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What's your favorite computer war game? (other than CM of course)

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Mikeman, you'll find the AI in PitS and ToP to be very capable. One word of warning: Only consider them if you consider yourself a grognard. There is absolutely NO chrome or eye candy. But, there is hands down the most detailed command and control structure. I only played PitS, and while I found it extremely challenging and rewarding, the outdated appearance eventually sapped some of my interest. I guess I am no true grognard.

Other games I have enjoyed echo many that have been listed:

Steel Panthers I

Panzer General I&II (sometimes beer & pretzels hit the spot)

CC1 & CC2 (I liked the AI in the first but preferred the multiplay in the second)

Ardennes Offensive (outstanding AI makes the game, that and I like using the divisional symbols on my markers, Mikeman, you'll find your AI here, AND, SSG is making their follow-up which I believe includes the whole first version, free to the public, haven't downloaded it yet, but plan to)

And my current favorite (I know it's not a true wargame, but a sim): Panzer Elite. Damn fine game, first tank sim that has ever held my interest for more than a few hours (MANY more than a few hours).

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The PC wargame i have spent the most time with would have to be the original Steel Panthers. Also from a few years back I had a lot of fun with Command HQ.

Going even further back to the dark ages of the C64 I quite enjoyed the SSG games Carriers at War and Battlefront.

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The game that I have spent the most time on is TOAW and TOAW II, Steel Panthers Series (including WW2 version), and the EF2/WF series (yes, I'm talonsoft's bitch...). My first Computer wargamming experience was with 2 titles from SSI for the C64, one was Overrun! and the other was, I think, Typhoon of Steel. confused.gif These two were the two that "started it all" for me. Anyone remeber these two?

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There was a grand old wargame on the old atari xl series called "eastern front". The game was very primitive being only on a plug in cartridege, but was most enjoyable. I remember one bad habit of the ai doing, was when you really crushed a soviet unit, it would "retreat" forwards!.

I really enjoy any of the PG series tiltles, including PG3, which has been reamed on some other discussion boards. Never foud much of a liking for West Front or East Front2 titles from Talonsoft, nor greatly impressed by cc2 or cc4 (even though I still play them). CC3 was my favorite title from that series.

The demo for CM looks pretty darn good, took the best of PG series and combined them with some CC series positives, threw in outstanding graphics and came out with a beautiful looking game!.



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Manta Ray,

I did exactly the same thing when i was in the army, Panger General is the greates turn based war game ive ever played, look out for Panger General 3 , it's going to be third dimensional, im definately going to purchase it to dampen my cravings for the full version of cm.

P.S. Ive figured out the caps thing, but i think my pinky on my left hand id going to wear down to the bone.

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Wow doesn't anyone go back pre WW2? I really liked Waterloo and Gettysburg by Talonsoft as well as EF/WF. I'll add my support for PiTs and ToP. I also liked Alexander the Great and Hannibal since I played the boardgames so much. (And I like thsoe periods too). I do enjoy Panzer Elite. M1Tp when it was out. Does anyone remember Frontline for the old Colecovision?


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I bought Battleground: Gettysburg and loved it. Ended up buying a book about the big Civil War battles to learn a bit more.

I then held out until the rest of the Battleground games dropped in price. I ended up picking up the whole set on the cheap in a compendium package. Four games in each for $20.

My first AH game was Frederick the Great. Got it as a gift from my Aunt when I was nine. But I've lost the instructions. Grrrr!!

After playing WWII games, the Battleground series was a god change of pace. I especially like the way the commanders were dealt with. Definitely a pain in the butt keeping all the troops in command up to the highest general.


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Computer Bismarck - anyone remember this one! smile.gif

Harpoon I & II

PacWar (all three versions 2 Apple, 1 IBM)

War in Russia


Battleground Ardennes (the editor is still better then EF/WF). I never understood why Avalon Hill didn't copy the hell out of this game it plays just like Panzer Leader.

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USAAF by SSI is the game I recall with fondest memories.

Recently though SP-III and Sid Meier's Gettysburg have taken up a lot of post-midnight hours!! smile.gif


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I don't get why people say that the AI in Ardennes offensive was any good. What was so good about it? I found it incredibly easy to beat.

Second time through the Bulge campaign as Germans. Playing on 'Hard'. I managed to destroy every single Allied unit while losing none of mine. And by the end of the game every one of my units was at full strength.

The basic way to win the game is surround and destroy. Over and over again. Don't fight any battle at anything less than 7-1 odds and make sure your defensive line is strong enough that the Allies don't counter attack.


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Guest Captain Foobar

I wish I had War in Russia!!!! I tried to track it down on the abandonware webring, but no luck... Can anyone here help me????

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Werfer (?) said:

"There was a grand old wargame on the old Atari xl series called "eastern front"."

Yes! The first major programming effort by Chris Crawford. The AI despite its flaws was better than many much later efforts where figures endlessly walk into walls, etc. It was very hard to beat, and it fit in a 16K cartridge!

More nostalgia: anyone remember the SSI game (which I loaded into my Atari from a cassette tape) called something (Company?) "Commander" which was a real time game on a company level. You would get several units (companies?) consisting of mortars, tanks (usually five or so), and three or four platoons. Sound familiar? This is a direct distant ancestor of CM. Now, the graphics were little typewriter-like symbols, but you could see little "explosions" where your ordnance was hitting.

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If you ask me what is kind of game I play most

and what I really like...

I would say that Unreal Tournament, Quake 3, Quake 2 (action) and some of games that takes years to finish Drumbeat and Bomber 3 other then that it will be CM demo

Speaking of CM

WHEN IS IT OUT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been waiting for it for along time............

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