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Will other countries play part in CM2?! BTS answer please!!

Guest Rommel22

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Guest Rommel22

Since this game will feature the eastern front, will other countries other than Germany and Russia be featured???

For example Romania, Italy, Finalnd, Czeckoslovakia etc. (I searched and no avail)

This would create thousands of possible scnerios, well so does CM now. But with so many nationalities you can create so many more operations and scenerios.

More terrain tiles will be needed too, TRENCHES!!! and others.



From the Das Reich book as said by a German soldier

"when the Russians reached us, we opened fire, the first wave had no weapons.

The second wave didn't either (fire fodder). The 3rd and 4th had weapons and opened fire on us.

By this time we were low on ammo, but we drove them back."

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I really want finland to be part of this next game. Many people don't even realise that they were allied with the Germans against Russia, and even fought against the US in same air battles.

As for trenches, dont think there were many of those in ww2, unless this is gonna be a ww1 game. Dunno how interesting trench warfare in a strat game would be though. Send all your guys at them, retreat. They attack, retreat. Repeat. Also, trench battles werent over in a few hours or minutes in the case of a stratagy game.

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Guest Rommel22

No trenches, look at kursk, the Russians dug miles of trenches there using civilian workers. Then when the Germans came the Russians sent the civilians against the Germans with pitchforks.

anyway, both sides dug trenches when defending, that is why armor was designed to brek the trench stalemate. Trench tiles should be put in the game.

Any time the russians or Germans were defnding trenches were present, there is plenty of pictures from wwII to prove this.

anyway, I want finland to be included too. Italians, romanians Czeckoslovakia, hungary and so on. Lot more equipment though means a lot more design.


From the Das Reich book as said by a German soldier

"when the Russians reached us, we opened fire, the first wave had no weapons.

The second wave didn't either (fire fodder). The 3rd and 4th had weapons and opened fire on us.

By this time we were low on ammo, but we drove them back."

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Could'nt agree with you more. Finland, Italy, Romania need to be included. Might as well get the Italian stuff made for the North Africa part of CM4. Trenches are a must if Stalingrad is to be depicted and I think partisans should be in there to. Is the Polish invasion going to be part of CM2 or are you going to wait until CM3 to tell the story of Poland's fall?


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

They've discussed plans for modeling other nationalities in many previous threads:

Finns, Italians, Kiwis & Ozzies, other nationalities on the East Front... everything but Japanese and Koreans (sniff)... at least for a few years.

But they never said HELL no! I can live with that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jeez, I know we Aussies were renowned for volunteering to fight other countries wars (Greece & North Africa come to mind in WW II) but as for fighting on the Eastern Front! We must have been mad to get involved in that one. smile.gif


JIm R.

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS Peiper:

and we got to have the Spanish Blue Division in the Eastern Front.


Yeah, what would the Eastern Front be w/ out castanetts? biggrin.gif


"In one (German) town, Private Honey stood next to an

elderly German man and a ten-year-old boy. As the Shermans and brand-new

Pershings rumbled by the boy said,'Deutsches Panzer lind besser.' Honey

looked down at him and asked,'If

German tanks are better,

why aren't they here?' "

quote from Stephen E. Ambrose, "Citizen Soldiers"

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>Many people don't even realise that they were allied with the Germans against Russia, and even fought against the US in same air battles.

Please check your sources.

The official term is "brothers in arms". There were no, repeat no treaties made between Finland and Germany that can be construded as being pacts of alliance.

As for our airmen engageing USAAF: where did you pick that one up ? If you count shooting down US made planes, then yes. But remember we had Brewster Buffalos and A-75 Hawks ourselves.

You ARE aware that the USA never deglared war on us ?

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>Gotta have them crazy Finns...also hope they have the pre ww2 Russo-Finnish war included

Pre-WWII ? In our history books WWII started with the attack on Poland in September 1939. The USSR attacked Finland November 1939.

The Soviets claim the war started for them only in 1941 but at least we Finns disagree.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS Peiper:

and we got to have the Spanish Blue Division in the Eastern Front.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I actually made a reference to the Spanish on the East Front in the original post, but deleted it because I thought it sounded smart alecky.

K. Reichmann has relieved me of the responsibility to be sensitive, so I may now point out that Kiwis & Ozzies, which sounds like a breakfast cereal, were nuts to get involved in any of it, and should have cut a deal with the Japanese. As subsequent events have shown. Wanker. biggrin.gif

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Trenches where used in the eastern front mostly by the Ruskis. The germans did use limited trenches throuout the war for fire bases. The pracis of placing a continiues network of trenches across 100th of KM was abondend after WW1 because of the armors ability to croos this trenches and get into the real echolon areas. Trenches where practical to secure specific locations and landmarks only, and then ussuly those trenches where build up quit extensive. another example of limited trenches is the beaches of normandy. The germans had a extensive trench,bunker network established.

