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An old game called Sniper

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Does any body remember the game Sniper?

It came out in the 70’s.

WW2 base game.

Back in the 70’s you could subscribe to a by monthly war gaming magazine and you got a board game every time (over 33 years ago) and one of the games was Sniper.

Would it not be a good game for BTS at a later date to explore to develop? It was a platoon size game (if I have it right, 1 to 12 men).

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Uh, Boris, 1-12 men is squad size. WWII American rifle platoons ran someting like 3 infantry squads with one heavy weapons squad plus the command team, the leader and his assistant as I recall.

As CM is teaching me about the fundimental structures of other national units, I am trying to get all this straight for myself too.

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Boris, i think it was individual men up to platoon strength. both sides wrote down movment and fire orders and these were executed at the same time for both sides. If i remember right it was urban combat and there were also a few afv,s.

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Yeah, the name of the magazine was Strategy and Tactics and it had a lot of very innovative and interesting games ... one I recall clearly was "Up Against the Wall, Motherf*****!" It was a game about the Chicago Democratic Convention riots in 1968. Sniper was interesting, though the LOS got a little weird with the trapazoidal buildings forced on them by the hexgrid.



"I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

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Yeah Ive got that game as well. The version I've got is a "companion" called Hetzer sniper. pub 1987 as a boxed game. The game is great for house to house fighting but less good in open country. It also includes multi-hex vehicles but they don't play very well. It includes an interesting activation system were the best soldiers usual get to act first. It also includes panic rules so I can remmeber a few games were my whole squad dived for cover at first contact and stayed there.

I used to get occasional copies of S&T whan I was at school. It incuded so interesting games the best of which was a solitaire Iwo Jima.

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I still have Hetzer Sniper, too. It is a spin off of another game called Patrol- again single man per counter, 5 metres to the hex, etc. Played it for hours. There was another game called Firefight that was sort of a modern (NATO vs WarPac) rendition of the above, except each counter was a half-squad or specialist unit. The scale was larger, but I don't remember by how much. All these games were originally by SPI...

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anyone remember Ambush! by Victory Games?

Still the greatest solitaire boardgame system around.

You campaign a US squad through france 1944 up to Westwall. Each soldier is individually rated for weapon skill, initiative, driving skill, etc.

It has night paradrops, river assaults, attacks on secret V2 sites, tanks, etc.

If you are into WW2 man-to-man games, this is the one to have!

I still play it from time to time, even if its nearly 20 years old.


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It was not a bad game.

One time I missed out on this game for I was in a small club in Hollywood Florida and they got 3 games one was the referee and the other 2 were the combatants and they told me it was very good fore the FOW was in play. Like steping into the street turning right and you see you the enamy with thier back to you and you must decide what to do.

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Guest Scott Clinton

I would check eBay. They should have a few copies, if not now in the next month or so.

If you like this scale, and like post WW2/modern I can not recommend AH's "Firepower" to much. With all the optional rules it really rocks.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Hey Fred, I've got a copy of Ambush around here somewhere. Also a couple of modules for it. Great games. I spent days playing that one! Especially loved the German guard dogs that would charge you from time to time.

Did anyone ever hear of a game called "B-17 Queen of the Skies"? You were in command of a Fortress as part of a huge bomber formation and controlled the actions of the various crew members. Very absorbing. I think somebody did a game called "Pattons Best" that was based on the same concept as B-17, only with a Sherman tank and it's crew.

Sigh, those were the days.


"F**k all that, we gotta get on with these!"

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I have both AMbush and Purple heart expansion, and AH Firepower in my garage. Somebody wannna buy it off me? smile.gif

Please a few other gems of old, like AH Russian Front, AH Tobruk,AH Fredrick the Great etc, can't find Squad leader though ;(


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Arg..stop stop stop...

yer all making my memories come back.... smile.gif...

Actually yes, firepower was cool one you get into the optional rules (Oh damned M16 jammed *again*). Watch that M203 HEDP take out the BMP,...

And I *still* have my Ambush! (hardly used, anyone want it? If so I'll stick it up on some auction site) in a moving box somewhere...I am quite sure it's got all the pieces still there.

I liked firepower tho, made for some tense and intense squad to squad games with my neighbour.

ah... the good ol days....


(my normal sig is MG!, but in light of another thread and the other MG, I'll just 'go Mad'...)

[This message has been edited by MadGrenadier (edited 06-05-2000).]

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A few things to add:

The Ambush game by Victory Games had a 2 player version called Shell Shock.

In the Sniper line, there are these games/add ons:

Sniper (SPI & SPI/TSR)

Patrol (SPI)

Hetzer Sniper (SPI/TSR)

Special Forces (SPI/TSR) [Modern day]

Bughunter (SPI/TSR) [Outer space]

The SPI version used hex numbers for activating individual soldiers randomly.

The SPI/TSR version revamped the system and made it much better by assigning soldiers an activation rating; "better" soldiers would be activated more often than "lesser" soldiers.


The hammer shatters glass, but forges steel. (Russian proverb)

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No email?

Anyway, I own both 'Queen of the Skies' and 'Patton's best'.

I think the B17 game was the better of the two; Patton's Best didn't have the right 'feel'. In addition, any unidentified german AT guns were treated as 88s, and any unidentified tanks were treated as Tigers. It unbalanced things just a bit.


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Gawd... I loved sniper and patrol. We used to have running games on a BBS here in winston. We would e-mail our moves to a GM and he would process the turns and send out the results and an AAR.

I also loved solitare ambush, Still remember one of my guys blowing up because the pin on a grenade was pulled while he was crawling thru some brush....

the memories...


P.S. yes I had a twisted childhood it seems.



Lorak's FTX for CM <--Proud member of the Combat Mission Webring

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