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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Titan:

Boy im gunna enjoy this<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just make sure you post an AAR so we can all get to enjoy it.

Just don't let us down O.K.?

P.S. Good phrases to use in your emails are things like..."I see you're playing a CAT and mouse game" and "I'll just NIP that attack of yours in the bud". You get the idea.


Jim R.

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This is an i8nteresting resurrectoin thread - I missed it first time around.

I'm beginning to run out of games in wine tournaments - and having to buy my own win too! :(..

KJ's beaten me 3 times - once as a gamey bastard (I surrendered rather than play 7/2's tongue.gif), once as a cheat ( :D Joe, smile!!), once fair and square - funny thing was I think the fair & squre one was his biggest win at about 80+ pts, the others somewhat less.

So if there's any Kiwi's out there looking for a game let me know - e-mail's best.

I can sometimes TCP on a Fri or Sat night (eg tonight), but PBEM's fine too.

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:confused: Well fella's,KJ will get his first return file tommorrow night,so from then on there will be a news blackout regarding our game smile.gif ,maybe the odd snip bit as long as it does not comprismise myself.

But i will say i am really looking forward to playing this game.

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KiwiJoe, bored? Set me up one.

I don't mind what, just send a file with the paramters and lets go for it :>

Maybe I'll beat you this time. I have the itch to play again now after my previous defeats.

O, sorry we never finished the other game. I actually stopped playing CM pretty much across the board, so it was nothing personal (although you did ambush me good, ouch).


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Well my 1st game with Tecumseh is well underway. 2000pt ME, P-76 and CAL rules with myself as Axis, him as yanks.

Tecumseh decided a small hill on my left flank needed some attention and thus has spent the 1st 5 or so turns moving 2 platoons of infantry, 2 M8 HMCs, a Sherman Jumbo 76, another unidentified afv, bakooka and sharpshooter down there. Also he's dropped 60 odd rounds of 4.2 inch mortar fire on the hill and its surrounds. Unfortunity for him his moves were all too obvious and he has lost an M8 and the Jumbo to a well postioned Lang. He has little choice but to retreat or loose the rest of his force at this point. In the main village 2 of his sharpshooters have fallen and another M8 is area firing at some buildings. My guess is at this point I'll be fighting mainly M8's for the rest of the game. My personal losses are 5 or so infantry to some artillery and M8 fire.

A swimmingly good start so far.

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These are my the settings vrs KJ with me as german

2000 ME

Village, large map, mod trees and hills.

Short-75 rules.

Oct 44.

Additional rules as per Tourney house,

No more than 4 guns,must have transport(not jeeps)

German player not allowed to have more than 3 smg squads (Oct44) none available anyway.

Only one branch ie,Heer,SS etc able to be purchased.

In my mind it is reasonable,Despite not being able to get SMG Platoons,im sure the allies wont have everything as well.But all the same i intend to Teach this Kiwi a lesson.

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When you brag in public KJ, its best to get things right...saves embarassment ;)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

Unfortunity for him his moves were all too obvious and he has lost an M8 and the Jumbo to a well postioned Lang.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Obvious? Is that as obvious as it was to me that you would push your two IV/70s forward? Your "well positioned lang" is now a smoking husk, as is the lang next to it. :D

The previous turn your IV/70 shrugged off two 76mm T rounds from fairly close range, and luckly waxed the 76 Jumbo before the 3rd shot could hit. I fail to see how this is "well postioned". Just a tank duel that went your way.


My guess is at this point I'll be fighting mainly M8's for the rest of the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well you guessed wrong. Now you know.

Keep up the winning commentary KJ - you really sound like the smart player you think you are. tongue.gif


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Ummm (T) rounds are less effective against heavy slope than standard AP rounds (T penetrates 43mm@60 degee 500m, AP penetrates 50mm@60 500m). No luck there, you just failed to ID my Langs and paid the price. Howeva losing 2 hulldown langs to a tank 700m+ away is pretty bad luck. Im guessing the © factor in their slope went your way on those shots, tough break, oh well **** happens smile.gif Looks like we could be in for a tight battle.

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"Howeva losing 2 hulldown langs to a tank 700m+ away is pretty bad luck"

It sounds like you are really getting beaten. Face it, you should just say that he outplayed you instead of making excuses.

When Kiwi Joe says,

"Bad luck" = "Oh my god I am going to lose".

"Tight game" = "Time to surrender soon"

"**** happens" = "Note to self: Must not play skilled players. Must prey on newbies to inflate win loss record."

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Well they were hulldown on a hill reverse slope and got killed by front super-structure penetrations from a Yanky 76mm gun at 700m+ away. Never seen a Lang go down like that before, let alone 2. Anyway, should make for a good game from here on in smile.gif

Titian and I are currently plotting 1st turn moves, more to come...

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Titian ran 1 platoon to each of the 2 VLs, they are both dead to the last man. So is 2 of his AT teams, a mg42, VET Marder II, 20mm flak gun and numerous other infantry men from highly accurate and timely 4.2 inch fire. Ive lost a gun, 2 white scout cars and some various infantry. I also hold both VLs firmly. Currently its 77-23 to me (turn 18). Unless Titian is holding back a master plan he's in deep trouble :cool:

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