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If Finland is included, there should be a chance to fight Finland vs Germany battles too (Finland had to get rid of Germans in Lappland after truce with Soviets). I'm looking forward to have Finnish ski squadrons with satchel charges and molotov-cocktails...And panzershcreks and fausts (supplied by Germans to stop major spring offensive by Soviets).I think BTS will have trouble thinking how to simulate some historical facts about Finns...I'd love to play the Ihantala-battle!

BTW did You know that there was only 3 countries in Europe that took part in WWII and did NOT get occupied? Yep, Great Britain, Russia and ...Finland! (same goes for capital cities:London, Moscow and Helsinki)

[This message has been edited by Juha Ahoniemi (edited 10-03-2000).]

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The Partisans, the partisans. My understanding is that thus far BTS has remained silent on this issue. While not of a similar importance such as the Kiwi's, never the less partisans played a significant part at times in the overall scheme of things on the Ostfront. Particularly in that during various periods of disrupted and ever changing loyalities involving many of the ethnic populaces, these forces often engaged both German and Soviet forces, sometimes each other. But there is no doubt of their role in fighting the Germans, and of the fear that they struck into the minds of the Axis forces. It wasn't a very good idea to fall into the hands of the partisans.


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW did You know that there was only 3 countries that took part in WWII and did NOT get occupied? Yep, Great Britain, Russia and ...Finland! (same goes for capital cities:London, Moscow and Helsinki)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, maybe I'm walking right into this one, but it's early morning...where and at what point was the U.S. mainland occupied?

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"BTW did You know that there was only 3 countries that took part in WWII and did NOT get occupied? Yep, Great Britain, Russia and ...Finland! (same goes for capital cities:London, Moscow and Helsinki)"

Hmmm.. I think you're missing one or two countries there guy. I can't seem to recall Axis tanks rolling in downtown Ottawa and I'm pretty certain that Canadian troops fired a shot or two in WWII.

I'm certain that the Yanks, India, Australia, etc etc etc also have something to say about that statement...

Maybe you meant to say "European" Countries?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>OK, maybe I'm walking right into this one, but it's early morning...where and at what point was the U.S. mainland occupied?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First ... he said EUROPEAN, but to answer you question I guess it depends on your definition of "mainland". The Japanese attacked and occupied the Aleutian Islands which, as part of Alaska, were part of the U.S. ... kind of smile.gif Of course by that definition Great Britan had Singapore taken, and I seem to recall hearing something about a place called Stalingrad that was occupied and that I THOUGHT was in Russia. Now, of course, we hear the caveats and explanations {sigh}.


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First off, Britain had its Channel Islands occupied between 1940 and 45. Also Finland lost a large chunk of territory to the Soviets which they haven't got back, Petsamo for example.

TRENCHES: Were used extensively by both the Axis and the Soviets. The war in the East did involve a lot of static warfare, for example the siege of Leningrad lasted some 900 days.

Finns,Romanians,Italians,Spaniards,Hungarians: Yes please to all of the above! Especially the Finns.

Other wishes which i'm sure someone else has mentioned but seeing as this is my first post: German Skijägers! absolute must and would make a very interesting addition to the unit types not only for their mode of transport during winter but for the fact that they had their own special OOB and often received new weapons earlier, for example the Stg44. German Luftwaffe groundtroops, a mistake by the German high command and Goering in particular. German cavalry, Infantry regiments had recce detachments on horse back for example (as i'm sure most here know the German armed forces were,from the begining right up to the end largely horse drawn).

thanks for listening


"Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it"

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In my standards "occupation" (when talking about countries)means that foreign troops control majority of terrain of target country and its legal goverment is overthrown and replaced by a "puppet" one (fox example Vichy). You can't say Soviet Union got occupied can You? It's up how do You define "occupation".

Anyway I hope You evade fate of Your namesake (in what fiord was she sank anyway? Can't remember that.)

Oh and we should also have (in CM2) possibility to have Germans vs Italians and other combinations too...history gives many possibilities - Vichy France vs British and so on...

And about the luftwaffe, it seems that Göring was the best thing that ever happened to allies. That guy really knew how to screw up! (just watched video "A Phoenix Rising/A history of Luftwaffe)

Well I just hope BTS gives us at least some of them.


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Yep it is a question of defenition, come of the country's territory was and is occupied but the country itself wasn't as a whole. But you Finns have every right to hold your heads high, you played a difficult hand well. Mannerheim stuck to his guns and refused to go further than to recapture lost territory.

With regard to Tirpitz, she wasn't sunk in a fjord but capsized off the Island of Håkøya near Tromsø on 12th Nov. 44 after being hit at least twice by Lancasters from 617 (dambusters) and 9 Sqdn carrying 12,000Lb 'Tallboy' bombs.

Look forward to Finns against Germans in CM2 harrying the German rearguard retreating towards Skibotn in Norway. BTW the last German troops left Finnish soil just 10 days or so before the end of the war, near Kilpisjarvi. wink.gif

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