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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Current victory stats are OGSF 38%, Hiram 4%


Percentages pulled from your arse? I thought we had full FOW, Mr. Spankey. What gives? Being duplicitous? I'm still waiting for the polka party you promised. I have plent of folks ready to do the chicken dance. oh yeah


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Good god, you're almost as long-winded as Senility! Why is it that certainly mentally challenged members of society seem to assume that the best way to participate in the Cesspool is "Please sir, may I have another?"

Sound off like ya got a pair!

The "science" and "logic" of which you are so overweeningly proud will do you little good here; you might as well forget them entirely in fact. Now, go suck on some eggs and polish Stuka's vole, and if you have something worthwhile to say, come back and say it.


Yes yes yes yes. (Whine for good measure). This was very good. I liked this. Thank you, exactly what I wanted.

[holds up card with 5 on it]

Not very original, but it is a start, I feel the cesspool energy already.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Not so fast, Roborunt. Theres no such thing as an easy win in the 'pool (unless your'e playing Menschy-I-lost-to-the-wife-again)

Youv'e got to earn your stripes son, no inherited or bought commissions here, this isn't the british army... assorted random editing...


What do you mean? I will grab a victory any way I can. I have challenged, whined and complained, all part of the time honoured cesspool tradition, I might add. No file sent my way after several weeks, so I win by default, seems reasonable to me. Isn't one of the basic principles of war to defeat your oppenent and achieve your objectives without actual combat, if at all possible??

So unless the promised game actually materializes, as far as I am concerned, I won. So kiss mine (blows raspberry at Skooter).


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good lord, is 'Wussafies' an attempted deconstruction of Seanachai? Go have a bit of a lie down, the blood isn't making it to your brain. Can't say I blame it, as there really isn't much there for it to nourish.


Damn you! You know how hard it is to rhyme something with Seanachai you mindless git! You might as well steal Prince's gig and use a symbol to represent your name and if you do please choose a steamin' pile of dog dodo!

Here lets try again...

Sean-a-chai sounds like...



Damn! Can somebody help here?!


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Damn you! You know how hard it is to rhyme something with Seanachai you mindless git! You might as well steal Prince's gig and use a symbol to represent your name and if you do please choose a steamin' pile of dog dodo!

Here lets try again...

Sean-a-chai sounds like...



Damn! Can somebody help here?!


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gonna-die ??? alot!


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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LOG BOOK (cpt Mensch - 001103): It's been days since my last challange to the fuffy moss ridden Senoochie, no report back from the git, me fears he as eaten to much cheeze and is sitting on the can in hopes a bowl movement comes. I have checked Engineering and all systems are go with emails, although Scitty says that Pengkomon has been attempting to send me photos of him in his ballet tu tu... I have ordered Scitty to go to Dr. Beens for intensive Psycological assesment since he is the only one that accidently opened a email from Pengkomon... poor git keeps blubbering about harry buttock cheeks.. damn.

Another report from Spook worries me tough, it also seems that Stuka-onna-stick is rabbling about his brilliant stratagy knowhow and its disturbing the crew, because everyone knows whats worse then a git that knows it all is a git that thinks he knows it all and has no clue.. next time I see the quack I'll give him a full dose of my Superkillerdeathraygun™.

captin out


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Just so you all know, I haven't responded to anyone's PBEMs, I have them, I'm busy, so bugger off and stop resending them in those, "Um, in case you haven't received this, here's the last turn," E-mails.

Slapdragon, if you send me a set-up, I'll be happy to put you in a position that even modern medical science will not be able to fix.

Whizkid, didn't you post on the main forum that you're 69 years old? What kind of a moron plays video games when he's 69? Listen, old man, turn around, go find your nearest toothless cronie and start a game of bridge. You can taunt them with lines like, "I'm gonna come over there and beat you to death with my dentures," or "You're gonna need Full Body Viagra when I'm done with you" or even the ever-popular "I've had colostomy bags with better playing ability than you!" Watch out for that last one, as it involves an exclamation point and, at your age, you really should lay off those things. By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times, climbed a mountain and worked with only 13 hours of sleep. That pretty much overmatches your experiences for the last three years, don't it?

