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CCJ, when are you gonna release TTv3.0??

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First there was TTv2.0 that never made it for the Beta Demo, and now, we've gone to v3.0. So when are we gonna see these?? Love the new JgTiger texture. That one really needed some work. I think we've all been desperately waiting for the new "LightWave" sky and border mountain graphics.

I think the natives are growing restless for these. Please finish and release what you've got so far in the near future.

One note though....the turret textures on the TigerI are a bit too blurry and fuzzy. Is there anything you can do to clear those up?


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

Have something to do with his pirated copy?


You know, he payed for a copy, and he made the mistake of downloading warez to beat the delay. He did the right thing, but he made a wrong decision. He seems to be a supporter of the game, and while no one should condone supporting warez/pirated software, I think his mistake was that of youth, and a failure to consider all the implications of his actions (and man, I can't cast too many rocks in that direction). The community, having pointed out that he made an error in judgement, can still invite him back, and still acknowledge that what he did was wrong. He can either choose to come back, and be a valued member again, or go off and sulk like a child, and remain unrepentant. Apology is good for the soul, it teaches us the humility necessary to be cocky SOBs without being swine. I, for one, would like to ask CoolColJ to give a nod to humility, and join us again as a member.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest MantaRay

Who cares, he did it, and no one here has any right to judge the guy...especially since Steve confirmed he had BOUGHT a copy.

I for one am glad there are people out there who like the game as much as CCJ, Madmatt, Fionn, WBW, and many others. These guys just give us many more options to expand the greatness of the game. It isn't the same for him, Dling the game off warez as it is for someone who doesnt give a rats ass and has no intention of paying BTS for their work.

I hope he comes back and keeps the stuff comming. Just next time he should be so open to admitting his mistakes. Next time, do the Bill Clinton CCJ, and dont get any on her shirt next time. smile.gif



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CoolJ! Come back! We need ya bud!

Aww...he's prolly too busy playing CM and making his tweaked graphics even more awesome then they were the first go round.

Hope he returns. I mean, heck, he had bought the game afterall.



"Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or only 5. Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I've kind of lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky. Well, do ya punk?"

[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 07-08-2000).]

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Chances are that at least 1 out of 3 people on this forum have illegal software on their computer right now. Some estimates say the numbers are higher than that. You'd be pretty naive to deny that. There's no point turning this into a Witch hunt.

CoolJ - Get your but back on this forum and start posting again.

More of CoolJ's goodness:


[This message has been edited by Ricky (edited 07-08-2000).]

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Oh I think that the issue of someone who MIGHT have gotten a beta of CM2 in a few months time being an admitted pirate is very serious.

1. He betrayed Steve and Charles by d/ling a warez version.

2. He has consistently avoided admitting that he is using a warez copy on usenet when it has come up ( IOW he doesn't even have the integrity to admit what he did.)

3. HE and HIS WORK are tainted by the fact that he has been doing it on a warez copy.

Honestly, as someone who obviously wanted in to the industry he couldn't have done anything more foolish than he has done here and now.

1. He is now marked as a pirate and anyone who hears of his work on CM will hear of his piratical activities.

2. Companies don't like employees releasing beta versions of the game to warez sites AND since Colin has a proven history of warez usage that makes his "high risk". He's a fool cause he has shot himself in the foot more effectively than anyone else could.

3. He hasn't apologised for what he has done. Hell, he hasn't even owned up to it. That is pretty poor form IMO.

That certain people are willing to overlook his ILLEGAL activity ( and d/ling warez is illegal) because they can "get something out of it" says an AWFUL LOT about the moral fibre of those people IMO.

If someone produces something using a pirated copy of the game then that product is tainted.

Ps. This is nothing to do with a witch hunt. This is merely exposing a thief. I'm not going after him and neither are any of the other testers ( who all feel VERY angry at Colin) or BTS. I am, however, going to constantly remind everyone that he is using a pirated copy and that that is both illegal and morally objectionable ( oh and ANY chance he had of getting in ANY WAY involved with CM2 has gone right out the window due to his stupid behaviour.... He should have had more sense.)

Oh yeah, I hope that people will avoid his mod on moral grounds. It is tainted IMO.

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havent agreed with fionn in the past over one or two things,but im totally behind him on this.HE Betrayed BTS regardless of the fact he bought a copy,he was willing to assist the pirates,he should be ashamed of what he did.i for one wouldnt use his mods

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Sure, initially he had a warez version, but he bought and paid for the game. I'm guessing many people on this forum are playing the warez version as well. Obviously they're keeping their mouth closed, as loose lips sink ships, right? Anyway, what's done is done.

I still commend him for his efforts in the texture department. He's making the game more enjoyable for all. Now if he'd just work a little faster and release those textures to us, we'll be happy. smile.gif Hehe.

By the way, as far a companies releasing software to warez sites, the fact is three quarters of all software that is pirated is intercepted while in the duplication process. Every single pirate group has "insiders" who work at CD duplication facilities. The rest is mostly internal.

