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Question about my shipment

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Ok I know it's only been a week since I ordered the game. And I know alot of people here waited a long time when they ordered theirs. I just want a guesstimation of about how much longer it will be till I see that beautiful package in my mail box. I'm trying to be patient really I am. But I am going crazy with anticipation! Thanks.


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Guest Madmatt

I will give you a guesstimate of the shipping if you give me a guesstimate OF YOUR NAME!

I really don't think you used "MORD" as the shipping name now did you?!?

Day in and day out I get emails like this and I scratch my head and wonder what people expect me to do when I get an e-mail that says:

"Dudez, wheres game? Oh It ROCKS by the way! flamingcheesegraterhead@yobo.net"

No Address, no name, just that tell all e-mail address. So I call up the Warehouse guys and say "Hey, you got an order for a Flaming Cheese Guy?!?" to which they just sort of blink at me. I then follow with "Oh, wait a sec, I think his last name is Grater Head"...More blinking... "Yea, he says he ordered, he didn't say when, how or where it's shipping to. Any info would be cool. Did it ship then?"

You would be amazed at how many dial tones I get that way....

Please people. If you want info, make my job a tad easier and just tell me:





You would be amazed at much faster you will hear back from me when you do. Also, its best if you do it through email and not the forum. Use support@battlefont.com for this type of stuff but please remember one thing, it's the United States Postal Service we are talking about! They got a snail as their logo!


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Don't worry, they are actually pretty quick, I got mine in about 10 days. Not as good as getting it from a store, but not 6-8 weeks either. If anything, I was more worried about the volume of people like me ordering the game and there not being enough copies in print. I guess they don't have that problem.


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Gott'em all Lassner. Have for a loooong time. smile.gif

Uh. Excuse me while I wipe the blood from the stump that use to be my head...

Wasn't really writing this for a personal response from BTS more just wondering what kind of time period people had to wait. I'm not a mental defective, I think I'd know to email any company I had bought something from with my name and address. Maybe I should have worded it better.I apologize. But I am very happy that I am the one you picked to point this out to so publicly and with such wit. I feel very special...being singled out and all. Lets do this again real soon...


P.S I never call anybody dude...ahem... can I have my head back now?

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Guest Madmatt

Wasn't try to pick on you as such Mord. Allow me to re-attach your head.

Now this won't hurt a bit, but you may feel a slight chill...


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I live on the westcoast of Canada and got my game in 9 days. I was amazed!!! The 9 days also only included 5 working days which made it even more incredible. Somebody musta strapped a rocket to that there snail mascot of the US Postal service hey?


PS - I talked to flamingcheese and he says he loves the game but can't figure out what the "GO" button is for.

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Hate to break it to you, but in comparison to Canada Post, the USPS is like a teleportation -based delivery service. And I say this as a proud Canadian and one who had very close interaction with Canada Post for one summer. Don't blame the USPS for slow packages to Canada... trust me.


Walter R. Strapps

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Man I'll tell you I don't think I've ever wanted something more in my life. The waiting is a killer but I am sure it will be worth it. I envy all you guys that have it already.


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hey flamer,

what do you do the other 3 years and 364 days when you're not voting?

btw, you're not from Florida, are you?


"I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

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The AGONY has ended!! CM arrived in the mail today!!!!!!! I am tap dancing on the ceiling!!!!!!! My woman and I were supossed to go to dinner with her friend and she told me to stay home and play 'cause she knew how much I have been wanting this!! Thanks BTS and thanks guys for all the hand holding. For the record, 10 days for me.



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