Now there is an issue I've been meaning to take care of, that of the momma-joke telling Mensch. Once Mensch stops sobbing about the cancellation of The Golden Girls, finally realizes he's got a solid pair of tin-plated cajones and sends me a setup, I'm going to destroy him. Yes, Mensch, I'm going to tear your head off your neck, shove said head deep into the ass of the nearest constipated bovine, sharpen that pencilneck with my trusty jackknife and use it to write, "Died Trying" on your tombstone.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

(1) Please allow me to post this long winded commentary, and please, as part of my (2) recovery, (3) could you all treat me for a day or two as poorly as you treat each other with a barrage of insults, hamster double entendres, and other misc (4) cesspoolness?


By the numbers, Slapnuts.

1. Long-winded. You ain't even in the same league as Sasquatch, Mark IVslowpush, Eeeks, PengPodgorny, Mullethead (when really gets rolling after mixing too much hot sauce and Dixie beer) and our esteemed lawyers.

2. Who the feck cares about your recovery.

3. No. You've posted no taunt of merit to warrant it.

4. And saving your most egregious fumble for last ... for chrissakes, man, the noun form is CESSPOOLITY. Even the lowest of the low denizen of the 'pool knows that.

In the immortal words of Peng: "Feh!"


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-03-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 11-03-2000).]

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Battle Updates:

I have proof positive that my squire Croda has made a Faustian pact with the dark one, prince of darkness, the fallen one.... not not Berli, well maybe Berli. This consorting with Mephisto is apparent in our Oedipal struggle for his Mums affection...... The game proceded apace. High ground secured, check. Secure VL's or control approaches, check. Isolate and divide his forces from mutual support, check. Destroy armor, a couple of PzIv's, several Marders and SPW, check. All in all things well in hand (sit down Blowmaus) by the third turn.

I wish I could report that the disasters that shortly befell me are the results of a great tactician, but sadly, this IS croda we are talking of....He then merrily drives up on to the crest of the hill a SPW 250/8. The kind if you go boo they scramble, or shoot popgun in it's direction they abandion the vehicle. Well he advances on my PLATOON of tanks, two Cromwells, 2 Sherman III's and manages to kill one. The next turn my guys, who have at long distance in previous turns torn the heart from his armored forces, can't hit anybody. So I send 1 tank to support my left flank where his main attack is coming, and advance 2 towards this pest. Boom, Boom, two tanks destroyed and he merrily backing up!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!! Meanwhile on my left he is using 3 Sdzkw's 7/2!! Who uses those!!. Lightly armed they are just sitting there, arse backwards, unless of course I target them for artillery and of course the targeted ones move, the untargeted don't. Obviously some metaphysical fix is in.

I suppose I should be proud of my squires efforts.....Here Croda let me give you a fatherly embrace (now where's my shiv)

As to other news...

Hiramsquiretothestars is experiencing an internal struggle between his ego and super ego as to whether to surrender. The poor tyke is caught in a dilemmna as he is fearful of the potential taunts he may have to endure. So shhhhhh I am trying to entice him out of his burrow......with lovely blandishments

Meeks is hiding , no word from Mr Sanity. Sheepshagger has fallen for for my ploy and accepted a return, my revenge shall be complete. Sasquatch has asked me to park my Tiger, so in the spirit on gentlemenly ways, I have acquiesed and done so , right next to the VL.Othergames of course carry on with general smashing about the head and groin.

Whizzerboy Welcome.... oh, and Bugger off.... this putrid pool, this Turgid pool, this demented band of seething dysfunction has it's standards ya know, and so far we are terribly unimpressed...oh did I say Bugger off.


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Just so you all know, I haven't responded to anyone's PBEMs, I have them, I'm busy, so bugger off and stop resending them in those, "Um, in case you haven't received this, here's the last turn," E-mails.

Slapdragon, if you send me a set-up, I'll be happy to put you in a position that even modern medical science will not be able to fix.

Whizkid, didn't you post on the main forum that you'r 69 years old? What kind of a moron plays video games when he's 69? Listen, old man, turn around, go find your nearest toothless cronie and start a game of bridge. You can taunt them with lines like, "I'm gonna come over there and beat you to death with my dentures," or "You're gonna need Full Body Viagra when I'm done with you" or even the ever-popular "I've had colostomy bags with better playing ability than you!" Watch out for that last one, as it involves an exclamation point and, at your age, you really should lay off those things. By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times, climbed a mountain and worked with only 13 hours of sleep. That pretty much overmatches your experiences for the last three years, don't it?

