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War of the Century

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Saw it tonight and thought it was very interesting. Apparently Stalin tried several times to make peace in 1941 but the Germans would'nt allow him to. 3 years later they were kicking themselves for this.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Yes, it is a great piece of work. Most people in the West don't have any clue as to what kind of hell was experianced by those who were forced to fight on the eastern front. This did a great indepth job on it. All week long I get to watch more CM2 on the history channel, I can't wait!

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Outstanding! I, too, loved the documents they uncovered. But the greatest part of this first episode, IMO, was the amount of color film they show. It is very rare to see German color film, especially from so early in the war. Great documentary series. I will be watching these numerous times.

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I believe Stalin tried to make peace several times during the first 18 months of the war. If only to buy time for the Red Army to recover, since even Zhukov was unsure as to whether or not the Red Army could stand another German offensive in 1942 (especially when the Russian Spring offensive was annihilated in May 1942).

Even if Hitler & Stalin did come to terms (maybe losing the Ukraine, the Baltics, and Belorussia in the process), both sides knew that a final showdown was inevitable.

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Guest Michael emrys

With benefit of hindsight, my thought is that the best Hitler could have done would have been to come to terms with Stalin in August of 1942 and pray to win the rearmament race in time to reopen hostilities in 1943, meanwhile liquidating the threat from the British and Americans, a fairly tall order in itself.


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I've now seen the entire series. Frankly, as fascinating and informative as it was, I feel as though I was invited to the banquet and only allowed a few savory snacks. For a program billing itself as The War of the Century, I saw very little of the war proper.

Episode 1 Barbarossa-Battle of Moscow

Episode 2 Partisan/Counterpartisan Ops

Episode 3 Stalingrad Campaign

Episode 4 Bagration ('44)-Victory

I don't know whether some dingdong flubbed contract writing, the History Channel couldn't afford the whole series or what. I do know that we only got to see the beginning and the end of the Eastern Front campaign and that we saw nothing of such minor events as the Destruction of Army Group Center and that nothing armored engagement called Kursk. We learned nothing of the development of Russian offensive tactics, nothing about armored warfare, were lucky to even see Tiger tanks. Where is the meat of the war we were promised?

Oops! Someone forgot to include it. Maybe it was edited out?

Sign me "Bitterly Disappointed."

John Kettler

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In the book Forgotten Solier the author talks about the ruthlessness of the Russian Partisans. Does anyone remember was it the first of second episode that showed the footage of partisans hanging that women?

Will there be partisans in CM2?

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I have to agree with John and Chris. While the series was well produced, it left a lot to be desired on the military side. Instead, it focused on the human aspect. I am not saying that this was wrong, but it was obviously the way the producers wanted to approach the subject.

There were a lot of topics (mentioned in previous posts) that were not given the light of day. This, I feel, short-changed the viewer. I found myself turning it off with 15 minutes left in the last episode.





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I have to agree with John and Chris. While the series was well produced, it left a lot to be desired on the military side. Instead, it focused on the human aspect. I am not saying that this was wrong, but it was obviously the way the producers wanted to approach the subject.

There were a lot of topics (mentioned in previous posts) that were not given the light of day. This, I feel, short-changed the viewer. I found myself turning it off with 15 minutes left in the last episode.





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"I believe Stalin tried to make peace several times during the first 18 months of the war."

Yes , this came to light becuase the Bulgarian ambassador was used as the intermediary to "sound out" the Germans on what peace terms would be required.

Bear in mind this wasnt unusual. The Bolshevieks had accepted an incredibly unfair peace treaty in 1918 to stop the war and there is every reason to beleive that Stalin would do the same again if he thought it would buy him time.

As it turned out all the signs he got back were of the "unconditional surrender" variety so the idea was dropped.



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