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Is SNEAK or CRAWL more Effective?

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I've been play-testing some custom scenarios to test the efficacy of SNEAKING or CRAWLING. The basic setup is attempting to get a PShrek or Bazooka team in WOODS within 70m of a armoured target. Targets ranged from HTs to MBTs and I didn't get much variability in target type. The operative term seemed to be if I can see him, he can see me. The funny thing was that SNEAKING (men walking upright) typically got better results (+30%) than CRAWLING (men prone). The results are a bit subjective because of my time limits in running scenarios. I have to find time to read the CM forum after all smile.gif

How have your Shreks and Zooks faired?


he which maketh the first assault doth endanger himselfe most (sometimes)

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Sneak is an offensive move to contact type of command. Your troops are moving stealthily until the enemy is sighted at which time your troops open fire. I use this command whenever I am moving into an area where I know there are bad guys and the bad guys (hopefully) don't know I am there.

Crawl is a defensive command. I use this command when I am trying to move troops into or out of a hot situation where they are taking direct fire. Of course it is usually a good idea to have other squads providing covering fire for the crawling squad.

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My understanding is this. First the graphic you see is a representation. When you sneak it represents the squad, team, etc. as walking, running, ducking, crawling or whatever is needed. Crawling on the other hand is just that crawling. In game terms if I want my troops to be unseen I sneak them. If my troops are under fire but I need to repostion them slightly then I crawl because it exposes them to less fire. For those of you who are gonna ask well why don't you just sneak them to the new location, the enemy already knows you are there. Although you may sneak them away say deeper into a forest. Also remember that the movement type also determines the soldiers general attitude.

Run: soldier is more concerned about movement than cover, firing, or spotting.

Move: An equal division of movement, firing, and spotting.

Crawl (also applies to hide command): soldier is more concerned with keeping their heads down than movement, firing, or spotting.

Sneak: Unit is much more concerned about spotting and to a lesser extent movement. Firing is for the most part ignored except when discovered or the TacAI see an easy target.

Hope this helps


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb


[This message has been edited by Priest (edited 08-11-2000).]

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neither crawl nor sneak is good enough to use. We need a new command programmed in so that soldiers will "prance". Yes, prancing is the way to go and we won't stop asking till it becomes reality. Also, we require prancing units be highlighted so we can tell them from the non-prancing units while blindfolded and having to press the keyboard with our noses. Additionally, we'll need a seperate "roster", each for prancing and non-prancing units, with a click and go-to feature, updated real time to get maximum prancing effect. While your at it Big Time, remember there are 6 levels of prancing and these will all need to be modelled seperately and accounted for in the LOS. Nothing less will do. I expect to see these impelmented in the next patch in a timely manner. biggrin.gif

Yes I know I'm being an intentional ass, but it's Fritag so flame me baby.

[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 08-11-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>While your at it Big Time, remember there are 6 levels of prancing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Surely only 5? Remember that mincing was disallowed by the Hauge Convention and while some nations weren't signators to that Convention they all, to my knowledge, removed mincing as one of the prancing drills taught.


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Okay Schwein smile.gif - what you verdammt Tigers know about der prancing. We hav der uber Regiment der mighty Prancergrenadiers! Mobile Prancing! Synchronised Prancing. Today Prancing tomorrow the world! 6!!!! You think only 6 levels of Prancing WE have 27 levels of Prancing with half-pike and triple axial.

Tiger could not Prance your way out of a wet paper tutu! Vowarts Prancergrenadiers no prisoners - no except maybe the little prancers... tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grognerd_Fogman:

Is one of the "prancing" levels include an option to put infantry hull-down?...


Utterly impossible old chap. Those dashed Prancergrendiers have been so short of good uberprancer stock (tragic loss of Donner & Blitzen) all the men are different heights.

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Well, until the various levels of prancing are included in the game ... probably a very important addition to CM2 as the Russians are well known prancers ... I'll stick to tried and true methods. In general, unless there is an obvious reason/expectation to warrant sneaking, I'll stay in "Move." It's less tiring, a bit faster and the troops don't always give their positions away by opening fire as they usually do in "Sneak."

edited because I didn't know my their from there to they're.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 08-11-2000).]

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Tsk-tsk-tsk. Amateurs :P

Are you forgetting the deadly side effects of prancing? To simulate prancing to the fullest, BTS must include a special meter which shows in bright pink colors how close a prancing unit comes to resorting to homosexuality.

The more you prance, the lower the bar goes. When it hits bottom, the prancing prancers have pranced their prancing maximum and will proceed to drop their weapons and healmets and put flowers in their hair. Enemy tanks will be pranced over to, and rings made of daisies will be hung from the turret and machinegun.

At hand to hand combat range, units which have failed their "prancing check" and turned over to homosexuality, will have a routing effect on the enemy units.

At longer ranges however, the "failed-prancing" units will act like a magnet for all enemy fire and will be brutaly shot to pieces. All enemy units firing upon prancers will go into berzerk mode until the prancers are destroyed. No incoming fire will affect the berzerk units until they either destroy the prancers to the last man or get destroyed themselves.



...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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To spring, or move by springing, from the hind legs, as a horse, or in imitatation of a horse's prancing gate. Commonly employed with show horses or in exhibiting a horses movement for purposes of attracting attention or admiration. A person adding a springing motion or highstepping motion in walking so as to attract attention etc.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uedel:

what the hell is prancing ? can u tell a "dump" German what this word means ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry for the German to follow.

'Prancing' ist soweit ich es verstehe die Art wie Pferde beim Dressurreiten bewegt werden, mit einem Huepfschritt. Monthy Pythons hat es oefters verwendet, wenn sie die englische Armee laecherlich machen wollten.

The previous paragraph is finally telling the truth about Joe Squaw, Berli, Peng, Ethan and Geier. It is ugly, I know, but the world ought to know. I apologise for opening it for all to see, but it had to be done.

Now can we see prancing in the 1.04 patch of this terrible product? Johan, do hamsters prance?



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