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no Matt, these guys don't know what goes on behind the scenes

what I've said is true and I am not a lier

and no I didn't lurk invisible in your server, whatever this is supposed to mean, I haven't returned to your server after being kicked

anyone who posted mods on their non-profit sites wanna confirm that they have been threatened by Madmatt?

if not I'll did up more logs and post the proof here

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I've read all the stuff - sorted through all the arguments and have arrived at my profound opinion.....(I can hear Mace and Kwazy now biggrin.gif)

GoodonyaMatt and all you great contributors to this great game that proves that by you posting on this site (be it praise or issue) you have a vested interest in this game evolving and growing. Matt and Co (all those Web-site devotees to this game) deserve all the accolades they can get...incl folks like Wild Bill (who continually makes me want to wring his neck for all these scenarios I've lost time over).

So take a valium, sit back and ask yourself this question - Why am I saying what I'm saying? – Well the answer is – because you like this game and you’ve an ownership over its development. If Matt gets paid – it’s a good thing – cause it will keep him interested in updating and maintenance/development of his site. Furthermore the more Web Sites – the wider the game is discussed – provides more money for Steve and Charles by way of increased sales – therefore more development – CM2,3,4 etc etc.

It’s a win win situation.

So lets get back to the important issues – like will Kwazy, Maximus or Tiger ever get round to doing an Ambush scheme Panther G for me? tongue.gif


[This message has been edited by Aussie Smith (edited 09-18-2000).]

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Waxx_IK: would it be ok to post a mod on my site i got from CM HQ without the authors permission

MadBot: no

MadBot: you have to get MY permission

Waxx_IK: didnt think so

MadBot: everythoing on CMHQ is copyroighted by default

MadBot: read the bottom of the page

Waxx_IK: ok, so id have to ask you and the author?

MadBot: just me

Waxx_IK: ok, cool

Waxx_IK: im gonna get some winter textures

MadBot: when someone sends something to me all rights revert to me

Waxx_IK: ahhhhhh

Waxx_IK: i cant use them?

MadBot: n oyou cant

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Maybe I am but I thought it was you that was showing how you could make your name invisible to my userlist on the chat system. Perhaps It was someone else.

Swamp, go ahead and ask all the mod authors that you want. I have never threatened anyone with legal action and try and maintain good relations with all Mod authors. There have been copyright issues in the past but the parties involved, which NEVER included you, have always come to an agreement. I have in the past asked to have exclusives to some specific mods for various reasons and I even have agreements as such with a few. No mod author ever seemed to have a problem with that when they saw the way in which I presented their work. If they did have a problem, they never made it known to me.

One of the reasons for my approach to mods is my wish to make available (free of charge) a new comprehensive Mod Management Program for the PC. I have tried hard to establish a standard for all mods (included readme and screenshots with thumbnails) that will better intergrate with everyone's mods not just the ones on CMHQ.

As to behind the scenes? What in the hell are you talking about? I call someone an asshole on my chat system and you think you got some dirt on me? Hey, I call everyone an asshole from time to time. The Chat System is my own and runs by my rules, again, there is no reason to stay there for as long as you did if you had a problem. Perhaps a direct Email to me voicing these concerns would have been more prudent than the path you have chosen to go down.

To be honest, each post you make in this thread suprises me more and more. I never had any issues with you at all during all the times I chatted with you and I am at a loss to see what your trying to do here.

I am very curious as to who's mods I have posted as my own and taken credit for? I make a point of mentioning and acrediting ALL mod authors who submit work to me. I even include their emails so that people can communicate directly with them.

I maintain close communications with all the mod authors who have work posted on my site and will bed over backwards to test and quality assure their work. Ask Bil Hardenberger, Tiger, Kwazydog, Fernando J. Carrera, Richard Tremblett, Maximus, Stephan Galambos, Desert Fox, Angela Deth, Renato Abeilar Romeiro Gomez, Jon Johnson, Marcus Bloess, Sinpoet and others if they have a problem with my treatment of either them or their work.