Now there is an issue I've been meaning to take care of, that of the momma-joke telling Mensch. Once Mensch stops sobbing about the cancellation of The Golden Girls, finally realizes he's got a solid pair of tin-plated cajones and sends me a setup, I'm going to destroy him. Yes, Mensch, I'm going to tear your head off your neck, shove said head deep into the ass of the nearest constipated bovine, sharpen that pencilneck with my trusty jackknife and use it to write, "Died Trying" on your tombstone.


your on stubby.

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Oh, and if you haven't read the "Placebo Patch?" thread, you should, those guys are goddamn geniuses.

I think we should lobby BTS to make one of us a moderator, with the prohibition that the person can only moderate the Pool. The choices are between Berli, Seanachai, Peng and Andreas as none of them would seriously abuse the power (Like I would) and they're not completely insane (Like Pawbroon and, once again, me) neither are any of them pure evil, except Berli, who is so evil as to make the issue unimportant.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Grand Update on the Legions of Croda, at war in various parts on the Pool.

You've no doubt read jdmorose's lovely account of how I removed his hand from my balls, tore it off, shoved it up his ass, pulled it out again (BauHAUS...) and slapped him thrice about the face with it. Now, I haven't seen that turn yet, so hopefully he's not the most evil person ever created and he's not lying about what happened...wait, isn't he a lawyer? Awww, ****e!

shandorfffffff, henceforth to be known simply as The Bastard, did finally best me, though I was not at all impressed with his effort. I am quite glad that I didn't opt for the logical surrender, and continued to die in droves at his feet. 72-27 wasn't too bad. BTW, Jeffrey, that HT had 14 kills, and the T8 had 17. Knocking them out is what ultimately won you the game. They were unstoppable pieces of cheap equipment.

PawBroon will be dead as soon as he returns from whatever place it is that French people go. It would have been over sooner, but his men are having problems deciding whether to run away or surrender, and are currently laying with their heads buried.

Meeks Has routed half of my assailing infantry, but after 2 turns hasn't done a thing to the armada of AFVs racing at his lines. I'm sure he has some very dastardly things just waiting for me, maybe he'll forget to use them.

Goat Boy the next 2 turns will decide this match. If I can take out your Panther, I may be able to push you out of the town.

mensch do you feel the tide turning? My Puma in a good defensive position, knocks out one of your MMG carriers, the other retreating to the protection of big brother tank. Half of your AFVs chasing around that stupid truck (what a maroon!). I love diversions. Once I eliminate your other MMG, you have the scout car and the tank...both will fall. My infantry advances. You are going to lose.

Here-I-Am Shoot-Me has attempted to solidify his attack. It took him a while to regroup, but he finally has a semi-coherent line setup...it will fall within 2 turns. I have some special stuff awaiting him. He senses this and is trying to lull me into a false sense of "Hiram's a nice guy and won't really kill my men" security by being congenial and making nice conversation. I will rape your dog with your leg bone.

Herr Ovaries I'm going to have to counterattack. The lack of visibility which I had thought was my ally, has proved double-agent; my staunch troops, stank troops; my intricately woven tapestry of defense, a welcome mat to your cloven feet.

Stuka: What the hell is going on on this map? What a farse. How do you tell who's available to fight when you field an army of living dead? Many have returned to the grave allready, many are burying themselves to avoid conflict. I may need the whole 50 turns just to rally the scared old geezers. But at least the now fabled "Older Than **** Brigade" has given worse than it's taken, as your baguette toting Frenchmen, have run screaming from the field. I just hope my army doesn't die of natural causes before you get a chance to kill them unnaturally.

After losing 2 games last night, it was nice to see a couple even up. I will redouble my efforts to smash your heads like pumpkins and scoop out the gook and feed it to the dog so he can crap your head goop on your neighbors lawn.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Feeble Update on the Toadies of Croda, attempting war in various parts on the Pool.

shandorfffffff, henceforth to be known simply as The Bastard: Blah blah blah.. Whiny excuse... blah blah blah... Spanked me good but could of spanked me better.. Blah blah blah... I am a fool.. blah blah blah...


Just send me another setup you Pah-tak! I will slice you open and use you innards for a side dish!


