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Saving Movies

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If you're playing vs AI, there's no way to do this. In one player games there is no external file-work; everything stays in the files already in the directory.

In PBEM, when you go to send your file to the other guy, just make a copy and stick it in a folder somewhere on your hard drive. I keep all files (orders and movies both) for PBEM games until the game is totally finished.


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  • 5 months later...

Are there any plans to add a "Save Movie" feature?

I, for one, would like to have this. It would be invaluable for sharing stories and tactics in this forum, as well as for bragging purposes. smile.gif

I have tried re-playing the auto-save files, but the combat results turn out differently each time.

Obviously, the ability to export movie information is present for PBEM. Can this ability be enhanced to save movie data on-demand?

For comparision, the Myth series games save your entire game as a movie, allowing you to save and watch it from start to finish.




Ontario, Canada

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What we really need is a way to save the movie/movies with FOW off (or at least optional) so that we can replay the entire battle after the fact and see all the action unfold. This and an after action OOB with full listings/results would really make my day.


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Well, I already suggested it once... there should be the option to save the movies, yes, and , additionally, make it so that by entering one of the pbem passwords you can only view this side, by entering both you can select to view a side you like or turn off the FOW at all...

Well, just my 2cent...

now, if only the game would have reached me already... guess our Postal Service here in austria is enjoying a nice game of CM and ther is another lost packet.... mad.gif



who has a heart for smilies

and will defend their rights ....

even if the cost is bloody....

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Another neat feature would be to be able to have the game movie run at faster speeds. Like having X2,X3 each time you press a button. Might be amusing to watch that way.

BTW, the map editor is extremely easy to use and very flexible. You can even take a scenario and see exactly how the map was made. You can even modify the map.

Try your hand at Napoleonic battles smile.gif, use only infantry in straight lines. Reams of them.

A movie speed feature can appeal to the RTS crowd that like to see results faster. For instance, say you have two squads that are shooting at each other over a period of 2 minutes. If I saw the action compressed in say 30 sec, it might appear more cause effect. The results only *appear* gamey. the event was just as realistic.

[This message has been edited by iggi (edited 07-05-2000).]

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The ability to play the entire game back as one movie (not EXACTLY what you guys are talking about...) has been on 'The List' for a LONG time.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that this feature and TCP/IP (a promised inclusion) make it into the game sooner rather than later.


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