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Is that a frame rate counter I see?

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Check out the first couple of new pics on the first page of the Enhanced Smoke section at CMHQ.

And the 4th pic on the second page sez:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Hold control and click on the map to jump to that spot"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This game gets better all the time :)

P.S. Many thanks to Madmatt and Fionn for all their great work over at CMHQ as well. 'Tis appreciated!

- Chris

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Guest Madmatt

The control key shortcut to jump to any spot on the map has been in for quite sometime, just nobody ever mentioned it...

Frame counter? What frame counter?



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Speaking of frame counters, I think one highly desirable feature

for CM would be a menu option to display the curent frame rate during

playback of the turn's combat. The number could be discretely

displayed in the corner of the screen and could be turned on or

off with a keystroke or click on a menu. This would help one to

see how much of a benefit their new video card has provided them,

or if they are in need of a more powerful one. smile.gif

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Frame counter? What frame counter?



Hmmm, are you playing dumb, Madmatt?

It's clearly visible in the bottom left corner of some of those pix.

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-21-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

I would ask that you revisit those pictures and tell me NOW that you see a frame counter....

Assuming for a moment that there was a visible textual numeric calibration anomaly on the screen, and its purely an assumption at this point, I would hasten to add that whatever value (if any) was indicated in no way should be construed as any judgement on final version video throughput or performance. Presence or lack of, numercial values are prone to frequent misrepresentation and in some instances radical miscalibration. Disregard any claims towards conclusions that may stem from erronious reporting of said anomaly.



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would ask that you revisit those pictures and tell me NOW that you see a frame counter....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. wink.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh it musta have been that weed I was smokin...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So *that's* where all the smoke in those pics came from. smile.gif

- Chris

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

I would ask that you revisit those pictures and tell me NOW that you see a frame counter....

Assuming for a moment that there was a visible textual numeric calibration anomaly on the screen, and its purely an assumption at this point, I would hasten to add that whatever value (if any) was indicated in no way should be construed as any judgement on final version video throughput or performance. Presence or lack of, numercial values are prone to frequent misrepresentation and in some instances radical miscalibration. Disregard any claims towards conclusions that may stem from erronious reporting of said anomaly.




I'm afraid I have caught you in a mistruth here. While cross-refencing the smoke pictures you had up initially, there IS a "fps" counter in the lower left corner.

In response to your quote above about re-visiting those pictures, you have mearly CROPPED those pictures! Are you trying to play us for fools?

I really don't think this thread was referring to the the concern that the new smoke graphics were going to cause a problem with low-end systems. I truely BELIEVE that this thread was just concerned about an optional FPS counter FEATURE available in the Final Version for personal information later.

I thought I would never say this, but I am truely disappointed in you in trying to sham us by "playing stupid" about the FPS counter which is VERY visible in the initial smoke pictures.

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-23-2000).]

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Okay...I'm 14. I saw the FPS counter. I saw the little wink.gif's beside Fionn's post. Couldn't you just tell from the tone of Matts post that he was kidding. I could detect the sarcasm, can't you.

Is he trying to play us for fools? Hmmm...yes that must be it. I think Fionn's out to get us all. In fact I hear CoolColJ's got a hit out on me and Steve and Charles are aliens. Oh and don't get me start on that Berlichtingen character. I knew he was up to no good from the start.

Colin out and obviously kidding


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Just a note for OB&G.

MadMatt may be under a non-disclosure agreement about certain features in the game. Until he has permission to display and reveal such features it would be a mistake on his part to do so.

Excuse me if I was unable to discern your sarcasm. I depend too much on them "damn smilies" to discern a person's actual tone of speech. smile.gif

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COOL IT ! People like you make Matt and I never want to update CMHQ again.

If people ask about a feature and we choose to reply by making a joke or something we do NOT expect some humourless person who couldn't tell sarcasm from sargasso to raise his head and start screaming conspiracy.

Is there a frame counter? Yes.

Were we seriously trying to institute a cover-up? Oh give me a break....

My post , and I quote,

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Frame rate counter? What is that? wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

could be correctly interpreted as a simple joke confirming the presence of a frame rate counter in a joking manner by a half-blind and mad syphillitic with an F in common sense.

No offence but when you let blast at Matt like that I'm gonna step in. I've had enough morons who make accusations against me sprout their pathetic little lies every few weeks or months to react when I see someone do it to someone I know and I just wanted to set the record straight.

Let's all get on with more important things eh?

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could be correctly interpreted as a simple joke confirming the presence of a frame rate counter

in a joking manner by a half-blind and mad syphillitic with an F in common sense.


smile.gif One of the funniest things I have read in a long while smile.gif

- Bill

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I'm a concerned citizen representing the interests of the half blind and mad syphillitics anti-defamation league. Please forego future disperaging comments against this troubled sector of our society.

Thank you for your support.


[This message has been edited by chaos (edited 02-23-2000).]

[This message has been edited by chaos (edited 02-23-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

"Frame rate counter? What is that? wink.gif "

could be correctly interpreted as a simple joke confirming the presence of a frame rate counter in a joking manner by a half-blind and mad syphillitic with an F in common sense.


Oh come on Fionn, you don't have to take it that hard either. While I did understand your joke, I don't think editing out a not yet announced feature in a picture after somebody noticed it is good style. Such actions will make people suspicious.

And now, let's drop this topic.


