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Lol..PanzerIV takes 49 Sherman Jumbo hits in QB

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Man..wtf....2 sherman Jumbo's at near the end of game came round a corner...i think i knocked its gun out...but these two jumbos, at 53m! exhausted the rest of their ammo on it...49 AP shots.....all richochets...meanwhile..i was trying to protect my croc sherm across town..all i hear is "PITCHEEEEW!"...fragments flying all over the place..there must have been something wrong in that situation..that's gotta be a record...

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Sure it was a PzIV and not a mis-identified Panther? Also, it could have been the Panzer IV/70(V) (an uparmored JagdPanzer IV), which could explain voluminous number of ricochets. I love ricochets, BTW. They're great fun! smile.gif

- Chris

[This message has been edited by Wolfe (edited 08-28-2000).]

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it could have been either actually..all this an i forgot to remember EXACTLY what it was.....i remember it wasn't shooting at me tho and i couldn't understand why...but it DID have a gun i think...it was one of those square flat boxy tanks..it was amazing tho...i didn't think anything could take on 2 jumbos without firing.....i swear i could hear echos of laughter bouncing off metal inside the tank hehe..in between "Pitcheews!"

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I'm starting to hate jumbos, I've just watched 2 Flak 88s misID a Jumbo as a normal Sherman at 650m and waste their entire AP ammo load onto it. I got really sick when my Pak40 joined in as well from the flank. They all ignored (even with re-targeting) other tanks moving through cover as the Jumbo stayed the "best" target. I think I hit the gun and imobilized the tank but thats not much after 30+ 88mm hits and 10+ 75mm (flank) hits. Oh and I also hit it with 2 150mm barrages as there was infantry around. Bloody thing wouldn't die!!!!!

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Guest Big Time Software


The gun on the Jumbo wasn't very good. Better than the 75mm pop gun for anti armor uses, but not as good as the 76mm that you find on the Hellcat and later model Shermans. Sounds like it wasn't a PzIV either, since a richochet is unlikely off that tank. Armor isn't think and not sloped.


First, a question... are you a "stupid boy"? smile.gif One thing you can do, and it works better in 1.05, is to issue "HIDE" orders to the guns in question. Fixed AT guns aren't going to be too happy just waiting around to be fried, but they most likely will. Only problem is that you reduce your chance of a lucky/flank/damage shot to almost nil.


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I did hide them, then had them engage the first Sherman (jumbo) After the first bounces,I rehid them (to stop them firing) but whenever i unhid them to take on other tanks which were moving up, they would fire one shot at the new targets and then go after the jumbo again. And yes this was 1.05. I assume that as they didnt know it was a Jumbo and that it was in clear view as opposed to the other tanks that were moving in and out of view/hull down, they just defaulted to the easiest target (ie the jumbo) which was unable to move out of the way as i'd immobilized it. And as you said they were fried.

As Mr jones would say, "they didn't like it up um"

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Guest Big Time Software

Ah, Jones has a way with words, doesn't he? smile.gif

I suspect your gunners were trying to do the right thing. But as it turned out, they were in a near impossible position (or so it sounds). Looks like one of those "damned if they did, damned if they didn't" situations. I'll run this one by Charles, but I suspect that it was the fact that they didn't know it was a Jumbo that sealed their fate in that particular way.


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Well crap I was just playing Walk in Paris and gave myself a nice boost in manpower. Like 50% cause I just want to get a feel for the game. My panthers were doing the trick against the shermans making them drop like flies.

I would have probably won if the americans did not have a sherman from hell. The damn thing knocked out 4 Panthers. And the french had a M10 that took out 3 Panthers! I did kill the M10 on my last shot but we never killed that lone sherman!


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Heh I hate Jumbo's as the Germans mainly due to no Pzgr.40 except for the PAK 50 & that cant deal with 1 frontaly anyway even with Pzgr.40 wink.gif.

Love them as the US though, less Germans have Tiger II's or Jadgpanthers. Still it realy represents a challenge as normaly its German tanks takeing that punishment.

Best you can hope for in those situations is take the gun out, & or imob it or flank it & kill it from the rear same tactics you usualy use for vs the bigger German stuff.

Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but I suspect that it was the fact that they didn't know it was a Jumbo that sealed their fate in that particular way <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thats what I thought, a combination of factors that messed me up, didn't see it as a major problem.

Thanks for the replys

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