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Out of the mouths of babes...

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Hi All,

Let's see if anybody can top this story for the "I've Got a Great Wife Award."

Last week, The History Channel was showing "Sink the Bismark" and I decided to relax and watch it for the fourth time. For some inexplicable reason, my wife sat down and started watching as well. I thought that was unusual, but I assumed she was just playing with the dog (who was very interested in the program himself). But, she seemed interested in the show and watched it to the end.

Now, before you say, "Holy crap! That is one incredible story," there is more. Earlier this evening, my grandfather was telling stories of his time in a recce unit in Europe during WWII. On a few ocassions, he said that survival was largely a matter of luck. On one ocassion, my wife chimed in by saying, "Yes, luck a great deal to do with it. Take the crew of the HMS Hood, for example. It was sunk by the Bismark and, of a crew of over 1400 men, only three survived." She then proceded to explain that many experts believe that one of The Hood's boilers exploded and created an air bubble that carried the three men to the surface. Needless to say, I was dumbfounded.

I may soon be fighting for CM playing time! smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I may soon be fighting for CM playing time! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You gotta work it buddy! This is your perfect excuse to give her your old computer to play CM on and buy yourself a new PIII (or Athlon or G4 or whatever) hotrod!


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Guest MantaRay

Hate to burst your bubble, but dont all women watch The History Channel with us?

But seriously, the wife was flipping by channels at 1 AM on Sunday morning, and she came accross this show as I was walking back from the bathroom. I find it lucky that I was there to see it come on as whoever has control of the remote, tries to pass the others favorite channels at light speed.

This actually got me off the computer, as this is one of the best documentaries ever made. I love the home movies on the decks of the ships, truly awesome.

She found it "horrible" that the British left all those sailors from the Bizmark in the water. She asked why they didnt come back. She also pointed out that it was 42 ships of the Brits to 2 of the Germans, and that the Germans should have sent other ships to help once they were in trouble.

I think this documentary actually puts a face on the war, and can be appealing to women like my wife. I think she liked it, especially seeing all the old guys getting together for the reunions.

As for CM and women, well that would be a hard sell. She played a few games with me, but lost interest really quick. She actually won her first one against the computer with just a little help from me. Second game she was rushing mortar teams straight into the open and got her butt kicked and decided it was my game forever more.

And ianc, I have tried the second computer approach to no avail. She knows my moves already damnit. biggrin.gif


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My glorious wonderful,awsomely awsome woman took me out Friday night and bought me a new

19 inch, 18 viewable monitor to better enjoy

Combat Mission! I am one happy guy!


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Okay my girlfriend not only allows me to play but considers CM a good excuse for me being late!!!!!!!! Also she happily listens to all my CM babble and WWII history talk. Best of all she will bring it up later and ask me how my PBEM game is going or if my regular hotseat opponent is losing. She even asked me if my flanking technique was working :0 Did I mention that we watched sinking of the Bismark together and she has already agreed to Kelly's Heroes and Big Red One!!!!! I love her. She even let me put CM on her computer so when I stay over I can play. I won't be letting her go anytime soon!


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


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Sorry bachlors, don't want to make you spew......but good wife talk is following.


Sounds like we have the same wife smile.gif In addition to what you said my wife also:

1)Ordered CM a week before I was going to buy it.

2)Encourages me to play CM when I'm grumpy.

Her pet name for all of us CM guys is the "Tight T-shirt Guys". Guess she is referring to all my wargaming friends who have outgrown their favorite T-shirts but still wear them..... Sorry to give you guys such a nickname.

One last thought Priest, if you just happen to post your wifes email, I could accidently send her the link of you complimenting her on this bulletin board....major points for you smile.gifwink.gifsmile.gif

[This message has been edited by Otto Mekanik (edited 11-06-2000).]

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Damn. I had to trade my girlfriend for tyhe $45 to buy the game. The guy even kicked in a sixer for my trouble. I do miss her at times (like when the power is out). . .



Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salatamus.

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Hi Guys. This is "the wife". Here is another story for you.

My family lives about 250 miles away, so we go to visit fairly infrequently. Usually we take turns driving. Well, lately I haven't been able to relax when I am the passenger because my spouse is busy "scoping" the terain. This is fine when he is the passenger, but makes me a little nervous when I am.

Have fun playing CM and don't forget about us and our interests. It would be nice sometimes to go one whole evening every once in a while without hearing about how your troops were lined up or which buildings you made go "BOOM".

Oh, and MichealU--sounds like you should not be thinking so much about CM2, but about how big that diamond should be.

Thanks for letting me put my 2 cents in.


SuperTed's wife

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Guest barrold713

I'll chip in on the wife thread.

My wife encourages CM as relaxant and mood enhancement. She also likes watching the history channel but she needs explanations for a lot of things.

As for the earlier comment about the tight t-shirt guys, I had to laugh but it made me think about another cool thing about my wife (whom I refer to as 'The Little Peach').

I have a collection of old and comfortable lounging clothes she calls my stink-bum collection. These are the various band or souvenier shirts, sweatshirts, and Joe Boxer fleece pants I wear when in the cold downstairs to use my computer and smoke the Sampoerna Extra clove cigarettes I do so enjoy. Now I do alot of my own laundry, but quite often when I am having a stressful day at work, I will come home to find a freshly cleaned set of stinkbum clothes right out of the dryer ready to wear for some decompression time.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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My wife looks at us wargamers the way she looks at my other historical hobby- Civil War reenacting. She calls that "Big Boy Dress Up" and I guess we all get painted with the same brush. But we have worked out an agreeable arrangment- she doesn't bug me too much about wargaming and reenacting and I let her maintain roughly $40,000 worth of horses. Oh well...time to go find my "really tight" 1978 Rush tour t-shirt.


"Well, I will show you that before I was a marshal I was a grenadier, and I am still one." Marshal Jean Lannes, Ratisbon, 1809.

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Contributions my wife has made for gaming:

6 computers, 18 upgrades, 138 games, 6 years of living with a grognard who not only lives for gaming, but does business in gaming.

letting me convert two wonderful daughters into Grogs, and oh let's not forget,

becoming good enough at wargaming to throughly trash my @ss in ASL biggrin.gif

"women, just when you think you understand them, they change sides"



"Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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Well, my girlfriend's attitude to CM is: "you men play strange games".

She said almost the same thing when she found me kneeling on the living room floor marking fortifications on a copy of the topographical map of Taipale area. (Which was a pretty interesting effort in itself, I consulted four different sources and just about the only thing that they agreed on was that there were strongholds).

- Tommi

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