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Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

Our server was brought down by people hitting refresh every second. If anybody is using some sort of refresh program, don't do it!

We were ALMOST ready to post the demos, but have spent the last hour dealing with this. Now we have to start over again...


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"Our server was brought down by people hitting refresh every second. If anybody is using some sort of refresh program, don't do it!

We were ALMOST ready to post the demos, but have spent the last hour dealing with this. Now we have to start over again..."

You know, I don't want to sound like an ingrate and I know you guys are Gods and all that crap, but you might have avoided this situation by just telling us when you were going to post it, eh?

A lot of people wasted a lot of time looking for the damn thing all day long while you guys were having fun laughing. Would it have killed you to post a time estimate? Sheesh...

Some fun. Wasn't it? Thanks anyway...


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"Our server was brought down by people hitting refresh every second. If anybody is using some sort of refresh program, don't do it!

We were ALMOST ready to post the demos, but have spent the last hour dealing with this. Now we have to start over again..."

You know, I don't want to sound like an ingrate and I know you guys are Gods and all that crap, but you might have avoided this situation by just telling us when you were going to post it, eh?

A lot of people wasted a lot of time looking for the damn thing all day long while you guys were having fun laughing. Would it have killed you to post a time estimate? Sheesh...

Some fun. Wasn't it? Thanks anyway...


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Guest Big Time Software


Sorry, but we didn't know when we were going to get it up. As much as we love to have dedicated fans, don't blame us for your lack of self control. Nobody said this thing was going to be released any second. In fact, Charles and I were so busy getting the Demo put together we didn't know what was going on on this forum until the refreshing crashed it.


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"As much as we love to have dedicated fans, don't blame us for your lack of self control. "

I AM a dedicated fan Steve, that's why I did it. Nonetheless, I did see you post in Manieri's huge thread this afternoon. You saw what was happening at that point and even commented on it. I know you guys are busy, but think of how much time people wasted today. Look at that ridiculous thread. You had it in your power to drop a few words and calm everyone, but you didn't. Why ever not?

I'm not super pissed, but you guys (Fionn included) could have handled it a little better. Ah well, maybe next time.

I'm sure I appreciate your dedication in bringing us this fabulous game: the best wargame we've ever seen very likely. But just remember us and throw out a bone now and again, eh? ;)

Best of luck on it (and preordered),


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Hey, it was an error of circumstance. The Manieri post, and the ressurgence of the old Beta Demo post were all done at the totally wrong time. I don't see how Steve and Charles could have realized that when they were putting up the demo we actually thought it was already out. They looked at the Manieri Post, but, didn't post at all during the old Beta Demo post, and it was this last one that set everyone off to refresh the dowload area. Steve, Charles, et al. do not deserve any blame, nobody really does (anyone hurt?)

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Guest Big Time Software

Well, we are pretty upset to be blamed for the fact that some people don't have lives. We didn't say when it was going to be up because we didn't know. The only thing we could have done was locked up the thread or the whole forum. Sorry you are a bit put off, but throwing you guys a bone was what started this whole mess, didn't it? Lesson is to not say ANYTHING until it has already happened, not to toss bones...


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Guest Scott Clinton

> Well, we are pretty upset to be blamed for

> the fact that some people don't have

> lives.

smile.gif LOL!

Like it's BTS's fault that 1,000 people have to hit refresh over and over in the middle of the night just in case there is something new...

Come on! I can't be the only one that sees the humor in human nature in all this! smile.gif

> Lesson is to not say ANYTHING



Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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I don't believe I've ever actually seen a monkey click on "refresh" ("reload" for those of us with the wisdom to use Communicator instead of IE5, also known as "virus point of entry"....

Now, I have seen certain primates hit F5, and sometimes F9....and they definitely hit each other sometimes.

Is there a program for repeating "reload?" If so, that's a really bad idea......

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Well, we are pretty upset to be blamed for the fact that some people don't have lives. We didn't say when it was going to be up because we didn't know. The only thing we could have done was locked up the thread or the whole forum. Sorry you are a bit put off, but throwing you guys a bone was what started this whole mess, didn't it? Lesson is to not say ANYTHING until it has already happened, not to toss bones...


Pardon me while I take umbrage about the comments about not having a life. I do have a life, but I merely put it on hold for the day that I thought I'd be able to get my hands on the Gold Demo.

Rather than insulting your rabid fans and adoring sycophants, consider instead how successful your word of mouth advertising campaign has been.

While I understand your frustration with the Gold Demo debacle, I think that both Big Time Softare and the adoring fans can share the blame for what happened today.

I feel that there was a certain amount of taunting going on by the Battlefront insiders, and we (the rabid fans and adoring sycophants) got carried away in the hysteria.

