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OT -- Gulf War Syndrome update

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

I found this on the 'net:

It's taking people a long time to figure out what happened... if something did happen.

There are a lot of grognards on this board, what do you think of this story? Does it sound plausible?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

About half my Company (myself included) refused (quietly smile.gif ) to take the PB tablets when the Division NBC officer would not tell us exactly how they were supposed to work. We heard lots of scary speculation, but nothing authoritative.

Crawling around in tanks KO'ed by DU penetrators, heavy oil smoke, swarms of flies carrying God knows what diseases, etc., etc., did not help one's health, either. I'm fine, though, no matter what my wife says!


Cats aren't clean, they're covered with cat spit.

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Its my understanding that those of u who did take the pills etc were very lucky, your immune system must be strong.

I read a scientific report regarding the testing of these pills.

One of each pill was given to a different chicken. ie one chicken was given an anti nerve gas pill while another was given an anti bullet pill smile.gif etc

Nothing happened.

The chickens were fine.

Then the chickens were given all three pills at once.

They died. No ****.

So there is something not right there.

Also if u say hey but they are animals and they react differently to drugs thats a good point.

REMEMBER THIS!!! All the drugs and food products etc we are given are tested on animals!!!. Hmm thats not right a.

Also a big thing is happenning at present is in the US air force is a large percentage of airforce officers (30%+) are refusing to take the Anthrax vaccine.

Apparently officers are concerned they will get sick and die.

The US said they are concerned about this.

Hehe i dont believe they are concerned cause the airforce is going so high tech they wont need pilots anymore.

They are currently testing robot drones, 1 person can control 5 easily , they fly in for recon etc and with a sufficent power supply could use laser for atack as well. They intend to have these robot aircraft (they are 60% of the size of an aircraft fighter) online in 2010 in all units.

I peronally am concerned with the pills tropps are given.

Both reports the one i gave and the one linked on the above link are from scientists.

Who are probably paid by someone to say whay U are supposed to hear. Who can u trust?

IM about to go into the NZ army as an officer and im wary about what drugs ill be given even here. Vaccinations are dodgey as hell. And NZ maybe be a little country with not much going on inside but were are in a very strategic position near antartica and mineral rich areas. Aussie supplies 1/3 of the worlds uranium. Not that Nukes are used much anymore as they are obsolute now.

So its not like we are not given the same drugs etc we are.

In England MOD are being taken to court for testing Bio weapons on there own troops.

The ex soldiers ex RAF etc who were tested on are putting there case at present and police are astounded that MOD could do what they did to there own troops.

One RAF fellow had a strip of his clothing covered in Anthrax etc He was made very ill. Others had different drugs thrown on them

U can get many reports like this from sightings.com.

Theres alot of UFO stuff there to, but alot of it i believe is new US weapons etc being tested especially the triangle craft.

There is alot to read but its very Interesting.

To sum up becareful what u take, because at the end of the day do u really know what these drugs can do to u?.

Do u want deformed kids?

The same goes for what u eat and drink etc.

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I did take the nerve pills.

I'm not sure exactly how many, but I know it was more than 5 or 6.

Not at one time though STRAKER.

Hehe....thank god.

I know this, if proof of those little F**king pills did any damage to my body I'm going for 100% disability when I retire from the Army.

And you know what else!


SEE! They did do something!



Lets get together and go get our compensation

money from the government! We deserve it!

Uncle sam owes it to us!

Lets get some good lawyers and doctors on our side! Fight for the good of all Gulf War Veterans! Then ...


Splinty, send me the god damn turn will ya.


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splinty:

Hey I was there too and there ain't not nuthin wrong wit me,ceptin, I can't stop droolin....


Hey Splinty;

What was your job in the Gulf?

You weren't like a laundry and bath specialist were you? biggrin.gif

Don't worry, Duke was a tanker, but really all he did was change track pads for the crew. biggrin.gif


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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For those of you really interested in learning about the origins and nature of Gulf War Syndrome,and the long and sordid history of using U.S.troops as uninformed, nonconsenting human guinea pigs, I highly recommend Gulf War Veterans of America, www.gulfwarvets.com

Founded by an Air Force Reserve nurse, Captain Joyce Riley, who got GWS (nearly died) simply from treating evacuees from the Gulf and was never in-theater herself, the site not only has reams of data, including the deeply buried U.S. biowarfare agent connection uncovered by Army engineers at Khamiseya, but also has referral links so that soldiers and their families (it's contagious) can get medical help.

May this info be useful to you or someone you know.


John Kettler

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Also a big thing is happening at present is in the US air force is a large percentage of airforce officers (30%+) are refusing to take the Anthrax vaccine<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ummmmmm Anthrax vaccine...uuurrrahahahgghahg

Yep, me and DEF had that one also, seeing as I was a Tanker I was exposed to large quantities of Depleted Uranium...hehe

Me and DEF have also ben exposed to VX gas, i.e. Nerve Agent...whoo hoo! The DOA sent me a letter informing me that in April (or May I can't remember... wink.gif ) 3rd Armor was hit with the VX cloud from the large Chemical Weapons dump our Engineers blew up! lol Apparently, they forgot to check which way the wind was blowing! mad.gif

Lets see...what else...shots of all kinds, bug repellent, GI farts, Charlie Company's bad breath ala DEF BUNGIS...hehe.

I pretty much glow at night cool.gif


One shot...One Kill

[This message has been edited by Iron Duke (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Hey Bungis I sent you a turn a little while ago. I was a grunt with 3rd ID,attached to 1st AD, yeah I got all the shots and took all the pills mmmmmmmm pills! I mean,damn I just drooled all over the keyboard......


Nicht Schiessen!!

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