And you seem to miss the boat on one important issue. I HAVEN'T made any money on CMHQ, my origianl complaint was based on the fact that they said I would (which I thought was a cool added bonus) and then they denied the terms of the contract with which they asked me to sign.

swamp, I honestly don't know what you are trying to prove, but to be honest, its been one hell of a week for me and I am too tired to contiune much firther. You don't like me, fine thats completely your privlidge. I hurt your feelings by joke booting you on Friday, Hey I was kidding. You want to threaten me by posting copies of my chat log where I vented about people? Fine, whatever.

Enjoy your life, such as it is...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 09-18-2000).]

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Aussie Smith wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Furthermore the more Web Sites – the wider the game is discussed – provides more money for Steve and Charles by way of increased sales – therefore more development – CM2,3,4 etc etc.

It’s a win win situation.


have you completely missed everything I've said?

what I am trying to tell to these _______ is that MadMatt is trying for a monoploy which HURTS bts and everyone but him.

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Continue that Chat-Log swamp, Wax was then told WHY he couldn't post the mod in question and then I told him that I would provide him with mods that HE could have exclusives to.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 09-18-2000).]

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All I know that is that everyone in this community contributes to CM! Steve, Charles, MadMatt, .................... Pham. It reminds me of a Family. There is always discussions and opions, Love and Hate, but at the end there still is a Family. All I got to say is live life the best way you can and take care of yourself and everything in the end will be just fine. So with that said Let's Play Combat Mission! That is why we are all here, and kick some Allied or Axis Butt! smile.gif

Thanks to all here for stepping to plate once again! biggrin.gif


"Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after they occur."

General Guilio Douhet


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey, I call everyone an asshole from time to time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OH YEAH! You've NEVER called me an asshole! I think you're tyring to set up a monopoly on calling people assholes!

Swamp, isn't it time for your meds? I've been following this board for months and this promises to be the most bizarre thread I've seen ... and I post on the Peng thread!


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Mate there is no way Matt can get a monopoly - as its up to the producers of the goods to determine where they send mods/scenarios etc - Matt has no control over this and never will.

If Matt makes a good site and people post there its their decision not Matts (what Matt posts is his decision based on it being his site). Think of it as Matt providing a service like a restaurant - if the service isn't good we'll take our business elsewhere.

Isn't that the way of it Matt?



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no, I was talking to #lobby without being in #lobby

the way to do that is type "/msg #lobby look I am a ghost"

and thats something like what I did say

anyway, yeah, you said you are no longer feeling "gracious" do to the gunslinger fiasco, then you said long story, so you didn't tell Waxx exactly why he couldn't post mods on his site(the real reason is obvious to me, competition)

the fact that you make a contract with mod makers is ridiculous, I would never agree to something like that if I was an author, but it sounds like if anyone wants to get their mod out there they have to agree and sign it over to you

it's obviously not about fun for you, not at all

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Guest barrold713

That quote does not make what you said about Matt valid, in fact it reinforces the point.

It is a standard practice and the stated policy that all posted material becomes the property of the owner of the site.

Mods are posted voluntarily according to this stated policy.

There is no charge or money being earned from the posted material, but the restriction on permission is a guard against someone re-selling it on their site.

I have yet to figure out what your beef is nor how these simple concepts elude you, but it seems you are being extremely unreasonable.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Aussie Smith wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Think of it as Matt providing a service like a restaurant - if the service isn't good we'll take our business elsewhere.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yes, but there are no other restaurants that serve food, see MadMatt's restaurant has a monopoly on food, you can go to another restaurant and get a drink and have a seat and conversation, but they are not allowed to serve food, see?

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First, I just want to say kudos to Matt and the great site he has running.


What the hell are you babbling about? Matt trying for a CM monopoly? Matt helped me a lot when I was setting up my CM web site. I even expressed intrest in a snow picture that I could use as a back drop. He in fact took the time to set up some shots and e-mailed the pics for me to use. He has went through the trouble of setting up the web ring so people can find "ALL" of the CM sites with ease, not just his. We use to talk a lot when I started the first CM chat room back in January. He even went as far as to ask for my feelings ect.. when he was considering buying his chat software, and expressed regret that I could no longer access his chat from work. He has been a gentleman in every instance that I have had the pleasure to talk with him. I've seen him go out of his way to defend others here, Offer advice to people starting, and provide POTD's ect.. to web sites before the game came out.

