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Close assault on tanks question

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I had a squad enter a building and then toss a hand grenade (not a gammon) at a King Tiger just outside the building. The tank was destroyed.

*Disclaimer* This is not a flame or whine. This is purely for educational purposes only.

How did this happen?



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See? This is what happens when my PBEM opponents are off having a life....

TeAcH, was the KT unbuttoned? A grenade down the conning tower would take out the Tiger I should think. But if it was buttoned, well then maybe someone left the cover off the Nahverteidigungswaffe - that thing which lobs 92mm HE rounds into assaulting infantry and blows them all up...

*ROFLOL!* Sorry, couldn't resist - someone will come charging in here now! :^)

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It probably wasn't your squad killed the Tiger. There are numerous documented examples of catastrophic pressure increases occuring inside heavily-buttoned King Tigers due to crew members farting.

Sorry, it's nearly 2am. =P

Seriously, though - in Combat Mission WYSINWYG (What You See Is NOT What You Get). When assaulting a tank, infantry don't just girlie-toss a grenade in the hope that the TC will catch it and pass it to the gunner for examination. In reality they would be right on top of the bloody thing, wrenching open the hatches and sticking pencils up the TC's nose, a la Saving Private Ryan.


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What you saw is a GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION only... The grenade is there only to show that a close assault is happening.

In future versions of CM I'm sure Charles would love to animate the infantry swarming over the tanks but in CM1 this wasn't possible so, while the code is assuming they swarm over the tank ALL you see is a grenade.

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Okay. Thanks. I suppose I needed to be reminded of that.

For the record, the tank was buttoned and my squad was inside a one-story heavy building a distance of 20+ meters from the tank at the tank side.

So the CM engine considers that distance (20 meters) "close assault" and simulates a squad member or two to run out to the tank and attack it BUT all I see is a grenade tossed 20 meters?

Does the engine handle it like this for squad to squad combat?

Fionn, what would be the minimal distance, according the CM engine, that would allow the tank-commanding player to use to minimize this sort of thing? And if this was a close assualt, wouldnt the TC have fired off that AP mortar-thinga-ma-bob? Perhaps he could have if he had seen the soldier, etc...right?


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Thats assuming the tank crew could see the infantry. What you see isn't what the tank may see.If it had seen infantry you may not have destroyed it.Armor doesn't spot as well when it is buttoned.

As for a safe distance from infantry it depends on the infantry.I try to stay no closer than 40 meters if I KNOW FOR SURE that the squad has no anti tank capable weapons.

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I don't know if this is modeled here

BUT weren't there stories or rumours of a sinlge stray bullet sometimes (ok Almost NEVER) finding its way down the gun barrel and detonating a HE round in the breach, (Ka-BOOM! no more tank with nothing more than a lucky rifle shot)

Wild and weird stuff but I think it did happen.

I have also close assaulted a Panther by directing an elite Para squad to move directly to it. It took them all of the minute once they got there, but they KO'd it. It was dark at night in the fog and the Panther was buttoned and they snook up on it from behind and it was DEAD meat!

It can be done.

-tom w

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