The world isn't going to end. A few of us may die of Combat Mission Deprivation before morning, but that is a risk that we all knew about when we pre-ordered.

Hope you get some sleep tonight,


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Guest Big Time Software

Well, I thought the people in the thread were having fun, so that is why I didn't shut it down. But it went from something like 125 messages in 12 hours to 600+ in just an hour or two when we weren't looking. Now that is just crazy smile.gif

In the words of my wife when this first started happening...

"My God, don't these people have lives?!?!?" smile.gif My wife is a Managing Editor, so she has a way with words smile.gif


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Guest Big Time Software

Sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult. We don't have lives either frown.gif What I was saying is that I don't think people should get overly upset with us when people take it upon themselves to cross a line that even we didn't think anybody would cross. Our sever has never, and I mean NEVER, been overloaded since we went online. If there was any taunting going on, we didn't know about it because we were too busy getting the Gold Demo ready for uploading to babysit this forum. In hindsight we should have not given any hints at all that the thing might be released, but then I am sure people would be griping at us for not giving them a heads up.

Sometimes we just can't win...


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Guest Big Time Software


Yup, there appears to be just such a program. And yup it is a REALLY bad idea from a server owner's point of view. It probably wouldn't cause much harm if the page being reloaded was straight HTML, but whacking a CGI script is a very costly thing in terms of bandwidth (which we pay good money for) and server capacity (which screws up the whole ride for everybody). But I think most people don't know about these things, so we really don't harbor any ill feelings towards anybody that used it tonight. Live and learn wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult. We don't have lives either frown.gif What I was saying is that I don't think people should get overly upset with us when people take it upon themselves to cross a line that even we didn't think anybody would cross. Our sever has never, and I mean NEVER, been overloaded since we went online. If there was any taunting going on, we didn't know about it because we were too busy getting the Gold Demo ready for uploading to babysit this forum. In hindsight we should have not given any hints at all that the thing might be released, but then I am sure people would be griping at us for not giving them a heads up.

Sometimes we just can't win...



Apology accepted. I hope that you have a chance to take a break from Combat Mission and reacquaint yourself with life again.

As one of the rabid fans (and part time adoring sycophant), I extend my personal apology to you for being overwhelmed by the hysteria, and falling prey to the desire to have the Gold Demo Now (Damnit!).

I had started to go into a coma from lack of Combat Mission Gold Demo, but I think that my 56K modem will get the demo downloaded before all brain activity ceases and I fade away.

Give my regards to you wife, and assure her that some of us do have a life.

Good Night,


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"Sorry you are a bit put off, but throwing you guys a bone was what started this whole mess, didn't it? Lesson is to not say ANYTHING until it has already happened, not to toss bones..."

I just need to say that the above is not the lesson you want to take home from this AT ALL. In fact quite the opposite.

You'll NEVER go wrong telling it to people like it is. Withholding info from people is never the correct course of action in any circumstance. That REALLY makes us feel like monkeys, which I'm quite sure nobody wants. There just had to be a better way than today's method...

As another poster said, I'm sure we can all share the blame to some degree. Next time though, how about something like "We will try to get the demo up at some point today, probably this evening. We'll post a link on the main CM page when we do". That's all that's wanted...

Just a suggestion,


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Guest KwazyDog

Actually inac, to be honest I think thats why most software companies are tight lipped about their internal descisions and especially release dates, becuase of this exact reason.

I remember when Microprose posted a release date for Falcon 4 (I think it was, anyways) and they missed it by one day. I have never seen such abuse on the internet. Its like people feel that becuase they are behind a computer screen manners no longer matter.

Ahh well, alls well that ends well anyways wink.gif I do think though that an important thing to remember is that anyone whom sat in front of the computers all night instead of doing other things made that descision for themselves, BF shouldnt be to blame.

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This thread is kind of ancient history now but as some people got perplexingly tetchy I thought I should just paraphrase a now defunct quote:

"it's up when it's up"

So how come you actually have time to post here now?

5Mb to go....


"Heaven sent and hell bent

Over the mountain tops we go

Just like all the other GI Joes

EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"

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Hey Steve,

My theory on this is that a watched pot never boils. Truly believe that CM will be the best of its kind ever but not since February have I been checking all the time multiple times a day. You know what? I came in from work today to get a pleasant surprise of the gold demo email. I'm happy, I have the demo, and so I can't really defend those guys who hit refresh every two seconds.

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Hey steve,

2nd thought. that program that refreshes every second, is that even legal? Sounds like something like that situation when yahoo, cnn, and amazon.com were brought down by just people hitting their website. Just food for thought.

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Guest Frankrad

Okay, cut the ass-kissing. I agree with Big Time Software guy..we need to get lives. Post it whenever. Steel Panthers WAW kicks ass anyway.


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