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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

I think a fitting map for Lord of Peng's Asylum would be a map with many large buildings, representing the asylums, all over the map and MUCH artillery. Meeting engagement shall we say?



That will be too much like the mellow regimen we've both been subjected to since you Croda like pagans scampered in here.

As much as I despise Meeks for his lack of anything French, I have the greater respect for him because he is still trying to overcome such a huge shortcoming.

I won't fight Meeks on anything but a Lovecraftian map.

If not then Britney Spears lyrics might do.

Some times ago, a crazy crack addicted jerk did a map with a Castle on the middle of a river.

I demand we fight on that.

Peng's Asylum is not the mere accumulation of buildings.

It's the Cradle of all Topplements.

It's the lack of Prozac and of Sheep in a single bundle.

It's that and anything forth create.

Most of All:



And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Peng's Asylum is not the mere accumulation of buildings.

It's the Cradle of all Topplements.

It's the lack of Prozac and of Sheep in a single bundle.

It's that and anything forth create.

Most of All:



And so we have the briefing for Peng's asylum. I love Pawbroon, despite his odd way of speaking (I'm still convinced he just throws English words together randomly and just has the amazing luck that they come out making what little sense they do). The man writes like the reborn spirit of Oscar Wilde, if only ol' Oscar had his brain replaced with that of a meth-addled ferret.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Then I propose that the impending cage match between JDmorse and Rune be for one of the Lordly Titles.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

rune's and my clash will happen, but at a time and place in the future. Thus it would not be allowed to be a Floridian kind of experience. Hey we will get back to you and fill the vacancies. No this requires Lordships and fealty to be established immed.

I think a requirement for titleship is that you have to fight and hold your fief. You must defend against all interlopers, of a suitable background of course. Rune probably cannot maintain such distractions from his Olympian diversions. Hey we are starting to sound like the WBF. Need to be a sanctioned match and if no title defense, it's stripped


Lord High Chamberlain to the Pool

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-15-2000).]

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What the Hell.......... I don't log for a few days and you lot completely *flip* has someone been dishing out speed or crack? Now listen up you poor excuses for manhood, If anyone is going to have a Lordship bestowed upon them then I DEMAND to have my right as the "LADY OF THE CESSPOOL" made official, and if anyone dares step out of line then they will feel the wrath of my whip, some of you may already know the whip in question and even bare the scars, so be warned, I want no objections, no moaning minnies, no " but she can't be she's a female" GOD DAMN it I may be female (100%) at that, but I play hard, Sooooooooo any objections?????????

Let me hear them.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I love Pawbroon, despite his odd way of speaking.


I love you too Pumpkin...

Now if you were a tad more educated (which is something like the Quest for the Holy Grail in your backwater part of the world) you would have noticed by now that I was actually speaking Continental Europe English.

Also known by us Frogs as CEE and to you insignificant insect as EEC.

Now drop the seduction act as I am mostly in the vagina business.

Well, err, I say mostly because I must admit I was also in self infliction till I heard of Bauhaus...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Mostly tripe, though one good point, that being the issue that we have no procedures for this, followed by more tripe, some bs and a dissertation on why Antonio Banderas is gay.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here is my proposal for the challenges:

Only 2 battles for the ownership of a lordship at a time. These battle cannot be for the same lordship and cannot be with the same class of opponent. ie A Lord can be in battle with a Knight and a Lord but not 2 Knights or 2 Lords.

Once a challenge has been declared, an unchallenged Lord must enter into combat for ownership of the contested lordship within 36 hours. This battle need not be with the first challenger and is left up to the discretion of the challenged. If there is no response by a lord not actively engaged in a challenge within 36 hours than the lordship is rescinded and can be fought for by two knights not currently engaged in a challenge, the knights being the first two to declare their intention to fight for the lordship after it has been rescinded.

Challenges can be for only one lordship, that lordship being the map on which the two parties fight. If two battles are being fought for the same lordship then there will be a true topplement coming for whatever stupid son of a bitch messed things up.

