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CM RankingLadder

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Tournamenthouse.com has just opened its doors to Combat Mission.

I would like to invite all who are interested in a ranking ladder for CM to drop by and take a look.

At http://www.tournamenthouse.com/ the defeated reports his/her loss. Both players ratings are updated automatically using the chess ranking system. All players have a stat sheet with the following stats.

Rating, Win Streak, Winning %, Games Played, Games Won, Games Lost, Games Drawn, Average Opponent Ratings, Rating Floor and Tournament Wins. Stats to be added soon are games played as Allies, games played as Axis. Members also have a game history showing who and when they played and the outcome. In the game report you have five choices, Total Loss, Major Loss, Minor Loss, Tactical Loss and Draw the ranking points are adjusted depending on the loss type and your opponents ranking. Also on the game report we have a comment area for an after action reports. This is just a short list of what is available for the players.

Thanks again to SSPL for all your help!

Happy Hunting,


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Hi Rob,

Glad to see this thing off the ground and have greatly enjoyed being part of it, I'm sure it will have a great place in the CM commmunity.The modification to the chess ranking system to accomadate CM's degree of wins will truly make this ladder an excellent reflection of skill. Yobobo's previous ladder and tournament management experience with Tournament House will prove to be invaluable, I encourage all to join and have FUN smile.gif

See ya on the battlefield... soon as i can dig myself out of all this homework eek.gif



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I'd like to know if any of the other members have new ideas for what stats to include on the ladder. What Yobobo has given us so far is great but since Combat Mission is not your ordinary computer game, there might be things we are overlooking.

Anyone who is on this ladder got any improvements or additions they'd like to see or does Tournament House already provide us with what us ladder players need?

I'm sure Yobobo would be happy to accompany us. wink.gif

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I wonder, would scenario type be relevant? Should it affect rankings?

We have Attack, Assault, Probe and Meeting Engagement, any relevance? Is a Major victory in an Assault more/less impressive than one in a Probe?

Pretty page, but a very slow loader with my 28.8 dial-up...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I wonder, would scenario type be relevant? Should it affect rankings?

We have Attack, Assault, Probe and Meeting Engagement, any relevance? Is a Major victory in an Assault more/less impressive than one in a Probe?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's a good question Mark IV. Having only played 1 full game myself, I can't comment on this.

If it proves to be easier to host a certain type of battle on your own map and win a good amount of the time, this would make it easier for a person to exploit this weakness. I can't see though how a certain type of mission would be easier to win than another.

The home map advantage will always be a hot topic but it's something the visiting player can't do anything about...unless you play a Quick Battle which would provide a random setup to eliminate this. I think this is great that CM has this option. Us CC players could really use this as so many players have 3 pet maps they use over and over...and over. Still, I don't think this is much of a problem. Anyone think different?

One question I'd like answered by those of you playing PBEM is...how does the visiting player know that the pts are even or that the troop quality levels for each side are equal? Can both sides see the startup screen showing all this information?


Everything in moderation...except CM.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

One question I'd like answered by those of you playing PBEM is...how does the visiting player know that the pts are even or that the troop quality levels for each side are equal? Can both sides see the startup screen showing all this information?



If the play balance is unequal, the visiting player will recieve a pop up warning when he load the game for the first time.

As for the quality of troop, it's up to the player doing the purchasing.

Some players like to have the computer automatically purchase troops for them. But most want to buy their own.


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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Yo Yobobo,

Great to see the site up and running. It looks really nice. I am glad you decided to alter the algorithm to accommodate different victory types...it keeps the games going with interest throughout.

I am just signing up and will play my first PBEM :)

There is an error in the Rating Classification documentation. You call newbies Class 1 one minute, and Class 4 the next.

Good luck with it,


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The T House Ladder Rocks and has a great CC (Close Combat) following. That game is great and I am eagerly waiting my copy of CM which looks and plays great.

If you want a ladder where the staff really do care and where you can do a decent write up, check T House out.

The features on T house beat those on Cases.

Anyway looking forward to some far and honest fights against you all.

Cheers Holien

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Glad to see we got this implemented, this will be a big plus for those desiring to play a pbem under specific time constraints, It will prove very effective in preventing anyone utilizing this feature from having to worry about uncompleted ladder games should their opponent start losing.

Hope to be battling soon



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Guys don't forget to post your time constraints when you log your games -- Rob this may be something you want to add in a drop down list box - that way it will make it easy to moderate and games that are under dispute smile.gif

Also all you ladder players dont forget TH also has its own BBS for all that taunting smile.gif

This should really be cooking by the time TCPIP rolls around -



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