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Not-so-Superbowl Tourney

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No fair Sludge is recruting 10 year olds for tanker crews and bought those paper tanks! hey sludge bring that armoured car out in the open I have a AP round to give as a gift! its the only thing with a engine on your side that ain't smoking, I'm sure the crew would love to have also a Barbeque that the rest are having.. smile.gif

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Things are "starting" to heat up. I thought I'd never see Ted anywhere on the map so I gave him a few bursts of arty. Still, it's pretty tame at this point.

I'm on turn two with Jester with a map that looks like it's made for quick death. Little do you know Brandon, I'm already in position, so bring it on! My troops should be pushin daisies real soon...

Furthest along with THumpre. We're actually firing at each other!

This is my first experience with PBEM and human opponents with CM. Everyone of these guys is totally different. Never a dull moment.

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Quick little update.

Def is still on duty, so our game is on hold.

Crossbar just butchered my men, So I give him the upperhand for the moment. But really to close to call.

V.S. has gotten rid of al his infantry. So I'm expecting something interesting, now that his trap is sprung.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Lorak, you little PUKE!!!! How dare you come here and make a post when it has been days since I received a turn from you! Disconnect from the Internet and fire up the old CD and get on with it.

And who do you think you are discussing my god-like plans. See,when you wiped out that WHOLE Company of infantry in one turn with nothing more than a reinforced platoon you thought 'Now I have 'em '. But that is exactly what I wanted you to think.

And then when you mopped up my retreating scragglers and blew my machine gun sections to pieces I knew I had you in my...er...trap.

Then you fall further into my web when you flank me, nearly over-running my positions.

Boy, you sure are in a predicament. You might consider offering a surrender before I commence with Phase Two of the 'trap'.

Oh....who am I trying to kid? Just send me the damn turn so I can continue to massacre my own troops.


BTW....are there anymore scores to report? Send them via E-mail. Already we have some players done with their games and a couple have acquired a nice average I might add. I am keeping the scores secret until the group is done to keep it on the level.

Did von lucke ever return? I don't seem to recall receiving word of an absence from him but it could have been lost. Anybody know of his whereabouts?

Von Shrad

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 09-18-2000).]

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update mensch vs. Stuka... sorry my lad you got me on the floor laughing, I toast a "Prost" to your tanker crews.. where did you train them anyhow? next time Don't paint the big targets on them try, uh Camoflage. smile.gif

mensch vs. Sledge aside of his last (I think M8) vehicle his infantry are stll searching for sticks for the barbeque I set for him.. not to worry me boy I'll give those tanker crews you be wanting to shoot personaly a few burst from my coax MG.

mensch vs. von Lucke well not much yet happening still trying to figure out what round it is, aside of his Tiger holding Highground like a pompus warmonger things seem pretty good, as far as a heavy arty barage for minutes long from v.L. spotter that managed to take out one guy (all I heard was "ow my leg" though all those explosions) keep up the good work v.L. come get the flag you mamas boy smile.gif


"We crested the hill and engaged the enemy, johnson was first taken out; by a cream pie? hand to hand soon ensued, Lt. got a wedgie and when I saw the white make up, floppy shoes and fright wigs, my stomach fell - damn they reactivated the dreaded Uncle BOZOs 101st SS Clown Company.. I new we had no chance, damn clowns.. how could they!"

-Pvt. Willie A. Gonner

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Alex, well what can I say, lost his armor to my Panther sitting on a hill in the first two minutes of the game. It was all over but the bleeding from that point. He surrendered to me on Sunday.

Sneaky is exactly that. It took four or five turns before we saw each other. (I wasn’t going to loose my armor to no Panther sitting on a hill) I guess I waited him out (having a Victory Flag on my side) now he’s sending out half squad probes. The roar of battle should be about to begin.

Brandon (Jester) started Area firing into some woods using a half-track with a 75mm so I peaked a TD from around a corner and popped him one. All the good cover is in the middle of the board so we’re about to run head long into each other.

Von Shrad, is it ok to just post who beat who without using the points or even what games are over in what groups?

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YO, YO, YO !!!!

Wasup peoples!