Rules regarding weather, time of year, units, et cetera to be added at a later date by anyone with the cajones to do it.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Lord of Loch Peng is almost finished and full mit fiendish things that crawl, slither and burp.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now I thought we were clear about the fact that we were doing this without the direct implication of the SheepMeister.


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

I DEMAND to have my right as the "LADY OF THE CESSPOOL" made official ... more feminine rantings … Fear me, I have ovaries … <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sniff, Sniff … I smell estrogen …

Aren’t any of you brave Kniggets going to slap down this uppity squire that makes demands!?! For a title no less!!! Have you all been Bobbitted? The shame knows no bounds. Make her grovel.

Woman, take yourself back into the kitchen, gravid and sans footwear.


... but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. - Rune

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Ze Frenchness of me is inxeecating. Oui oui, baby. Ooo, look at my, how do you say, Scottish tramp trouncing around ze 'Pool. Hawhawhawhawhaw. I am French, very very French.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

YK2, you can't be a lord or a lady without being a knight. So get your squire booty in gear and finish the Knight's Challenge!

As to Pawbroon, my little eclaire, you'd be surprised at how French I am. Not only am I arrogant and don't use deoderant, I also know a little francais (Though not how to produce the little squiggly "c" on my colonial keyboard). How much do you ask? Not much, but enough to seduce chicks, which I'm sure is as much as Frenchmen know. So, hawhawhawhawhaw, we will see who the true continental is.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

What the Hell.......... I don't log for a few days and you lot completely *flip* has someone been dishing out speed or crack? Now listen up you poor excuses for manhood, If anyone is going to have a Lordship bestowed upon them then I DEMAND to have my right as the "LADY OF THE CESSPOOL" made official, and if anyone dares step out of line then they will feel the wrath of my whip, some of you may already know the whip in question and even bare the scars, so be warned, I want no objections, no moaning minnies, no " but she can't be she's a female" GOD DAMN it I may be female (100%) at that, but I play hard, Sooooooooo any objections?????????

Let me hear them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm, you need to earn your membership. Peng was not created over night. You'll get your title when I'm named the "Thingy of the Pool." Until then, get in the kitchen and bake me a pie.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

If there is no response by a lord not actively engaged in a challenge within 36 hours than the lordship is rescinded and can be fought for by two knights not currently engaged in a challenge, the knights being the first two to declare their intention to fight for the lordship after it has been rescinded.


That all sounds nice and formal like, especially coming from a raving loony as yourself, but don't you see the problems on your time limit to responding to a challenge? Hmmm??

What if Mensch's meds run out and the guys with the big butterfly net come for him? He would surely be out for more than 36 hours. Also what happens if Pushbroom gets caught up in some nationalistic march on his way home from just picking up a couple new inflatable sheep and he ends up trashing a McDonalds, gets arrested, and spends the next 2 days being the bitch to some guy named Flavion? Hmmm? It wouldn't seem right that not only would he lose his ability to sit for a several days he would have to lose his title in the Pool.

And god forbid, what if Marlow actually hits puberty and he suddenly discovers that touching himself is SOOO much better then playing with legos? Also.. what if jdmorse with his knack for flippant remarks POs some judge and he gets locked up for contempt and... well.. ends up like Pushbroom except it is to some guy named Larry?

And strike me down for mentioning it, but what if one of the catalog Asian brides you keep ordering, Meeks, cleans out your house while you are at work? (Laugh! Work.. Heh.. Ya right!) No computer! What would a sorry sod like you do?

The possibilities are endless....

I suggest that once a lord holds a title that he retains it for a period of 2 weeks if challenged and does not respond. That would seem like a fair time limit.


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Umm, you need to earn your membership. Peng was not created over night. You'll get your title when I'm named the "Thingy of the Pool." Until then, get in the kitchen and bake me a pie.


Beware she might as well cook you something terminal for your health and physical integrity...

She is NOT subjected to Squire challenge and is playing so far only Senility.

Why would she want to be part of that male thingy?

Knights, Squires...

She is a Lady.

She is only asking for her due.

You may be lacking the title, or the instrument of your charge, but she IS by birth qualified.

