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Marcusm: About Palestinians I want to add that both are equally responsible for the violence.

This is not even close to being accurate.

Ask yourself this, if the palestinians stopped the violence, would the Israelis follow suit? How about - if the Israelis stopped, would the palestinians follow? The answers are yes and no. The palestinians are TOTALLY responsible for all the violence because if they stopped, there wouldn't be any more. The Israelis use violence in self defense only to protect themselves. Do they sometimes go overboard? Maybe. But put yourself in the position of trying to protect your loved ones from terrorist bombings and see what you do.

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You've just about gotten out of discussing this self-same issue without coming across like a racist ( remember what we said about generalising ????? )

I suggest you amend your above post.. This is NOT the place to be spouting your anti-palestinian, anti-muslim, Israel is great and never unjustiably killed women and children ideas.

Now, I suggest you edit your post since it really has no place here. Also, it is definitely edging nearer to being a blatantly racist and bigotted post and if it isn't editted I'm quite sure some people will be more than willing to blow your flawed arguments out of the water.

People, let's ALL beware of reading propaganda from any faction in a dispute. Islamic countries in the Middle East blame Israel for everything, Israel blames other countries for its belligerent behaviour.

In truth EVERY complex system exists in an environment of multiple causes and effects which cannot be wholly attributed to only one side or the other.

So, Rich, let's show a little common sense and edit your post ok?

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Fionn, I'm looking at my post to see what could be edited. I don't see anything.

The fact is that if the palestinians and other arabs laid down their arms there would be peace in the middle east. Are you saying otherwise? Are you saying that if that were the case then Israel would attack peaceful palestinians?

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Rich, extremist Jews even kills Jews if they think they are doing something to reach the peace with the Palestines!!!

Many of my friends who visited Israel, come here horrorized by the way some Jews treat the Palestinian. And they are Jews too!

The violence is manifested in many ways, not only killing people with bombs...

Starving people is violence too...


[This message has been edited by argie (edited 06-25-2000).]

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Why don't you just give up? rolleyes.gif

Fionn, you will never convince rich that he is a racist.

rich12545, you will never convince anyone that arabs are filthy animals that must be exterminated.

argie, you will never convince rich that people should be treated as equals.

Capt. Manure, you will never get it.

G4A, you won't get them to stop.

If life has taught me anything (and some would say it hasn't), it's that political debate on the internet won't accomplish anything.


"Oh, German! I'm sorry, I thought there was something wrong with you."

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Guest Heinz 25th PzReg

What the hell is wrong with you guys?

This has very little to do with CM.



"To subdue your enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:

Care to let us in on how you picked a consonant, number and a vowel for a username?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

:USERNAME: was already taken.


"Oh, German! I'm sorry, I thought there was something wrong with you."

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rich12545, you will never convince anyone that arabs are filthy animals that must be exterminated.

Are you serious? How about a quote where I said this - or an apology?

Believe me, I would like nothing better than for the arabs, all of them, to stop shooting and bombing and simply live in peace. I have nothing against the people, just their actions.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Heinz 25th PzReg:

What the hell is wrong with you guys?

This has very little to do with CM.




What about a CM scenario featuring the British fighting Israelis after the war? Which side do you pick Peonn?


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Ok guys, Rich, if you don't see what needs editting then, well, you're the reason all those nations are still blowing eachothers mothers and daughters up 50 years after they should have had the whole thing settled.


Hmm, drinks before exams, offers to drink AND drive to someone's house, asks how to cheat on tests wink.gif. Dude, I don't HAVE to call you anything.. You already label yourself as stupid by the actions you admit to committing. Remember, no LABEL can hurt you unless you really HAVE done something to deserve that label.

So, if you want to "have a problem with me" then by all means go ahead.. I'm trembling in fear already child wink.gif.


Sure, just remember how much better you are than ANY of the rest of us. Keep telling EVERYONE how great you are. It really makes up for reality doesn't it?

Now, as to Heinz, Ariel and everyone else... Guys, let's face it, none of the three of them are going to see any sense so let's make THIS post here the final one dealing with the various forms of "unique" behaviours exhibited by these guys k?

Now, in an attempt to change topics....

So far the games are going pretty well. I'm attacking a lot of cities though and my infantry are getting chewed up pretty well in ambushes, crossfires etc as I advance. I've lost a lot of recon SPW 250/9s in my games but overall I'm finally finding and fixing some enemy forces and beginning to call fire down on them.

One funny anecdote:

In one game I am defending a small town with US troops. I bought 2 M8s, 2 M36s and 2 platoons of infantry.

My opponent mistakenly set his forces to ASSAULT instead of ATTACK so instead of only having 1700 points to purchase forces with he got 2100 wink.gif.

End result... I've been swamped by 5 platoons of Veteran to Elite infantry, an Elite King Tiger, an ELITE schreck team which got a 1st round kill at 175metres on one of my M36s, an sdkfz 7/1, an ELite Wirbelwind and a Flammhetzer not to mention 2 or 3 FOs wink.gif.

Hmm, outnumbered 3 to 1 in infantry, 3 to 1 in FOs and facing a Elite KT with a couple of M36s ( now down to 1) wink.gif.

