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Overwhelmed by Huge Amount Of Mods available

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As a relatively new player I have been absolutely amazed at the amount of mods available but at the same time somewhat overwhelmed with the sheer volume of them.

Has anyone any personal recommendations of must have mods whether its tank mods/sound changes etc. I'm most interested in universal mods i.e i'm not too keen to switch some mods in just for winter figting.

Any advice appretiated.


[This message has been edited by Miles.Osborne (edited 02-03-2001).]

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First of all head to Combat Mission Headquarters at http://combathq.thegamers.net/ There it gives the primer on everything you need to know to start off on modding CM. First off d/l both Mad Dog Mod Packs. The 1st one has a sound upgrade as well and it helps. Oh yeah, be sure to read Madmatt's Mod Guide under 3rd Party Mods gives a basic guide for the starting essentials. There's also a Mod handling utility for CM if you're interested.

If you browse around the forum you'll eventually see that there's no dominant terrain mod that everyone likes but DD's terrain mods are what I prefer. You can have lousy models for the troops/armor but beautiful terrain almost makes it seem movie like.

If you are a fan of German armor than there's more than enough beautiful mods for them. Especially check out the numerous Panther mods by Fernando J.Carrera which allows numerous options for them. The way batch files are used for some of these options may seem confusing at first but you'll catch on in time. If an idiot like me can figure it out, then there's hope for mankind yet... I also strongly recommend his numerous SdKfz 250 and 251 German halftrack series mods...

Also for buildings, I highly recommend both of Panzertruppen's Building mods for summer and winter. Put it together with DD's terrain mods and it makes a nice visual impact.

Also, drop by Der Kessel at http://geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html Under the Mods/German armor directory there are numerous Tiger I mods available too...

I can keep going but it's too much. But in any case before adding mods, be sure to make a BACKUP!


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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regarding mod switching:

While switching of BMPs is necessary, if you want to use different mods for the same vehicles (hence the same BMP numbers),

switching for winter textures is definitely NOT necessary. CM uses different BMP-file-numbers, as soon as there's snow on the ground. (1xxxx plus "normal" BMP-numbers)



Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.

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I agree with Warlords tips, I would also recommend some sites


where you can find comparisons between different mods


more excellent mods, and also tips on tactics and also more scenarios


here you can find almost everything, most important is madmatts modguide

and most tips of new mods you'll find on the cm forum at




"Weisung Nr. 1

für die Kriegführung.

1.) Nachdem alle politischen Möglichkeiten erschöpft sind, um auf frielichem Wege eine für Deutschland unerträgliche Lage an seiner Ostgrenze zu beseitigen, habe ich mich zur gewaltsamen Lösung entschlossen."

Adolf Hitler

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If you are really a fanatic, you may want to do what I recently did...

Basically, I looked at EVERY single vehicle in the game, made notes of which ones I thought could be improved graphically, and then went looking for the best (in my opinion) MOD for those specific vehicles.

This of course comes after choosing a favorite Grass, Tree, Sound, and building mod.

And as others have said... NO SWITCHING is REQUIRED for WINTER MODS! Grab any you like, they won't affect summer textures at all! smile.gif

P.S. - Also grab MODS based on your processing/graphics/ram power. Too many HI-Res mods will slow any low or medium end system to a crawl! ESPECIALLY Hi-Res grass!


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Fear and Bullets."

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 02-03-2001).]

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Don't download any Sherman mods. They are very confusing at the moment, and a new batch are about to be released.


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I agree the terrain mods are bewildering, but there is some really great stuff out there. I found Madmatt's article on them at CMHQ most helpful.

I have a few Canadian/British uniform mods at my site, plus some lo-res markings, including Shermans - my Sherman markings are lo res for Canadian/Brit Shermans and don't alter the other Shermans in the game.

I tried the Villers Bocage scenario last night and after 2 turns went hunting for Tiger mods to dress them up. I was pretty much astounded at the choice that CMHQ alone had to offer, even before I went looking farther afield.



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Guest Space Thing

I know that I'm dreaming here, but if (in the future) it was possible to have different tanks (of the same type -say 3 Stug IIIGs ) each have different mods.....now, that would be REALLY cool!

smile.gif Who knows? Hope springs eternal. smile.gif

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

I would get all of DD's terran and uniform mods. Plus the MDMPs.

Go to


Desert Fox has the best grass to go with DD's terrian.

If yor system can handle it get Jager's Sky mod.

Grab Tiger's Sherman mods, they look very mean. And grab any other tanks that tickle your fancy.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Johnson-<THC>- (edited 02-03-2001).]

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Guest Mikey D

Sherman mods (if you're careful) are a must, as every game seems to have Shermans of one sort or another. Unless you've got a superfast machine, the low-res version at CMHQ are more than adequate.

Then look throught the game as pick out which default vehicles are most annoying to you personally:

• The Churchill will need replacing

• The Jumbo needs replacing

• The JpzIV neeeds replacing

• The M8 Greyhound could stand being replaced

• The Nashorn / JadgPanther / JadgTiger are frightening looking but are rarely seen.

• The Ram Kangaroo I haven't seen yet!

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