Just got back from the bush, won't be playing any turns tonite cause I got some things I need to take care of first with the Ol' lady, hehehe, know what I'm saying biggrin.gif

I suppose I can start sending turns out Thursday or Friday evening. That will give me some relax time before I jump back into the tourney.

Boy it's nice to be back to civilization.

Well, got a cold Labatts Blue popped open and doin some serious chillin' tonite.

See ya all in a couple days.


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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"It's alive! Alliiivvvee! Hahahaa!"

Damn, can't a guy have a little system crash in peace? I'm gone for what, a fortnight (that's 10 days for you non-Anglophiles), and all of a sudden this becomes the "Slam von Lucke Thread". If I wanted this kind of abuse, I'd go to the Cesspool! Or just send another turn to Stuka --- same effect.

But my time will come! Oh yes --- it will come! (Mensch, that ticking sound you hear is your time running out...).

PS: Sledge-o-Matic: Just had to go and crow about that damn shot, dintcha? Well, at least you didn't say anything about blowing up my entire platoon hiding in that cottage... D'oh!

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You only THINK you waited me out. Actually I have no idea what I am doing. But, since you decided to mass your infantry in the scattered trees to the right of my out of position half squad recon "thrust", it's only a matter of time before the "incoming" comes again (they wont die for nuttin).

But, by that time, an entire platoon will be dead and I'll be well on my way to losing the battle.

Sorry I've been out for a few days unable to re-engage. Will begin later today...

Oh, and if I'm sneaky, you're downright surreptitious. You spooked Jester for me and he's nowhere to be seen except creeping along the edge of the map. Little does he know that I am completely out of position for that thrust.

Alex has a 50mm that's been banging on me and I'm waiting to see if the next turn has us exchange shots at the same time and we both get plinked.

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Sorry von Lucke,

That one kill has been the only ray of SUNSHINE for me in the tourney so far.

I'm sure that "Aboriginal Warrior" that Stuka loaned you (the one sneaking across the road thru the smoke...) will take out that LIMEY TANK, when they stop for TEA, with his damn BLO-GUN!

And if there's any justice.......one of Mensch's Schreks will pop open his Stug just to see "WHAT IF....."


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke:


PS: Sledge-o-Matic: Just had to go and crow about that damn shot, dintcha? Well, at least you didn't say anything about blowing up my entire platoon hiding in that cottage... D'oh!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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ahh sludge my dear fellow you have found a soft spot in my heart, I've never felt so sorry for your tankers before.. send them over to my side I'll give them a warm welcoming and btw stop hiding will you I want to give them a few mortar rounds for a early christmas gift.

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Well Munch, the 10 yr old Sherman crew is OTW to get what they deserve! They think you've got milk & cookies for them....... do the job right this time eh?


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

ahh sludge .................<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[This message has been edited by Sledge (edited 09-21-2000).]

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but while I'm here, I'm now taking bets as to when the Not So Superbowl thread reaches 10,000 posts. The winner receives a new copy of "Combat Mission 14, Beyond Podunk" which will concentrate on small scale tactics on the homefront of New Jersey approximately six years after WW2 ends. Scenarios currently being tested include:

1. going out to get the mail

2. buying a Newspaper

3. going shopping

4. hiring a babysitter

5. *bonus operation*: the office christmas party.

Steve and Charles (and matt and dan) are being very tightlipped about the new AI features, but promise that they'll be full of the kind of "edge of your seat" action prevalent in the early '50s. We can only wait and see.

So place your bets now and get a chance to win this soon to be classic. wink.gif

(help, I have too much time on my hands) biggrin.gif


"Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

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Just call me ohfor 'cause that's what I'll be soon. And to think, two nights ago things were going well in two matches. Poor decision making and bad timing with a good opponent equals a REAL BAD DAY for my troops.

Now, let's see what the manual says about surrendering again (and how I might save some points somewhere). I'll be lucky to get 30 points total at this rate.

I guess that's why I'm not so super...

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Actually I was trying to edit my first post and I musta clicked reply instead of edit......and then I tried to delete and couldn't obviously .......so I gave up B4 I had 50 blank posts here........Oh well......

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

What ARE you trying to do Sledge? Get your posts over 100,000 by triple posting?

Tut tut, not very sporting, stick to dying on the battlefield, now thats something I know your'e good at.. tongue.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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