This time... though NO random force quality. Fighting Elite troops sucks.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

This time... though NO random force quality. Fighting Elite troops sucks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As does fighting as the Americans with NO artillery. That should be illegal. Your shrubbery will come tonight or tomorrow, BASTARD.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Feeble Update on the Toadies of Croda, attempting war in various parts on the Pool.

shandorfffffff, henceforth to be known simply as The Bastard: blah blah blah... Whiny excuse 1... blah blah blah... Whiny excuse 2.... Blah blah blah... spanked me good but could have spanked me better... blah blah blah.. I am a dolt and a fool... blah blah blah...


Just send me another setup you steaming pile of pah-tak! I will slice you open and gleefully bath in your blood and innards.


DAMN! Stupid, stupid browser! Double posted me!

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

If you can believe it, I have actually become less intelligent. Yes, you may have thought this was impossible without some kind of resultant death due to lack of brainpower to operate the various body parts necessary to keep me alive but I have become so stupid as to be too stupid to realize that I should be dead. This is a glorious day for idiots everywhere! One small step for assthumbs, one giantleap for assthumbkind!


Well, while I was up on the mountain, a burning bush and I had an interesting conversation and I was pleasantly reminded of something I all ready knew.

I'm sure others of you realize it but take a moment to think about how cool this place is? I hate to move into a self-congratulatory mode but the quality of freelance humor here, the manner and types of it, they're astounding. We have fads, we expiriment with different forms, it's amazing, it really is. When the Klodons from Klodar come to our planet in 20 million years, one of them will discover the entire contents of the Pool, in fourteen editions, etched on sheets of hammered nickel, bound in rhinocerous hide and shod with titanium, and they will weep upon seeing the beauty of it. We've really got something here, and I just want to take a moment to appreciate it. Right, all done, now back to being disgusted with the whole moronic lot of ya.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times

7 times he was alone, 3 times he was alone except for drunken vagrants who were too inebriated to avoid witnessing it, and 1 time he held a pet rabbit in the other hand and talked dirty to it during the act. The rabbit later threw itself under a city bus.

climbed a mountain

Wearing a Nun's Habit, no less, and then proceeded to sing "The Hills Are Alive, With the Sound of Music" in a voice that killed several nearby puzzled sheep.

and worked with only 13 hours of sleep.

Normally, Meeks like's to get in 16-18 hours of sleep before every 8 hour shift...


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

LOG BOOK (cpt Mensch - 001103): It's been days since my last challange to the fuffy moss ridden Senoochie, no report back from the git.

...edited in the interest of saving mensch the embarassment of having his hopeless gibberish read again...



It's sad, really. The one I feel sorriest for is his poor wife. I'm sure mensch wasn't the shiniest penny in the fountain even before his recent deterioration, but now, when I contemplate what the poor woman has to cope with day in and day out, while we only see his periodic ravings here (and those the ones he's actually spent some time thinking through); well, my heart goes out to that brave woman. I imagine a typical day for her is rather like:

"Wife! Wife, I have hands, me! Fire up my harmonica, today I shall show all that I can blow, and blow out loud! Put on the frillies, my little flutterbug, I feel a great moment to be almost upon me! Wait, I shall dissipate it by posting vile and only barely intelligible gibberish to Seanachai. Don't cry, hubsche, soon I will show you how my guns shall pound all into pieces and leave them before my feet! Wait, before that, I shall make many references to things unclean to all the Cesspool! Ahahahaha! Was there ever another like me to give the pennies to my mental betters? Not, I am thinking, and this after only as much thinking as would alarm small dogs! (sputtering, giggles, and hiccups) With what brilliance I reveal myself to all who cannot look away quickly enough! Quick, Wife, bring me duck eggs, the moment has arrived for their reinsertion! Now, master of all is mensch, and my medication I have fed to the neighbour's dachshund once again, and she is showing the strain of having to use the normalized brain that would be mine if I would only obey you and the doctors, all of whom make me think of the Japanese, so that I must now make posts in another language who's mastery is all in my ability to type it! I shall type all my posts in German, from now on, but I shall with you and others speak only English, because German is too hard!"

Hour after hour like this, day in and day out, and limited only to vocalizations if they manage to keep him in restraints that day.