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There is nothing wrong with downloading a warez copy of CM after you have already ordered your copy. Warez will be there whether you download a copy or not.... The key is that he ordered a copy and supported CM. If I had thought of it, I would have downloaded a copy myself while waiting for the arrival of CM myself.

ColCoolj is a 14 yr old kid with a tremendous talent. To even suggest he has damaged his ability to make a living with his talent is totally irresponsible(considering his age, he might actually believe you). Fionn where do you get off on bullying this person with your own rigid and unrealistic viewpoints. Fix your own problems and then enlighten the world...


To the rest of the forum, I apologize for the straightforwardness of my response, but this type of McCarthyism is so vicious that it is difficult just to ignore...

Back to lurking

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

He hasn't apologised for what he has done. Hell, he hasn't even owned up to it. That is pretty poor form IMO.

That certain people are willing to overlook his ILLEGAL activity ( and d/ling warez is illegal) because they can "get something out of it" says an AWFUL LOT about the moral fibre of those people IMO.


Sigh...Fionn, I disagree with you not at all in principal on this. I think he should acknowledge his mistake, and I think he should apologize to the community. I don't look for anything from him, because I think the game is fine as is, and I have no need of his mods. I have a thorough disgust of pirates, and a special hatred for warez people, because they try to underpin their selfish and useless acts with a mindles and indefensible philosophical cant (most 'Anarchists' couldn't keep an outhouse clean, let alone dig a proper one; their membership tends to be drawn from teenagers who've always had their Mothers to clean up after them, and Fathers to pay their way...how many of the 'Truly Poor and Disenfranchised' have access to high-powered computer systems, anyway?)

My post was intended as a gesture to an admittedly young person who probably just screwed up, and might be looking for a way back. Far be it from me to take a dip into Christian mythology, but that 'Prodigal Son' thing, while annoying, still has some power. I think it's much easier for people to apologize and make their amends if they see an opening, rather than guards waiting at the door to punish them...And I'm not interested in the justifications of (mostly) teenagers, who's attitude is 'hey, leave the dude alone, we all do it.' That's crap. A real man comes forward, and says "I screwed up, and I'm sorry." If he's not willing to do that, then he's forgotten. But let's all give him the option, rather than picking up stones, and driving him into the wilderness...

Again, sigh. Since I began the writing of this, I've seen several people come forward to 'justify' his actions. They should consider their own honour, and his, before excusing this sort of thing. I feel the community should give him the option of returning if he's considered what he did and wants to be one of the people here. For those who want to just 'write off' what he did...then I'll just say that one of the biggest sicknesses facing America today is this concept that NO ONE NEEDS WORRY ABOUT A SENSE OF PERSONAL HONOUR. Morality does not come from 'A Church', Honesty shouldn't come from 'a Fear of Being Caught', and Ethics shouldn't be an aspect of 'What everyone else does, and what it takes to get ahead'. Integrity is an issue that every person decides for themselves. But lets not push a lack of integrity in the name of personal freedom. That does no one any good, and everyone a disservice.

Off the pulpit now (weird place for me to be, personally) smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 07-08-2000).]

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Hmm...well, if Colin released a beta to a USENET and that is confirmed, then it is hard to excuse that..I must agree. But, if he paid for a copy and got his hands on a pirated version during his wait, then how are Steve and Charles hurt by that? Havent they been paid for it? Should he have waited for the game? Yeah. If that is all he did, should he be cursed? No!

Fionn, I don't know if you remember when you were 14. I do. You can make a poor decision or two. I'd like to see Colin come back. If all he did do was use a pirated copy while his purchased one was enroute, I can forgive him for that. If he released some trusted beta to the pirates, then he has some explaining to do.


[This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 07-08-2000).]

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wha wha wha, i am a moral old grandma, i am the church lady, i don't drink and i don't smoke and people that do are going to hell.

Look--he was entitled to a copy. He downloaded warez prior to receiving his copy? How was anybody even conceivably possibly hurt by this? How could anybody even possibly care about this? You are upset because he did not confess? What purpose would that possibly serve? What do you mean "he supported the pirates?" They have no idea whether he downloaded a copy or not. What is your ****ing problem?

wha wha wha, i am deeply hurt by victimless crime, i finked on my mother for tearing the tag off a mattress, i have never gotten a parking ticket, and never said a cross word to no one.

i am a much better person than you are.

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Might be difficult for a 14 year old talented kid to behave like a grown up if we are not even behaving like adults.

For what I know the poor kid might be lurking in this forum because he is fearing to post anything in case some of us tear him apart...

Come on.

He is a kid. What he did was stupid.

And for what its worth, being a cast-away and having wrecked his chance to be in the CM2 beta testing team is enough a punishment for that.

Can't you see? Not only did he have broken his toy but you are yelling at him that he won't ever have another one to boot.

If we want to hold the Moral High Ground try not to be bitter adults and show some mercy.

