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Partially collapsed buildings

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I searched and found part of this asked awhile ago yet there was no answer, so Ill present it again. Also, this is discussion for CM2. No one wants CM1 delayed, which would not happen anyway so...

Was there any thought to allowing some buildings to partially collapse OR be presented as partially destroyed when the battle begins. Not only would this add to the visual appeal of the game (like the building in Saving Private Ryan where the French family tried to pass off the girl just before the sniper), but would seem to add another factor to the game. A partially collapsed building may still block LOS for instance.



[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]

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Yes there was quite a bit of discussion. IIRC, reasons included, most predominantly, VRAM and CPU issues, as well as time constraints and coding difficulties. It is difficult to do what we ask - although it would be cool having a squad in a building when a 105 round hits and one of the walls collapse biggrin.gif

Hopefully for CM2 wink.gif


krm - King of useless posts;)

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I'm sure there are plenty of features that Steve & Charles have had to leave out or water down. I agree that the ruined building tiles look crude, it must be a difficult task to balance out the pro's and con's of adding eye-candy or keeping CM compatible with the majority of users system specs.

I personally have a pretty powerful pc and i would love them to push the CM engine and graphics to the max, but i can understand the constraints they must have to work under.

[This message has been edited by Manx (edited 06-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Manx (edited 06-04-2000).]

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One thing to consider, as I am sure they have but is worth bringing to light, is that graphical enhancements (partially collapsed buildings, drifting smoke, a variety of visual tank damage, etc) could all be implemented but scalable to one's PC.

As everyone knows, a lot of games are designed with a video options dialogue box that allows the program to be tailored to run on a minimum system, while a power PC can turn all the bells and whistles on.

Could CM2 be designed in a like manner? Thus, those of us who have expensive video cards and powerful processors would be able to exploit them, while those with older bare bones systems wouldn't be excluded (and thus BTS wouldn't be able sell a copy to them).

An option screen that allows users to change image quality levels along with a multitude of other enhancements. That would be the way to go. If I turn on too many things and my game slows to a crawl, I endure it or its back to the options screen for me.

Comments anyone?


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]

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I would not consider partial rubble eye-candy. I think the whole rubble-generation process should be a priority for the next incarnation of CM.

This is not a complaint, merely a reflection after the building used as "cover" by one of my Shermans vanished, leaving the tank instantly exposed to all and sundry as if it were caught doing a nasty thing in the bathroom.

I asked that it be addressed before and they said it would not be for CM1, and that's okay with me. But I won't be buying CM2 if it's not addressed.

Not all the walls will fall down every time. Not every floor will collapse every time. If anything does fall down, it will throw up a huge cloud of dust. Again, if not now, some day please.

Just my tuppenny rant.


When I die I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car

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One thing I would like to see is a more "burnt" or "dull" appearance on the battle field for some scenarios. Something that adds a little more "shock" to the scene.

Of course I have not played the entire version of CM yet, but When you look at the battle field, all the grass is green and soft, all the buildings look brand new, all the trees are in full bloom. Now I relize that some things may burn or turn to rubble, but it would be nice to start a scenario like this.


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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Former Babra said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This is not a complaint, merely a reflection after the building used as "cover" by one of my Shermans vanished, leaving the tank instantly exposed to all and sundry as if it were caught doing a nasty thing in the bathroom.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I had that very thing happen to my tank also. HAHA I like the way you put it too. It really described the feeling you get when that happens.


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-04-2000).]

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