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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Did you get it on the 24 th?

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of course, i am stuck here at the hospital until tomorrow morning, and knowing my luck i will get zero sleep tonight, but hey, ITS HERE!

Post-marked 6-21 (I could swear the Oracle told me it was shipped on 6-22) eek.gif


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*#^& it all. Does anybody else wish BTS would tell us what is REALLY going on, instead of some BS about "only a small batch went out early, it didn't affect when anybody else's copy shipped?" The incontrovertible facts of the matter are these. One, people who ordered this month started getting the game in droves almost a full WEEK ago - many times more people than could possibly be a "small batch". Two, people who ordered six to eight months ago are still not getting theirs, and those who are report they were shipped Tuesday or Wednesday, i.e. the VERY BLOODY F*#$ING LAST TWO DAYS of shipping. Three, we have heard NO explanation for any of this, nor are we supposed to ask BTS about our orders until Tuesday. My conclusion? BTS's usually excellent customer service has fallen flat on its face this time. I could accept "guys, the warehouse messed up and shipped out the orders in reverse" (which is what it looks like - people with posters first, then everybody else from most recent to oldest) but I can NOT accept near-total silence broken only by skirting the issue!

BTW, if I seem PO'd about this, it's because I am. If my copy doesn't show up Monday, then since I leave town for a week and a half starting Tuesday, I, in the US near a major USPS distribution center having ordered back in October, will not get the game until well after people overseas who ordered three weeks ago. Actually, given the normal estimate of 8-10 days to Europe, and the fact that May/June orders started arriving in the US a week ago, some such people might actually get it today and so be playing even before my trip is taken into account.

-end of rant-


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[This message has been edited by Scott C (edited 06-24-2000).]

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[Freyland sidesteps Rant]

Hey Buckeye

Thanks a lot! Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Imagine this if you will...

1) peruse manual

2) play a little quick battle just to get my hair wet (yes, hair not feet)

3) Play PBEM with you

4) If Kingfish (Master of Support Weapons) gets his copy today, he and I have a date with soiled undergarments as well (long story)

5) Still have Gold Demo turns with Grunto, Darstand, Shugger, and von Lucke

6) Wife has expressed interest in continuing her involvement in CM, ie. playing with me. You do *not* dissuade this kind of behavior.

How many hours are there in a day again? confused.gif


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Can't believe it! got Shogun to ease the pain of not having CM for the w/end, turns out the game doesn't work with my vcard (Viper II). . Diamond says they'll have a driver update this monday that should fix it. . the same day that CM has to be here for me (ordered last June). Talk about ironic, or is it, haste makes waste. . . i can't get any more angry so i think i'll get extra drunk tonight smile.gif

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Received the game today, postmarked the 21st. Since the last of them supposedly went out on the 22nd I would say all USA guys will have the game by Monday, except for Capt. Manieri of course. His copy was delayed due to his request for a special version of the game which has no option for FOW. His game will instead show all enemy units outlined in bright orange at all times.



Smoker out.

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Unfortunately my spirits have gotten so low that my only possible response is:

I'll believe it when I see it. And maybe not then.


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got mine at noon today was shipped 21st i am in new york....too bad i am leaving for vacation tommorow oh well one more week.....

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