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Hitler relatives suing to get royalties for "Main Kampf"

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Well, I suppose they are entitled to the royalties from "Mein Kampf" if they are blood relatives ( and I understand that the New York branch of the Hitler family can show their blood connection to Hitler).

It mightn't exactly be something you'd applaud but you got to admire their balls for asking for the royalties from Hitler's masterpiece don't you?

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Guest Bad Ju Ju

Balls indeed, and for how much money? It's not like Hitler's ego manifesto has been featured recently on Oprah's book club. Anyone know how many copies have been sold, following the war?


"I didn't go to evil medical school for six years to be called MR. Evil." Dr. Evil

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If you think that is bad, how about the French suing US internet companies for auctioning Nazi stuff. I guess the French don't understand the meaning of the First Amendment or have forgotten who saved their ass in WWI and WWII. biggrin.gif Have to get the ACLU on them.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fdiskboy:

I'm not trying to start a flamewar here, but I don't think "masterpiece" is the correct term for Hitler's book.

I can think of several others that might be more appropriate.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, he did say "Hitler's masterpiece" as in a masterpiece within Hitler's body of work. For example, I squeezed out a real masterpiece into my crapper this morning. Mmmmm. That was a good dinner. rolleyes.gif

Seriously, in university I once took a course in ideologies and we studied one 'great book' after another. So I got to study Mein Kampf as the written document for Nazism. We had to write a logical critique of it as the basis for a sound ideology, not a moral critique. Mein Kampf is pretty poor thinking. It's really more of a rant. In contrast, if you ever read Mussolini's political writings, he actually can make an argument for facism. I strangely found myself yearning for the days of ... heh

[This message has been edited by Disaster@work (edited 07-26-2000).]

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Well, masterpiece is a morally neutral word.

A masterpiece could be a work which celebrates the glory of nature OR a work which, with machiavellian ruthlesness outlines a person's world view and plan for the next 20 to 25 years. A plan which will plunge the whole world into terror and destruction.

Personally I think too many people automatically dismiss Mein Kampf as worthless etc simply because what it promulgates is morally reprehensible. In the truest sense of the word Mein Kampf IS a masterpiece IMO. It is also a morally repugnant work but Machiavellu's writings were also masterpieces and they were equally repugnant at the time.

Mein Kampf isn't a masterpiece from the point of view of logical reasoning or setting forth coherent arguments etc BUT it is a masterpiece insofar as it is an insight into the workings and beliefs of a man with a rare willpower and drive who, took the thoughts and ideals in this book and applied them to the world in such a way that the effects of his willpower and ideology are still felt 50 years later in every corner of the world. It showcases a rare willpower. The kind of willpower that the mad and bigotted generally are the sole owners of.

It's historical context makes Mein Kampf a masterpiece and a fascinating portentous historical document.

And before the boom is lowered... No I wouldn't agree with the whole racial thing in it. I just think that we need to look at history dispassionately and not let our own conventional wisdom and morality cloud the study of objective facts.

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When discussing literature, the word masterpiece connotes some level of quality. I've read enough of Mein Kampf to say that that description doesn't apply. I think the word you are looking for, Fionn, is magnum opus.

And, if you are using the alternative definition of masterpiece as 'one's greatest achievement', I think Hitler's actions in other fields overshadow his literary efforts. This, of course, is to leave aside any moral component of greatness.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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By the way relatives are asking for 20 million USA.

That would amount to stack of money as high as "Zig Heil!" (This joke stolen from Jay Leno)

(No idea how to spell "Zig Heil" - someone below corrected me)

[This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-26-2000).]

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Ya, I hear he was a better artist than he was a writer... and I hear he wasn't much of an artist.

Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised if the royalties from Mein Kampf are pretty signifigant. While it may not ever make the best seller list, I'm sure its gotten steady sales for decades to students and neo-nazi types. Next I expect someone will want to sue Adolf's estate for damages incurred as a result of the holocaust/ww2. Anyone know if this kind of suit is likely under german law?



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If it is deemed to be a "Third Reich" document then I think that no copyright exists since the Third Reich was dissolved and thus the copyright-holder is no more.

I don't think that is applicable in this case though.

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If it is deemed to be a "Third Reich" document then I think that no copyright exists since the Third Reich was dissolved

It was written before the third reich. But the weimar republic is no more also.

In addition (and I might be wrong) it looked like the original poster was being sarcastic when he called mein kampf a masterpiece.

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Here is argument why they should not get any money (in US court):

I believe there is a law that says that criminal cannot benefit from his crime through publishing a book about it. (or something to that effect)

This argument can be applied to this case. Book describes crimes to be commited...

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Well, since I know nothig about this book, i came in here assuming that the title was describing a cominc ending to a CM battle....how wrong I was!

Have a good 'un


The worst part of any conflict is peacekeeping, it is the time when only one side may fire.

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Well, let's just take a look at the phrase "Hitler's relatives". OK, so can you imagine how one of them introduces themselves. "Hello, I'm Tomas Hitler." Just how far do you think that person is going to go in life.

BTW, viewpoint taken from Jay Leno's monologue from a couple nights ago. Com'on people, the whole thing is a joke. Which brings up another point. Since when did anybody else other than the author receive royalties???

That's like Jesse Ventura's relatives suing for royalties off of "I ain't got time to bleed" 40 years from now.


"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus

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Maximus there are several outstanding court-cases in which the families of the authors of other famous works are claiming royalties. It is pretty common actually.

Now, as for the name. OBVIOUSLY these people have changed their names from Hitler. Changing their names doesn't change the fact that they are blood relatives however.

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Actually I think Fionn is on to something (like I've said to people on this board before). Brilliance, geniuses, dumbness etc is morally neutral words they can be used without racism (from others) if someone has thought or pulled off something extraordinaire (if you ask me at least). If Einstein loved to shoot people in the weekends would that revoke his license as a genius? No I think not.

Unfortunately evil geniuses does exist and if an untalented painting corporal from Austria can make the world hold it's breath for 5 years I think that's bloody genius, but not a very nice thing to do. Wheather it's a masterpiece or not I couldn't comment on because I haven't read the book.


For the record the author of this post supports no racist, fascist or neo-nazist beliefs whatsoever.

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