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BTS serious question regarding SPW250/9.

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Hey guys,

I have a question for BTS or anyone who feel they might be able to shed some light on the subject.

For some reason, The German SPW 250/9 (the one armed with the 20mm in the turret) will NEVER use its cannon against halftracks or anything lighter unless it is specifically given a target order. Then, If I do give it a target order, it will engage only that target with its 20mm and as soon as the target is eliminated or otherwise no longer a viable target, the halftrack will revert to using only its MG regardless of additional threats of identical priority.

I further ran a test with 7 SPW/9 against 5 M3A1 Halftracks on perfectly flat open terrain. In every test, if I didn't give the German vehicles a target order, they simply refused to engaged at all, even with machine guns, and were eliminated one by one.

It seems very odd that they would have that kind of firepower and simply refuse to use it against an obvious threat. Is there some logical design decision here that I'm not seeing or is it simply a bug?



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I had it engage an M20 with its 20mm in a PBEM, but it does overall seem very shy about using it. Straight after it engaged the m20 i had it move 100m from a house with an infantry squad in los and it just sat there. Next turn I told it to use its main gun on them and it did so. Dunno what its problem is.

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hmm, My 250/9s don't really seem to have this problem.. I've used them in night-time scenarios to kill US Hellcats and suchlike with great effect. Simply scatter them along likely advance routes and as the Hellcat zips past my trusty little 250/9 will punch its side or rear in with 20mm cannon rounds.

Were the crews in ur test very low quality or something?

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The Crews were Regular. As I mentioned, shooting at hellcats and other high threat targets isn't a problem at all. It's only halftracks and other light vehicles.

The net result is that jeeps and halftracks armed with .50 Cal machine guns end up being the biggest threat to the 250/9 because it will not defend against them. So, if I go hunting around a corner with my 250/9 and find an American halftrack, it gets the entire remainder of the turn to patiently blaze away before I can order the 250/9 to return fire.

Give it a try against a bunch of halftracks Fionn. You'll fare much worse than against a bunch of M10s.

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Nah, My last game the crews were SS (vets) and its as Pritzl said - that they seem to have probs with lower priority targets like Inf and light vehicles - when I use them in Ambush they have a horrible tendency to go toe to toe with tanks even after the ambush has failed - but they look so cool biggrin.gif - so I'll keep using them smile.gif


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yes, Fionn,

there 're right about the 20mm HT and 20mm AC.

It will use it's 20mm gun against planes and when it's mg ammo is depleted, automaticly.

But against HT and soft targets,

it won't use the 20mm, even if it's recieving 50cal fire!!! It just sits and dies.


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I have read this acrticle and thought well, one person has run a test on this. So I decided to throw a scenario together and test it to the max. I ran the test 20 times, it was a small map, flat, not much in the way terrain features to block LOS and each time the the vehicle with the 20mm main gun would not enages HT, or lower units with the 20mm unless ordred to do so. they did not have this problem engaging large targets though.

I believe this may be an issue for review, whether an easy fix or not I do not know nor would I pretend to, but would be nice for them to engage any vehicle with the 20mm without having to order them.

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I think I may have noticed this with other 20mm armed German vehicles too. For example I had an armoured car that didn't want to fire upon any of 2 infantry squads, a jeep or an empty truck last night even though they were all in plain view. Just as well I was mopping up.

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When i ran the test, I unsed every Halftrack and armored car that had the 20mm gun. Problem goes around all. They will however use the 20mm when they run our of MG ammo, but that is too late if you ask me when engaging other tracks, and some troops.

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Guest Michael emrys

Well, invoking the equal time clause, I was playing a QB the other day. The AI had a 234/1 with a crack crew and I had a halftrack with a veteran crew. The halftrack was moving laterally across the front of the AC at about 400+ meters going fast. It opened fire first and missed completely. the AC then fired its 20mm and got a kill straight off. One of the crewmen gave a jubilant "Ja!"

I'm wondering why you guys are having such tough luck getting yours to work.


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Finished a couple battles using a couple of these 20mm armed halftracks and they worked great. One engaged and took out an Ami halftrack on its own. End of battle it had killed 2 halftracks and 3 infantry. Dunno what the problem could be. Guns do jam in the game. confused.gif


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