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Infantry+tank support vs Tanks+infantry support

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I confess I "woo-hoo!" a little louder when I get tanks as reinforcements, but in truth it's the infantry that forms the core. I have gone against tanks & infantry using only infantry and won, I have never been able to hold off infantry with a tank-only force.

A platoon used correctly is much harder to kill than a tank, can split into 7 separate units and thus can cover a larger area, can scatter better, can hide better, can move through more terrain, can sneak towards the enemy, and can fight anywhere.

Having tanks makes the infantry's job easier, but it's infantry's job, not the tank's.

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It largely depends on your tactical frame of mind, who supports who. A programme on tanks on discovery, had a British armour expert stating that UK doctrine for the time had 'Infantry support' tanks being little more than smoke dischargers, typically carrying 4 HE and 20-odd smoke. Something in 'anti-tank' guns made them unsuitable for UK HE rounds.

I bet you'd feel short changed on your points spend,when you only get 4 HE for your Infantry suport! :-(


And lo, I shall walk in the valley of death, but I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest sonofabitch in the whole Goddamn valley.

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I confess even though I prefer non armour battles, when tanks are around I mentally divide the game into two stages

1.) Tank superiority

Either get all your armour destroyed or kill all the enemies.

2.) The Infantry end game

Use your remaining armour to destroy enemy infantry from distance or try to avoid enemy armour and take objectives anyway.

Now i say "confess" becuase this is a terribly BAD habit I get into, in fact I should be developing a combined arms plan. Anyways I am working on it, but you asked so....


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If you play on smaller cramped maps with lots of trees or buildings the cooperation of armour and infantry becomes paramount. Many times you can pull the attention of your armor towards a particular strong point and then shift back. The wide open maps allow for this separation of short and long range weapons.

In a knife fight you use everything you got

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I think the two demo scenarios tended to encourage the "_dumbo pattern" of getting the tank question settled and then finishing out the game, so that's how I tended to play. Later on I found that holding the armor back in protected areas where it can support the infantry and avoid opposing armor (particularly if overmatched) works quite well if you can pull it off.

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I had a college instructor who was a Captain in the infantry in Vietnam. He liked to call tanks 40 ton two way radios.

In this game tanks are there to support infantry against infantry and defend infantry against tanks. Infantry can survive without tanks, but tanks find it hard to survive long without infantry, unless the scenario is a tank vs. tank scenario.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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