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Support Group

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OK, this is Mrs. von shrad.

I was wondering if there was any kind of support group for all of the wives of this board and war gaming in general. Then maybe we could have a conversation with something other than the back of our husbands head. Maybe we could meet once a week at each others house and could chip in to do repairs and such that they never get around to doing anymore. Just kidding guys. smile.gif I really don't mind, at least he's not always out at the bars. Then again I don't think that they would let him bring his computer anyway. By the way,Combat Mission even impresses me, which none of his games have ever done before.

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Frau von Shrad,

Pleased to meet you. I commend your ability to post in here, demonstrating as it does your position as Boss of the Household (how else could you have pried Herr von Shrad off the computer long enough to post with his user ID?) If there's one thing us wargamers respect, it's firepower smile.gif

Unfortunately, I'm afraid you'll have little luck drumming up a support group in here frown.gif. It's a sad fact of life but most wargamers are either hopeless batchelor geeks, bitter divorcees, or have had their spouses abandon them in all but name for more "understanding" companionship smile.gif. Thus, the likelihood is small that other wargaming widows will pass this way.

However, someone with your obvious martial prowess might well enjoy sinking down to our level. I for one would love to see a gloating AAR from you stating how you trounced Herr von Shrad in a game of CM biggrin.gif


bitter divorcee and proud of it

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actually her game is Axis and Allies. Shes been giving me trouble saying that she wanted to post something. who am i to say no? after all i dont need the WATER shut off.plus shes got about the same..er.. sick sense of humor as i do. Of course shes in bed now being its past 8:00 pm . Ive been wanting to teach her this one but need some learning myself.

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 01-18-2000).]

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von Shrad,

I FEEL your pain wink.gif.. Many months ago my (at that point) wife to be came onto this forum to see what I had been spending so long on wink.gif.

A wife who wargames, even if it is Axis and Allies it still counts wink.gif... Don't teach her too well or she'll kick you off the computer and it'll be you who makes 1 post every few months using HER nick wink.gif.

Mrs von Shrad,

It's nice to see you hear. Kick back, enjoy the forum and ask away wink.gif. You'll find that behind our vicious wargamer exteriors we're all quite well house-trained... with the exception of a certain Madmatt who just likes wearing dresses so it seems wink.gif ...

Ps. Don't bother with manieri, we don't wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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My wife enjoys Panzer General 2 - she likes the way the tanks and such move around and shoot wink.gif. When I tried to show her Axis and Allies, I believe her words were: "Why would anyone waste time on this?". Mrs. Von Shrad, welcome! As Fionn said, most of us are house trained, and I occasionally remember to put the toilet seat down...

3 posts tonight! Someone has definately spiked my coffee! wink.gif


Inferi nihil timent, non habent.

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Ah, the joy of an understanding partner! smile.gif

My wife enjoys a good boardgame (History of the World, Civilization etc) and we've played some horror/adventure PC games together (Phantasmagoria, Gabriel Knight), but when I try to explain the fascination of wargaming, she looks at me with sympathy and says "That's nice, dear" and quickly leaves the room.

One girl who used to be in our roleplaying group is quite fond of strategy/war games though, so they do exist! cool.gif

Mrs. von Shrad: I feel that I am a very lucky man, and I do hope that Mr. von Shrad realizes how lucky he is! smile.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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One of the selfish reasons I have for wanting the Pacific scenario is that I thought Bushido Girl might be enticed to play under a Jap flag. She certainly has the temperament for it.

I don't which would be worse- to get beaten by a girl, or to win. Better lock up the cutlery first. eek.gif

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Guest Madmatt

Oh, so I wore one dress and now I am a cross dresser! Is that it?!? Seriously though, it is a pleaseure to meet your aquitance Mrs. von shrad. I have given up playing games with my girlfriend anymore on the computer. We used to play You Don't Know Jack and she would trounce me by about 50,000 points! Now since Christmas she is content to play on the new playstation.

I have tried in small ways to get her into wargaming. I had her read Forgotten Soldier and she absolutely flew though it in about three days then said "Oh, poor Guy!" (she found it was funny how the German prisoners were thinking how much better it was to be a prisoner of the Americans than it was to be a soldier in the German Army, and the American were TRYING to be mean!) and then she went right back to reading her Sci-Fi and Terry Pratchert (Diskworld) novels.

As long as I make myself available for a snuggle now and then she is fine with me speding nearly every waking moment doing things on my computer. Besides she is really hooked on the little dragon Spyro now! (PSX game) wink.gif

Madmatt out...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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there are women out there who defy the sterotype. good for you mrs VS!

my lovely lady has supported my addiction for over 20 years. takes an interest "why'd you move there?") and listens to my explainations (also called cover ups when i'm outflanked)

she also enjoys my online racing, golfing baseball league...etc. the back of my head gets rubbed, she brings me coffee, she'll knit or read in my command post while i'm commanding.

Is this heaven? or what!?

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