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JeffRaiders comment on the SSi CC forum was uncalled for.

I do not think you would like someone to come onto this forum from the SSi forum and start insulting the designers of CM? Now would you....

Man! like everyone else here I am looking forward very much to my copy of CM just like I was when I got my copy of CC2 a few years back!

And like I said on the SSi forum the designers for BOTH games should be commended for a job well done!

I have made some good friends playing many hours of CC online just like I have playing the CM demo by email and that is what makes all of this worthwhile in my opinion!

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Guest Madmatt

I am not going to name names and to be honest I never even saw the earlier comments on the SSI board but taking a arrogant and derogatory stance on SOMEONE ELSES Forum is just wrong! I went over there hoping to find a rational and well directed discussion and found a flame war boiling over! Here, in full, was my addition to the CC4 Thread...Perhaps it cane be used as a template for future 'encounters' with other game sites...


Hello, since I heard my name spoken from across the void of the internet, allow me to introduce myself. I am Madmatt, and I and Fionn Kelly current run Combat Mission HQ which is a website devoted (kinda hard to miss it with that name!) to Combat Mission.

Allow me a moment please to voice my opinion on this rather (unfortunately) volatile discussion.

The Combat Mission picture above is in fact taken from a Graphics and Sounds Mod pack to be released later this week. I am the chief designer of the Mod pack and the graphics you see were done by Dan Olding who was incidentally responsible for about 90% of the original graphics in the finished game. I myself either recorded or re-recorded/edited almost every voice sound effect in the game and we are also joined by Bil Hardenberger who also leant his talents into the game.

The MOD pack contains higher resolution textures and all new sound effects as well as some graphics that for one reason or not (primarily lack of space on the CD) were not included but were then given to us to release in this FREE Mod.

People have commented on the Zombie like appearance of the infantry and the abstraction of the 3 soldiers representing squads of 8-12 men. People, these are war games, EVERYTHING about them is an abstraction! I could say the same thing about trying to wage a battle stuck permanently in a top down view!

I have no problem with Close Combat and my appearance here is not meant to sway anyone one way or the other as I don't see the need to be a division. They are both wargames and both will have their advocates and naysayers.

In the end they both advance the state of computer wargaming further than we could have dreamt a dozen years ago when we all sat around our kitchen tables with those ASL maps sprawled out before us. They just do it in completely different ways and that is good too. It wasn't that long ago that wargames on the computer was synonymous with 'fringe gaming' or 'non-profitable' or any number of phrases which conjured images of MONEY PIT for design houses and publishers. We stand at a moment which could very well be the resurgence of the computer wargame and petty bickering and arguing over apples and oranges is a waste of time.

Both games can live quite happily together in our little neck of the Computer Entertainment Neighborhood.

The above pic is NOT how the game looks if you were to load up the original CD but rather how it will look with my Graphics Mod Pack loaded, the following picture however IS how the stock game looks. All flash and eyecandy does not make a quality game, thankfully the attention to detail in Combat Mission STARTS at the graphics level and just gets better the deeper you dig.. Thank you for your time and enjoy the picture...


Click below for the full sized version of the picture...


I put in a picture from the POTD archives....


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

Combat Mission HQ


Proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-15-2000).]

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Ops manager eh Big Bro, What are you doing up at this time eh...SCG me thinks, keep them downloads rolling!

The workplace is for surfing, not working.

[This message has been edited by Itchy (edited 06-15-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Itchy (edited 06-15-2000).]

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