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O/T Panzer Elite Nightmare

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Im sorry to blurt this out on the forum, but im just so pissed (pardon my french) that i had to tell the world. so here goes:

I was playing the second scenario in the desert as the germans. Had completed all the missions exept a bonus mission when i got immobilized by a stuart that popped up right infront of me from behind a ridge no more than 10 meters away. Having only light damage to the tracks and over an hour left on the mission time i decided to wait and see if i would repair the damages so i can complete the bonus mission. after waiting for about 45 minutes i decide that its not gonna happen and bring up the end-game menu. when i go to press the "mission complete- end mission" i slip and pressed the "skip mission, replay mission"... I just kicked the power button on the computer and sulked for about an hour.

Lifes a bitch and then you marry one as they say mad.gif

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I know how you feel Oddball, once I had a flamethrowerteam crawling almost over the whole map in Close Combat 3 to try to kill a jagdtpanther. When I got them in behind the panther and prepared to make the kill I decided to put the game on pause (using the ESC button which means to you want to quit?)to go and put on some coffey. Needless to say I put the yesbutton when I got back. I screamed like a little girl when I realized my mistake!


(Sorry all for my spelling)

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Someone out there cares! smile.gif

I played the scenario once more yesterday... guess what...

MY TANK TIPPED OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mad.gif

but thats ok cos today i played the scenario again and kicked everyones ass (and that includes two of my own german units, just goes to show you should never fight when youre angry smile.gif )

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Teach: Yes! definately yes! its f**king great... especially when you play in a sherman, name your commander Oddball and your driver Moriarty... shouting FIRE! all the time... its great... buy it!

Mad Dog: worked just fine for me... unzip/install the installer in the panzer elite folder, then extract any addons to... you guessed it.. addons!(but give each addon a separate folder under the addons folder) then you just open the installer and click on add mod... piece of cake! (ps dont go inside the tanks in the brit mod cause the game hangs if you do, just stick to the exterior view... sucks, but thats the way it is)

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Where do you guys get the extra time to play other games?

24hrs in a day just ain`t enough for me to balance the family, work and CM. I have not fired up anything else since receiving CM, and thats a first for me.

BTW, I`m not being critical of PE, I haven`t played it but it sounds great and I hear its THE best game in its genre.

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It's a blast to play. My favorite part is watching the turrets fly off when the tanks blow up.

Oddball_E8: don't you just hate it when the tank goes turrtle on you? You can't go to fast cross country or this happens a lot.

Also, unless some of your crew has good engineering skill your tracks wont get fixed. I think it takes something like a half hour to repair a track.

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I have been in a PE online unit sense the game came out(KgvH 40th SS). The game is very fun to play but the mp portion of it can get extreamly frustrating. There are some tweeks but the mp code is not that stable. If you are intrested, there are some extreamly hardcore tankers on Kali sever 61. They will be more than glad to help you out with the latest patches and such. Hope to see ya there smile.gif

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Wesreidau: i got the game specifically to break up my 24-hour combat mission playing smile.gif

Mad Dog: you know the 3rd mission in the desert? I played it as germans yesterday. I decided to be sneaky and try to flank the amis but its in a valley so i actually drove FULL SPEED in the mountains... i even went down a 80 degree slope (or should that be cliff?) in the end, without tipping over... now that was FUN! arrived behind the ami positions and blasted the crap out of them cool.gif.

but i have to say that the tanks are a bit too slow actually.

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As far as I know it doesn't run on a Mac

So my G4 500 mHz beasty here Just Plays CMBO

I'ld love to try Panzer Elite but it does not run on a Mac

oh well

I'm VERY happy and VERY addictedt o CMBO

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Remember that no dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton


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OB_E8...You got PE after already playing CM--and like it.. It must be good..I have been lurking on the PE forum lately. Seems like the game is hard to get these days..

What about bugs, lockups, etc..?? Thanks..


Land Soft--Kill Quiet

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Airborne: well i got my copy from a computerstore that buys and sells used games, try looking there, and in the worst case scenario, copy it smile.gif.

as for bugs and lockups the latest patch (1.7 or something) fixes most of that... although my game locks up every time i try to look at the specs for the pzIIIH.

dont know why and dont care since the specs are in the lovely "the art of tank warfare" book that comes with the game. oh and sometimes when you run winamp in the background (wagner-ride of the valkyres as german and burning bridges (or born to be wild) as americans) the game will crash when loading after or before a mission at the same time that winamp changes songs.

other than that, its fine.

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I had read some posts a while back about a mod to the game for the Russian front comming out. Have you heard (seen) anything about this?

When I tipped over it happened when I stepped up the game speed and didn't pay attention to where my tank was going.

I'm a wuss when it comes to the gunnery in PE. I could never get the hang of aiming the gun in realistic mode. And since I just wanted to BLOW THINGS UP, I went the ballistic route. Everything else I left in the realistic mode.

I've played the game through as both the Germans and Americans about twice for each. It stayed on my drive until about two months ago. I'm tempted to put it back on just to BLOW THINGS UP.

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I've been playing PE for about 2 months now,and I really like the game,I play as the Germans and I like the flying turrets too. biggrin.gif

The only problem I've encountered is when I quit for the night Windows locks up and I have to restart my PC,anyone else have this problem?


Nicht Schiessen!!

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Realistic gunnery is fairly easy to get the hang off, it just takes some time. When beginning to learn, try shooting the coax at the intended target. That will give you a ok indication if your main round will hit the target(this method does not work with the Panther series). After you get the basics it wont belong befor you will be able kill with only the Zuiss optics. This advice will also work with the shermies. Hope this helps.

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I actually use the ballistics only setting. but when i get comfortable with the targeting i will set it to realistic.

splinty: that never happens to me... are you using the 1.7 patch?

maddog: im actually using another mod right now (with some sounds from the motherofallsounds mod) called MY mod by a Michael Y (hence MY mod). Its great... makes the game even more realistic (also gives you 4 of all tanks available at the period in the beginning of each campain but u can ignore that and only use the tank you were given by default)

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Thanx for the info Lane. But i prefer the old plinkers...

"gotdamnit! I KNOW that was a hit! fire again and aim for the tracks... maby we can immobilize it and hit it from behind... fire!

-were still loading sir!

-its got us in its sights! FIRE!!

-shell up!

-toolate!!! BOOOOOOM!!!!!"

Mission failed.

(the ending of my last mission as an american against a tiger tank wink.gif)

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