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Computer Squad Leader screenshots

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Seriously, the worst thing about this "Squad Leader" will be seeing the classic SL box art used for such a dumbed-down product. Hopefully, they'll use something flashier instead.

As for man-level turn-based WW2 combat, I'm waiting for ALL AMERICAN.

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It's exactly Soldiers at War.

I'll say it again...combat is not calculated like that. My soldier will take two steps forward, spin, shoot, duck and run to cover with 2 movement points left for next turn. It's lame at best.

More power to CM!


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Guest Scott Clinton

Hey, I still want a good game of this scale...but I think you guys are maybe missing the worst part of all (IMO).

IF Hasbro uses the name "Squad Leader" for THIS game, then that would tend to suggest they have absolutely no intentions of creating a 'real' "Computer Squad Leader" in the future, cause the name is taken.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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But just think of the amount of great fun you can have, Just think you can Plot the waypoints your Pzrscheck takes to hit that sherman in the upper rear armour, Oh wait you could ajust the hight of your german sniper whith his flight armour -

Opps wrong game... Now were is that Hvp plasma rifle.

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Hey, I liked SAW, (except for the LOS problems). I'd love to see a small scale (one squad or so) wargame. I hate they used the squad leader name. But, If it is just SAW 2 and they have fixed some of the errors I'll most likely by it. In a game like that I don't look for totally realistic, I look for fun.




Lorak's FTX for CM

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