Personaly knowing and talking with him for what... 10 months or so now. I can't think of one instance where I have witnessed him showing any of the behavior you alege.

I think you need to personaly ask yourself if you are saying these things due to a problem you have with him personaly. Or if you really believe you have valid points that others are really upset about.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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I've got about 6 restaurants in my bookmarks now catering for the food called CMBO (ie http://lindan.panzershark.com/). Matt's (hey I like that) is but one - albeit the most well known but it isn’t the only one not by a long shot.

Cut Matt some slack mate - he does a good job - as all the Webbies do - what do you get out of hassling them but as Odd-ball would say "Some really bad Karma Man - woof woof" biggrin.gif

Seriously Matt is a nice bloke - give him 5 mins and a little bit of give on your part and you'd discover that. This conspiracy theory stuff is the thing of fantasy.



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Swamp said:

it's obviously not about fun for you, not at all


It was until you started posting about this swamp.

You seem to think you speak for Mod Authors yet I don't see anyone rallying to your flag swamp.

This isn't about the way I run my site or the way I release mods or exclusive deals I make or about copyrights.

This about you being mad at me and nothing more. You don't like me and you don't like the way I run my website. Your not the first, you won't be the last.

I post mods almost daily, I made up a easy to use Mod-Guide which list everyones mods, not just the MDMP ones. I spend time every day trying to help new Mod authors and even established ones improve their work. I spend almost every free moment busting my ass to help support CM in the best way I that I can. I answwer countless email about the game, tech support issues, mods, and just general issues.

And at times I have to spar with the likes of posts like yours that apparently only have the intention of trying to prove that I ma human. Newsflash swamp, I am human.

Is that perfect? Does it at times make me look like a dictator bent on the domination of the CM support world? Perhaps it does but that doesnt keep people from turning to me for help.

As the 1st CM site, the largest and busiest I feel an obligation to provide this level of support. Life is all about choices and consequences. I choose to run my site the way I do and the consequences are at times poeple will mis-read my intentions and try to make a case about it in public.

I have said in the recent past that a lot about my life will be changing. Perhaps this thread is some sort of test of my new found life path. I will not sink to the level of name calling and petty bickering. Not this time.

You don't like me, that is fine. Lets take it off the forum, these people deserve better than to watch us go back and forth. I am in the middle of it and I am already bored by it.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

Combat Mission HQ

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission


Host of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 09-19-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Swamp, give it up. You are totally out of your depth. You are trying to paint Matt as some demon, even though you have NO personal reason to do so (what IS your motivation for these attacks?). It isn't going to fly with anybody that possesses a half a brain. Your analogy is also equally lame. Matt doesn't control what happens on other websites. Nobody has that kind of power, even Microsoft. Using your flawed look at restaurants... if every single farmer gave ALL of their food to Matt, knowingly and willingly of sound and free mind, then what you said is true. And if all the producers of the food decided to do this, with something called "freedom" being a reality for them, then what the heck is your problem?

This thread is going to remain open for a couple more minutes. Swamp has had his say and is, in the opinion of everybody but him so far, making a complete ass out of himself.

And if we thought Matt, or anybody else, was doing ANYTHING to harm CM or our reputation we would come down on them like a ton of bricks. The fact that we think CM's success owes itself, in some significant way, to Matt's efforts either means that we are insane or you are way out of line.

This is a free world folks (inspite of Swamp's dim view) so you can be the judge of this matter.


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Hey swamp what the hell are you, some kind of trial lawyer or something? Hell breakin' up microsoft isn't good enough for you. rolleyes.gif

Hey Madmatt just let us know when you start making some real bucks so we can load up your site with lots'o'hits.



Republicans define compassion as those that no longer need assistance

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