PS: ColCoolJ, if your lurking here, try to be a wee bit adult and apologize for our censors' sake and maybe those will try to be a lil' less childish and be done after a spanking.



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 07-08-2000).]

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Guest Rollstoy

Some points to add:

TeAcH: I have never heard that he released a beta version of anything anywhere. Warez 'usage' does not imply uploading stolen software (VERY bad), but rather downloading it (less bad).

What the forum has to understand is that the things going on between the developers/tester and CoolColJ are very personal! Simply put: they did not like each other very well even *before* the warez affair. This might put some statements into a different light.

My conclusion: If I were 14 and I would be talented to make graphics like this, I would give a $hit about this little incident, but start to work on my professional future, because he sure has one!

I would appreciate it if he (and others)

would release his ready vehicles one by one, such that we can benefit from his work, too.

If he decides not to do this (which is his right, of course) than his display of textures is at least a good benchmark.

By the way: when I was 14, I did not know anybody who ever bought - or could even afford to buy - a game for the C64, Amiga, ... Nowadays I do so gladly, but the difference is that nowadays I have an INCOME!

Actually you have to admire a 14 year old for spending that much money on a game.

Regards, Thomm

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> so I gave him my copy

> of the game. Dear Battlefront; hurry up and fill my second order for the

> game, 'cause I'm temporarily a software pirate (no way was *I* not going

> to play this game until I waited out another visit from the mailman...).)

[Fionn:] Hmm, well I suppose in SOME cases piracy is a bit more understandable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's Fionn, in <395a12d4.3719164@news.esatclear.ie>, saying it's acceptable to use a pirated copy of CM while you wait for one to arrive from Battlefront.com

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Guest KwazyDog

Ok well Im relctant to post here becuase I feel that peoples opinions wont change just because of what I say but there is something I think is important all you guys consider.

To my suprise and disapointment its been stated here that basically 'it is ok to pirate CM if youve already purchased it'. Guys, its still stealing no matter how you sugar coat it, but Ill conceed that I understand how some of you see this as a pirating 'loop hole' if you indeed have already ordered CM. Something to consider though. Think about it from this angle.

Ive been working with Charles on cutting back the sites that are posting pirated versions of CM. I and Charles have spent a LOT of time tackling these sites (which btw takes him away from continued work on CM) over the past few weeks. What I have noticed is that CM seems to be a popular one for these guys, you see they keep putting the bloody warez version back up as soon as we get it killed!

If people DIDNT keep downloading it, the pirates WOULDNT bother! That would mean more possable sales for CM and a more stable future for CM 1,2,3,4,5,X.

So think about it this way. People whom have ordered it and them still pirate the game are encouraging the pirates to put it back up after we get it taken down. Thus, they are in fact encouraging others to pirate the game, other whom may not be as honest as they. If people really care about CM they wouldnt download it, theyd wait like the rest of us had to.

Hell, I put probably near 1000hrs work into CM over the last year, but I didnt even feel I had the right to download from a warez site and I waited for it, just like you guys did, I didnt pirate it when I had the opportunity. I would have loved the full version a good 3 weeks early but I didnt want to encourage the buggers to put it back up. Thats all every download from a warez site does.

I hope this may make one or two of you guys out there some feel its ok to pirate CM if you ordered it see it from a different angle. Its not as clear cut as it first may seem.

Please consider this guys in the future, please....

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 07-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 07-08-2000).]

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This is ridiculous.

In the country I live in, we allow a person some amount of doubt until proven otherwise. I never read from this kid that he did anything and all the hulabaloo Im reading here is based on speculation.

I thought the matter was dropped and to read what some of you are writing here makes me embarressed to be even consider myself a wargamer. A certain someone here with the propensity to numerically list things and make an idiot out of himself should leave the kid alone. You are a vicious punk and a petty tirant. To cast doubts on his future like hes committed an act of international terrorism is just uncalled for. BTS should stifle you.

I think its easy to target the "easy targets". Companies have to come up with a proactive way to defeat piracy and unfortunately its going to cost them money/manhours. The "store" is left unlocked and I dont want to hear the wails of discontent when people walk in and take stuff.

I hate it also when ill-guised jealousy rears its head under the banner of self-rightousness.


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Guest KwazyDog

Ill just add that my comment was not aimed at CCJ (just in case you thought it was Lewis), but just at piracy in general and the overall casual attitude taken towards it.

I work in the computer industry and I get people all the time asking me to just put this or that on their systems.

Its no better than taking your car in for repair and asking your mechanic if he could just sorta quietly steal the parts he may need to do the job.

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Guest KwazyDog

Actually Ive kinda got my fingures crossed this thread will be close up shortly to be honest, as my guess is that it probably will. I wasnt going to post at all considering its a sensitive issue in general, but the amount of piracy Ive exposed myself too in the last few weeks really has began to bother me.

This is a topic that I think was best left in the past and forgotten about, nothing new can be said about it.

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