So, while I can't imagine any game between us will involve anything more coherent than the above, this weekend I shall send mensch a setup. Not only because playing our intellectual and sanity inferiors is a time honoured Cesspool activity, but because every drool covered moment that mensch is involved with our game will be a moment of rest for that woman whom fate, and doubtless, now, her own sense of duty, has sentenced to the degradation of being mensch's wife.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times, climbed a mountain and worked with only 13 hours of sleep. That pretty much overmatches your experiences for the last three years, don't it?


Yes.. Meeks.. And all from the comfort of your office chair. Isn't the internet amazing!?

And damn! You can type REAL good for only using one hand! 13 times!? Hey, you better not be doing that when you are sending me my turns you disgusting little shrew.


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Grand Update on the Legions of Croda, at war in various parts on the Pool.

blah blah blah

Herr Ovaries I'm going to have to counterattack. The lack of visibility which I had thought was my ally, has proved double-agent; my staunch troops, stank troops; my intricately woven tapestry of defense, a welcome mat to your cloven feet.

blah blah blah


In the spirit of the approaching season: Bah humbug!

Crawdad, on this map, there is no intricately woven anything, other than the lacy, frilly, Pink-Power-Ranger underwear creeping up your crack. Oh for Pete's sake, SIT DOWN BAUHAUS!

Be it known to the Pool, I will henceforth deny any battle where one can piss on their own troops and not know it due to poor visibility.

Were it my choice, I would perform a lobotomy on Crawdad using a dull, rusty spoon, grind the removed matter (I hesitate to call it brains) in a sausage machine, feed it to the neighborhood dog, wait a few days, retrieve the ****e, and force it back into Crawdad's head using a turkey baster.

Then I *might*, just *might* have a chance of receiving a decent QB!!!

If I had wanted to play Blind Man's Bluff, groping around in the dark, I would have

summoned the Delaney triplets, Kim, Karen, and Connie.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Then I *might*, just *might* have a chance of receiving a decent QB!!!

If I had wanted to play Blind Man's Bluff, groping around in the dark, I would have

summoned the Delaney triplets, Kim, Karen, and Connie.


Burr Obeast,

I will send you a set up that you will find a pleasure to play. Just ask any of my opponents! (Except for that insipid Meeks. He'd bitch if you hung him with a new rope.)

What do you say? Up for a little light spanking?? Hmmmm? Come on.. Cruud-da tells me you like to be spanked.


P.S. NOTHING! And I mean NOTHING beats The Dom triplets! Battledome Rules! BTW did I ever mention I met two of the twins last New Years... *sigh*.... You should have seen the dorks they were with. Probably guys like Leeks and Pushbroom.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

... NOTHING beats The Dom triplets!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I assume you mean the Dahm Triplets? And if so, you are damn right! And if you meant that it was two of THEM that you met...well I may just have to call off that airstrike on your house.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Burr Obeast,

I will send you a set up that you will find a pleasure to play. Just ask any of my opponents! (Except for that insipid Meeks. He'd bitch if you hung him with a new rope.)

What do you say? Up for a little light spanking?? Hmmmm? Come on.. Cruud-da tells me you like to be spanked.


P.S. NOTHING! And I mean NOTHING beats The Dom triplets! Battledome Rules! BTW did I ever mention I met two of the twins last New Years... *sigh*.... You should have seen the dorks they were with. Probably guys like Leeks and Pushbroom.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-03-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

First of all, it's the Dahm Triplets...

Second of all, the Delaney's lived on the other side of the lake from my family, and from the sounds of it (the Battledome reference did you in), you're too young to even hear tell of what went on in the summertime...

Hmm, I suppose this QB looks like a pool table, clear, green and flat, and with you the German armor I suppose...

Send away, I feel the need for some light exercise...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Yes.. yes.. Dahm...Dom... Who cares how you spell their names. I care more about practicing the alphabet on a "certain" part of their body let alone their name.


Come on... Battledome is MUCH better than WWF smack down. I refuse to watch that drivel. At least THEY have the Dahm triplets. (Drool...slobber...heh...heh...)

Herr O-butt,

You will receive a setup from me late, late tonight. And your faux attempt of casting yourself as adult ended once you began to post here so spare me effort.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

1. Nothing.

2. Yes.

3. Wrong, it is absolutely perfect for here. 4. No. Go away.

Numbering added so worthless gits like MrIHaftaTakeaWizzKid understand the thing.



LMFAO biggrin.gif What more can I say?


"That's Mizz Chihuahua to you, buddy."

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