[This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 02-23-2000).]

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Matt edited it, not I. Personally I'd have left it in but I fully support Matt's decision.

Come on, how do you think Steve knew the EXACT framerate of his computer when he was playing CM? He's been talking about framerates in the 70 to 80 frames per second range? Think he can count that fast?

It should be common knowledge that there is a framerate counter just by everyone using their common sense. However, Matt just wanted to be SURE to stick within the bounds of CMHQ's verbal agreement with BTS to not "let the cat out of the bag" regarding several unannounced features.

Quite frankly I'll tell you that Matt ROUTINELY modifies pictures which show certain features which aren't public knowledge yet. When I take POTDs I have to be very careful to ensure I don't take pictures of certain surprise features.

If you're expecting 100% disclosure then you live in a fantasy world. If you can't handle the fact that pictures are modified so as not to reveal certain features which are, as of now, unannounced then simply don't visit CMHQ.

We put in hours of our free time daily. If the fact that we try to behave honourably with respect to BTS because we respect them bothers you then you are free not to visit CMHQ.


I agree. I was inspired while writing that line wink.gif.


I apologise unreservedly to half-blind and mad syphillitics.

However my comments against those with Fs in common sense still stand wink.gif

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Fionn, just two things:

1. I was quite sure Madmatt had edited the pictures, not you. It wasn't an offense against you.

2. I don't blame anyone for editing a picture before publishing it, although it shouldn't be called screenshot then (although on second thought, you actually don't call them screenshots, just pics redface.gif). What I meant was that I can understand people getting frustrated when they discover a supposedly new feature in one of the POTDs, ask about it on the forum, every official denies knowledge about it (although with a wink.gif) and the pictures are replaced by new ones with "newer, and even more improved smoke". This kind of behavior is exactly what people hate about politics trying to cover up an affair.

I understand that you're probably under NDA and must not give away too much information, but you should also try to understand all the people out there trying to get as much information as possible out of everything that's published regarding CM (like somebody said in another thread: "analyze every word in your postings like economists analysing a speech by Alan Greenspan"). All I want is honesty in this information.

Again, no offense against you or Madmatt.


[This message has been edited by Dschugaschwili (edited 02-23-2000).]

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By denying it with a smiley face we were saying it WAS there. *sigh*

Frankly I'm gonna go with Matt's policy of simply saying "Bite Me" at times like this.

I understand where you're coming from D but, quite frankly, you're analysing too much and taking this all FAR too seriously. Using words like cover up etc is just mad.

Listen, take my advice and never visit CMHQ again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Come on, how do you think Steve knew the EXACT framerate of his computer when he was playing CM? He's been talking about framerates in the 70 to 80 frames per second range? Think he can count that fast?


Well if anyone can it's Steve.

Come on guys I'm sorry I ever said any thing. It was just my opinion.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Listen, take my advice and never visit CMHQ again.



Thank you for your time.


Visit my webpage!


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Guest Madmatt

EVERYONE JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! I am sick of this bull****! mad.gif

Yes it has a frame counter! Why do you think I put in the GOVERNMENT Style warning about it!?! I thought It was funny! Why did I edit the pictures after they were posted? Cause the numbers they show were inaccurate! Why were they inaccurate? CAUSE I HAD ABOUT 50 FREAKING WINDOWS OPEN AT THAT TIME!!! I took them while working in Front Page and I was playing the demo (I wanted to get some comparison shots) and I had my FTP client running and Outlook email, and TWO Browsers (Netscape and IE to check compatability) and ACDC paint viewing program and Paint Shop Pro 6.0 so yea excuse the HELL outa me for deciding that the FPS number was not a good measure of real world performance and editing the pictures...I just didnt want you guys to see a low number and be worried...

Had you visited the Yahoo chat area last night you would have heard when I explained WHY I did that! It was no cover up and I routinely re-edit pictures for a variety of reasons. If you wanna be a prick about it (and I already know the answer to that one!) you could probably find other pictures with the FPS counter in them which I never bothered to remove. I crop alot of the pictures, usually just to make the size smaller so a bunch of you ingrates will be able to download them faster, really, do you NEED to see the BTS logo and VCR control in every shot?

SIGH...You guys make me tired frown.gif

I kept going back over this message before I posted it deciding what (if anything) to say and how to word it..Sure I could call OBG an asshole or tell you all to get a clue and some balance in your life but whats the point in it... confused.gif That seems to be a question I have been asking myself alot lately while coming here and even into the Chat area...What's The Point Anymore?

I'll just end it here...

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, like I said, I'm sorry. Actually, to be honest, I didn't SEE the "smiles". I tend to read over them along with some of the acronym abbreviations sometimes.

But my view is that with all the government cover-ups, one can't be too sure now these days. For example, "Area 51"--for years the government denied the EXISTENCE of the place, when you could drive out in the desert and clearly see the facility in plain view. (From a slight distance, of course, but nonetheless..) So it's just this sort of thing that I and most people get frustrated with.

The FOX show, "Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire" ring a bell? Hell, the so-called Millionaire was BROKE, for crying out load! With a restraining order out against him.

So I don't blame you, Fionn or Madmatt, for jumping on me. I probably would have to, for I just made a mistake and didn't catch the "joke" smiles.

And Fionn, I just had a family member death too, so maybe my head was in a downward out-of-control flat spin too.


[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-23-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-23-2000).]

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