As such she only demands that if Lordship be created then Ladyship be thought out.

We got 2 of them women.

Drop the male Ego and go clean your hands...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

I am going to insult everything that is important and beautiful to me.


Good points. My response:

Tough ****.

If it's not important enough to break out of jail, buy a new computer, stop spanking the monkey or put away the sheep for a second, than no title for you.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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Guest Germanboy

Lordships - whatever next? And to think I have been accused of not having a life.

I hereby publicly declare no interest whatsoever into one of these. Whoever came up with this idea of knights and squires anyway?




<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-15-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Waaaah! Waaaaaaaah! Adherence to fantasy is disturbing!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Christ Jesus what a crybaby. Andreas, if I didn't know any better, I'd nominate you for Pool Wench. You're one of those old fogies what likes to say, "In my day, harumph, the Pool was something special." Go suck on an exhaust pipe. Now challenge someone for a lordship and join in the fun, you sissy.

I'll get the op out to you, tonight, by the way.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Ahhhh Ha! I got it! How about we have only ONE Lady of the Pool, eh? Then if another woman comes along they can fight for the title.

That would pit Kitty and YK2 against each other for the right to claim the title. The loser would be so titled "Pool wench".


Hey asshole....... one word, or maybe three, Get a Life, I will challenge no-one. The title " Lady of the Pool" is already mine,given to me by Seanachai while under some influences no doubt but none the less still mine, I am only asking for it to be made official,Kitty is most welcomed to the title of "Pool Wench" though miaowwwwwwwwwwww. Now go crawl back under your stone and keep your mucky little thoughts of pitting two women against each other to yourself, sheesh,,,,,,,,,, pathetic or what? BTW.. Are you still a virgin by anychance, I need a sacrifice in time for the next full moon.

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Afraid I have to agree with German Boy here. Rodentia...do you realize what you are doing...trying to submit RULES to the CESSPOOL? I suggest you each hit Meeks with a brick and let natural selection take its course...


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Lordships - whatever next? And to think I have been accused of not having a life.

I hereby publicly declare no interest whatsoever into one of these. Whoever came up with this idea of knights and squires anyway?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Curse, claw, bite!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, whoa. Jefe is a bit overzealous but you have to understand that we Americans have had gender rights mashed into our brains. I support Pawbroon and Seanachai and welcome you to your title. However, you cannot keep playing the female card every time somebody taunts you. Also, it's not proper to complain about not being treated like a lady after growling at us to treat you like one of the guys. I thought you Scots were made of sterner stuff, my littlest sister would tear you to pieces and use your breasts (Don't worry, Bauhaus, it's coming) for ear muffs (SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!).


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

Gurgle grumble schmumble mumble!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Look beta-boy, there are all ready traditions within the Pool, a few more won't hurt. You don't like, don't challenge anyone. I can't believe the response from you and Andreas, it's as if we're presenting the Virgin Mary as a porn star. In the words of Peng, "Piss on the Peng Thread and all it's pretensions!" Now go back to your accurate modeling of frozen nobbly things in CM2!

By the way, what's the word on the patch? You know, between friends.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Umm, you need to earn your membership. Peng was not created over night. You'll get your title when I'm named the "Thingy of the Pool." Until then, get in the kitchen and bake me a pie.


*cough* for fear of repeating myself see my earlier post, And listen up fatboy, "there will be no more pies for you"

Bauhaus: "I'm not Fat, I'm big boned.....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:



Geezus, you would think I was talking about forcing women to wear shoes that cause back problems, and clothes that gnaw into their bodies, and to apply paint to their face to make them appear more attractive. Oh wait.. They already do that.. Bugger it then.

When did that senile bastard give you a title? Damn that fool, I told him to lay off the grain alcohol.


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YK2 I am glad we have a Lady of the Pool, for who else can true kniggits dedicate their quests to....very Aurthurian. Course Kitty is welcome to preform topplement if she can. In this brave new pool of ours it runs red with blood from tooth and claw.


Lord High Chamberlain to the Pool

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