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"only 42 days left"..............................approx

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Hey, I was just wondering if there was any special offering with combat mission for those of us who pre-ordered.

Like will we get a limited edition, or an extra scenario...or something like that.

And did we get the game at a cheaper price than people who are waiting to order?

Just wondering. I can't wait to get this game. smile.gif


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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We get a cool poster. We also get the satisfaction of NOT being bandwagon-jumpers, like all the current CC freaks who order the game after it comes out and they realize how superior CM is. We've been here since way back (1 year this month for me) so we don't have to hem and haw and say "yeah, I always knew it would be better; I just didn't have enough credit left to order earlier."


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No joke, you really, really do get the Panther print smile.gif

two "buts" though:

1) You must have ordered BEFORE the beta demo came out last year;

2) You must live in the US (postage costs exclude ROW

I meet 1) cool.gif, but not 2) frown.gif





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Guest Captain Foobar


I meet 2) biggrin.gif (live in U.S)

but not 1) mad.gif (ordered after beta demo)

maybe we could have him send it to me, and i will rip off half of it and send it to you?

I promise I will send you the half with the turret on it!! Deal?

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Aww shucks....., So I don't get a poster because I ordered after the demo.

I'm wondering if the price is going to go up after the release?

You know, CM is the greatest thing since sliced bead, gets all the great reviews..and everybody and thier brother wants to order the game.


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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