Things they are looking desperate. On the plus side I've killed all the German vehicles except the KT and still have 1 M36 and 1 Greyhound left. I also managed to catch two platoons in continuous 81mm mortar barrages and it looks like I've caused a lot of trouble since they've been pinned down for a few minutes now and haven't advanced more than 100 metres in the entire game ( woohoo, way to go FO ! ) wink.gif.

Apart from that some games are going pretty well.. In one I bought a whole load of Puppchen and managed to take out a Sherman Jumbo 76 with one at 400 metres. I have 1 platoon facing 4 US platoons BUT the platoon is backed by 3 Puppchen and they're popping 81mm rounds into the US troops at the rate of about 1 every 6 seconds wink.gif. 1 US platoon is advancing but the others are pulling back wink.gif.

I think I love the Puppchen wink.gif.

Oh, one particular game is very fun... I'm playing Chris Carnes... We ran into eachother in a wood on my left flank and have been mauling eachother for about 6 turns there. Total gain/loss is about 2 metres.. I've lost most of a platoon there due to a silly advance on my part but his troops are stopped cold and I've managed to kill a couple of HTs which moved up to support him. He's gotten a 251/16 ( flamethrower variant) of mine which I sent in when my platoon got ambushed since I needed to draw some fire and give some of them a chance to escape.. It cost me the HT but it bought me the time I needed.

It's very close fighting with most of our infantry on the left flank set up within 40 metres of eachother and trading fire like crazy but no-one has the firepower to make a proper breakthrough there IMO.

Chris tells me he's attacking my right flank now though which will probably decide the game. Let's hope my defensive positions there hold. Ps. This game's being fought at night and in fog so it is pretty dirty and nasty and close-ranged.

All in all these games are a LOT closer than I thought they'd be wink.gif. Y'all have been learning a lot recently IMO wink.gif.

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You guy's crack me up, this has been a most entertaining thread. Keep up the good work. I don't want to see anymore about CM on this board from now on. Please keep all post's limited to name calling, racial taunts, bigotry and various personal interpretations of history.

This is how wars start, bickering between 2 parties starts to drag in outsiders until we are all taking shots at each other. Cool!!

By the way I have no leanings towards either British/Irish or israel/palestine so you can't pick on me for that.

There, I feel better now, on with the battle!!

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Guest MantaRay

Isn't it ironic that an underage smart-mouthed kid who drinks before exams can have the gaul to tell someone who has done massive amounts of work on a game that he professes to love, to back off?

Maybe it is just me, but if Fionn, who in my book is a hell of a nice guy, would have "backed off," maybe CM would still be a few months from fruition. And then Capt, what would you have to post about???

So, why would you even disrespect Fionn in the first place? Maybe if you really sit back and think about it...you should thank the guys who have done free work to make a game you love come to pass, not berate them.

Just a thought,



When asked, "How many moves do you see ahead?", CAPABLANCA replied: "One move - the best one."

MantaRays 5 Pages

Hardcore Gamers Daily

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Fionn, you like all dictators that are enabled to wield a sword; live by the axiom "if your sword feels flesh, you keep pushing; if you feel steel, you pull back" or hide behind jibberish disguised as the helping hand of reason. Fionn, I don't like hypocrisy and your last posts are oozing with the stuff.

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Does any one else find it ironic that Fionn is queasy about playing the British (and thus doesn't), but ISN'T queasy enough about the Germans to NOT play them.

I think my irony meter just broke.



Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

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G4a I think :USERNAME: was talking about the website on your 'profile', I don't think it is yours though just one you liked. Or did you do it?

I think it was funny as hell esp this wav file from a link off that page. http://www.angelfire.com/ia/LOL/images/2hell.wav

I fell on the floor I laughed so hard. It seemed oddly apropo to this series of posts.

BTW how come you jumped on :USERNAME: I think he was trying to compliment you.

BTW isn't G4A like a position in military G1 G# G4 is intellegence officer, no?

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Rich wrote

This is not even close to being accurate.

Ask yourself this, if the palestinians stopped the violence, would the Israelis follow suit? How about - if the Israelis stopped, would the palestinians follow?


You are missing the point here. The Palestinians were brutally invaded without any reason whatsoever. In their eyes (and the UN resolution backing them) they are occupied so they feel they have the right to defend their homeland. UK made some horrible mistakes so Israelis decided that they should let the Palestinians pay for them.

It's very easy to understand the Palestinian reaction to me at least. Just to make a comparison. If lets say Mexicans suddenly invaded USA and decided this was their new homeland (which in fact parts were before the US-Mex war). Would you then blame Americans for trying to throw out the invaders? Or maybe the Indians should try this stunt?

The only right thing for Israel to do now is what is actually happening,namelly try to find a coexistance strategy.


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forgotmypassword, I wasn't jumping on him. He originally posted a comment and some URLs that I didn't quite understand. After I told him that, I noticed that he had edited his post to say something completely different. It's hard to have an argument with a moving target, so I stopped. And yes, it's pretty damn funny, isn't it? smile.gif


"Oh, German! I'm sorry, I thought there was something wrong with you."

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