron



Good wine, well drunk, can lend majesty to the human spirit.

-- M.F.K. Fisher, American writer (1908 - 1992)

Italics mine :D

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My email has been down in case anybody has tried to get through to me. As soon as I get the Sock Monkey/Kiwi Joe final I will determine whether Kiwi Joe has mathematically eliminated everyone from surpassing him. If the final has already been sent to me you'll need to resend it.

The Tourney Standings site is no longer working due to ISP problems. They are aware of it. When the Kiwi Joe/Sock Monkey final score gets to me I'll update the standings here if the page is still down.


We made a new tourney rule early on that allowed the Allied player to mix force types SOLEY for the purpose of selecting up to three platoons of Allied airborne to build up Allied SMG capabilities while retaining the option of vehicles. No other airborne type units are allowed unless a player chooses ALL airborne (no vehicles).

Kiwi Joe would like to see the 75mm pack howitzer, available only to airborne troops, added to the choices available when dipping into airborne for the platoons. This seems like a good thing to me, but it's too late in the tourney to shake things up IMO.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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News from the front! After a fierce fight The_Capt beat Stalin's Organ 46-29. Congratulations, The_Capt!!

I will update the standings shortly. The webpage is working again. It does appear KiwiJoe may already have won the wine and the cash although I still haven't received the latest game result against Sock Monkey he spoke of earlier. Geez, that's depressing. :D

EDIT: The standings are updated. Only Sock Monkey and G. Clement can overtake Kiwi Joe. Everyone else is mathematically eliminated. All games must be underway by September 15th and completed by November 1st. If you are unable to get one or more of your games started by September 15th you need to be able to show that you are not at fault. Those who ARE at fault will be dropped from the tournament without mercy. On September 16th the standings will be adjusted to reflect the dropped participants. This could shake up the standings quite a bit. Remember if somebody withdraws or is dropped then all his games are thrown out.

An honorable mention is in order for Sajer who completed all his games by the original September 1st deadline. Thanks, Sajer!

Treeburst155 out.

[ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Well Ive had 1 turn in about 4 days from Sock Monkey. I was hoping we could wrap it up fast (on turn 23 now), but it looks like he's gonna try and drag it out for as long as humanly possable. I think ya can announce my win Treeburst, by my reckoning, after this game, SM would have to win ALL the rest of his games by 105 points in order to over-take me.

P.S. Ive emailed CGlement prolly 1/2 a dozen times over the lat 3 months. He's either dead or not playing CM anymore.

[ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: KiwiJoe ]

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Kiwi Joe,

We'll wait until I refigure the standings after the 15th. At that point everyone still in the tournament will probably be mathematically eliminated. Of course, Sock Monkey could have four games in progress by then, and so could G. Clement. Chances are however, you and I will be discussing the best way to transfer funds from my bank to yours. ;)

C'mon Sock Monkey and G. Clement!! You guys are the only hope for WineCape's vino to find a good home. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Beat Sock Monkey 61-24. Very hard fought battle, SM used his armour well up untill the end and caused me some problems. Infantry losses were heavy on both sides but my brave Brits, supported by timely artillery, got the best of the dirty Hun hordes :D

Bring on the Wine baby!

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The following games need to be started by tomorrow. Looking at the list it is fairly clear who is holding up the show.

The_Capt vs Sock Monkey

The_Capt vs G. Clement

aka_tom_w vs Sock Monkey

aka_tom_w vs G. Clement

KelsieD vs Sock Monkey

Stalin's Organ vs G. Clement

Sock Monkey vs G. Clement

Kiwi Joe vs G. Clement

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If there are no objections, it is time to declare Kiwi Joe the official WINNER of WineCape's Wine Tournament. Congratulations, Kiwi Joe!!! You're definitely an outstanding CM player. You are also the first person ever to win money playing CM. I'm sure WineCape will be in touch with you shortly to arrange shipment of his fine wines. Send me an email with your address. I will be in touch so we can decide the best way to send your $50 cash prize. Again, congratulations to Kiwi Joe, the tournament winner!!

Treeburst155 out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

If there are no objections, it is time to declare Kiwi Joe the official WINNER of WineCape's Wine Tournament. Congratulations, Kiwi Joe!!! You're definitely an outstanding CM player. You are also the first person ever to win money playing CM. I'm sure WineCape will be in touch with you shortly to arrange shipment of his fine wines. Send me an email with your address. I will be in touch so we can decide the best way to send your $50 cash prize. Again, congratulations to Kiwi Joe, the tournament winner!!

Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm playing sock monkey now

I wish I could have done better against Kiwi Joe.

But I guess he deserves to win.

Congrats Kiwi Joe!

(Has anyone here ever beat him or heard of anyone who has beat him?)

-tom w

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