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Damn I Rock! Sychophants unite for Thursdays CMHQ Update!!!!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Alrighty then! Lets get to the good stuff!

By the way, yeah I am still pissed about yesterdays events (and notice, unlike Fionn, I HAVEN'T forgiven anyone! mad.gif ) but I got a job to do and thats what I am going to do...So now that is behind us lets see what we can see.

We got another killer POTD today again with everyones jaw dropping favorite background sky...

And, after numerous delays and hesitations, we are proud to launch the first CMHQ sub-site devoted entirely to the Combat Mission Meta-Campaign!!!! Thats right CMMC will rock your roleplaying and wargamming world and we will bring you all the news, features, rules, issues, FAQs, battles, stratagies and insite to get the very most of this stellar undertaking...We now have the first 4 sections of the Meta-Campaign Field Manual ready to look at and will have another CMMC exclusive article soon. So get over there, put your conspiracy theories aside and see what I can do when people keep their opinions to themselves about my work! wink.gif

Madmatt...Cause I can tongue.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-24-2000).]

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Guest Captain Foobar

I hope some other players will back me up on this....

We should pay the GM's of CMMC....I dont care if its 5 dollar entry fee, taking up a collection, or whatever.

Anyone who takes on such a task, that is purely for our benefit needs to be rewarded, or at least shown in a token gesture that we appreciate what they are doing!!

Think of all the worst ways you have spent 5 bucks in your life.....Then think about how much enjoyment you're going to get out of the Meta Campaign...

I don't want a truly talented GM to think better of it next time, because he feels we are all a bunch of lazy ingrates!! smile.gif

I myself am a cheap bastard, but I am calling on all you other cheap bastards.. What do you say????

Sound off if you would be willing to chip in.


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As well meaning as your idea is I think you are missing one vital point, the GM´s are in this just as much for their personal enjoyment as the players are. It is just a matter of personality what mode of play you prefer.

The players show their appreciation of the GM´s work by putting in an serious effort themselves in playing their characters to the hilt. If we (the players every bit as much as the GM´s) can get this campaign to become a living and vibrant experience we all stand to gain what we came for, each in his own way.

And rest assured, if the players don’t pay up in time, interest and enthusiasm there is no GM in the world that will be able to fix this, even at a 1000$ a head.

It is simply not a matter of money…


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Will GM's being doing all this for the money or for the love? My bet is on the love. So no money is going to motivate as much as the play of all those Major's out there.

But cut me some luck, and a little thank you is in the mail!


"The Legitimate object of war is a more perfect peace."

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krm, just contact Fionn by his e-mail and he will put you in contact with the Allies or Axis Army command and you will be assigned to a Battalion or Abteilung as appropriate. Of course, that is, if you pass the thorough ideological screening. tongue.gif


Men make wars. Boys fight them.

PS: Matt the CMHQ site looks great and is fantastic to navigate now after being away from it for a bit. Is that sychophantic enough?

[This message has been edited by William Thiel (edited 02-24-2000).]

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Nice idea Foobar but:

I'm sure all GMs would much rather that instead of paying some money everyone who plays just puts in some extra time and effort to really role-play and "get into the spirit" of things.

This meta-campaign and all the rules surrounding it are ALL about us having some fun replaying a historically-inspired battle and, hopefully, learning from it.

Trust me, no amount of money you could pay could even come close to compensating some GMs for the work they've done. We're talking people who have spent dozens of hours researching OOBs down to the level of individual trucks, people who are arguing arcane rule changes, doing research, art etc. When the game gets started GMs are going to have their weekends consumed every few weeks wink.gif. Money doesn't motivate you to do that for a game. Only love for the campaign idea does.

In short, nice idea but what makes the GMs tick is a desire to help the game achieve its potential. The BEST way to repay them is therefore to give YOUR best effort during the game. It's that simple.

FWIW I'm really pleased at the enthusiasm shown by GMs and players so far... I NEVER expected this many people to be interested in the CMMC (we've got over 100 signed up and haven't even "gone public" yet ) and be willing to do so much backroom work to make it a success. It really has vindicated the "open plan" approach I've had to rules and discussion etc.

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Fionn said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In short, nice idea but what makes the GMs tick is a desire to help the game achieve its potential. The BEST way to repay them is therefore to give YOUR best effort during the game. It's that simple.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What Fionn is really saying is that he hired GMs based on their utter lack of scruples and conscience. While these are very desirable qualities for this particular job, they unfortunately also make GMs bribable. So to prevent this, he has to veto all compensation. Of course, this is mostly for the financial protection of the players, because the GMs are so soulless they won't stay bought, and aren't above extortion, either biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




WW2 AFV Photos: people.delphi.com/jtweller/tanks/tanks.htm

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You know.. I think this is the biggest form of flattery I have ever seen in my life. It truly shows what a great game BTS has developed when you consider the man-hours spent on everything from mods to the CMMC. All this devotion and love for a game that hasn't even been finished yet. It really is amazing. A heart felt thanks to all involved.




This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


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It should be noted that when looking for people with no morals, scruples and an intense willingness to be bribed I immediately thought of Bullethead wink.gif.

I am glad to say that, so far, he has EXCEEDED my expectations in every nefarious field mentioned above and has, in fact, set new standards for "evil cunning".


Yup we're live but only live with a VERY small portion of what we'll eventually have.. Already I've got 3 new applications wink.gif.

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Guest Captain Foobar

Yeah, good point guys....

I didnt think we would motivate them through the cash, I just want to make sure that the people responsible for this thing get the recognition and appreciation that they deserve.

Once the novelty wears off, they still have a lot of work to do.

(actually, this is a clever ruse. By posting this where GM's will see it, I will ensure that I get preferential treatment in CMMC Woohoo!!!!!)

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As someone who has played RPGs for sixteen years, I concur with Fionn.

The best way to repay a GM who puts in lots of hard work to make the playing milieu rich and immersive is to make the characters you play as rich and fleshed out as possible.

For instance, to make my Bakery Battalion as realistic as possible, I've gone out and bought a pastry cookbook and a breadmaker!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi:

For instance, to make my Bakery Battalion as realistic as possible, I've gone out and bought a pastry cookbook and a breadmaker!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


The Infantry Baker's Creed:

This is my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer. There are many like it, but this is one is mine, and comes in the nice chrome finish that matches my kitchen island. It is my life. Without my mixer, I am useless. Without me, my mixer is useless.



Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

I NEVER expected this many people to be interested in the CMMC (we've got over 100 signed up and haven't even "gone public" yet ) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fionn (or anybody for that matter): Perhaps you can shed some light on this poor lost private.

Is there a "signup" link on the CMMC page? I have looked high and low, but do not see one.

Perhaps it is being blocked by the pile of work I have in front of my monitor. frown.gif

But it is Friday so it will get better very shortly. biggrin.gif




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