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"Out of the Dust II" final scoring thread

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Scoring for ten men tournament is thus

3 points for best score

2 points for second best score

1 point for third best score

(for each side)

Weak side victory

2 points if you are the only winner playing the weak side out of the 5 matches

1 point if two out of the 5 matches

and upset points available after first round

Round one final scoring

Scenario A - Should have blown that Bridge

Germans vs Allies

74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___Major Tum

Dinga 3 points

70/30 JonnyEnglish __ vs __ Shell shocked

jonny 2 points

49/43 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Mikado

crow warrior & Mikado 1 point

27/63 Walker___ vs___ Bert

Bert 3 point (one point for being the weak side)

26/74 Gort___ vs___ Fiaros

fiaros 4 points (one point for being the weak side)

Scenario B - Unlucky Company B

Allies vs Germans

80/20 Walker ___ vs___ Fiaros

Walker 3 points

74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Mikado

Dinga 2 points

68/32 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Major Tum

Jonny & Major Tum 1 point each

55/35 Gort___ vs___ Shell Shocked

Shell shocked 2 points

62/38 Crow Warrior___ vs___ Bert

Bert 3 points

Scenario C - Brick & Mortar forest

Germans vs Allies

87/13 Walker___ vs___ Major Tum

Walker 3 points

76/24 Dinga 44___ vs___ Fiaros

Dinga 2 points

50/42 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Shell Shocked

Crow warrior & Shell Shocked 1 point each

35/58 Gort___ vs ___ Mikado

Mikado 3 point (one point for being the weak side)

26/74 Jonny English ___ vs___ Bert

Bert 4 points (one point for being the weak side)

Round one total accumulated scores

10 points Bert

7 points Dinga 44

6 points Walker

4 points Fiaros

4 point Mikado

3 points Jonny English

3 points Shell Shocked

2 point Crow Warrior

1 point Major Tum

scoreless Gort

Round Two matches also have upset scoring, keep in mind if you win your battle by better than your sides adv. and are the lower rated player you will receive this Bonus scoring

Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

Allies vs Germans

JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

0.5 point to Jonny

Bert___ vs___ Fiaros

3 points fiaros

Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

1 point Gort

Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

0.5 point Walker

Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

1 point major Tum

Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

Allies vs Germans

Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

2.5 points to crow

Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

3.5 points to Shell shocked

Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

1.5 Points to Jonny

Fiaros___vs___ Mikado

no Bonus

Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

0.5 points to Gort

Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

Germans vs Allies

Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

1.5 pointsDinga

Fiaros___ vs___ Shell Shocked

0.5 points Shell shocked

Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

0.5 points Major Tum

Walker___ vs___ Mikado

1 point Mikado

Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

1.5 points to Gort

Round Two scoring

Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

Allies vs Germans

55/37 Bert___ vs___ (Fiaros) McCobbler

3 points Bert

53/40 Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

2 points Crow Warrior

51/49 Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

1 point Major Tum

1 point upset Major Tum

1 point Shell shock

46/54 Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

2 points Dinga

1 point weak side victory Dinga

41/59 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

3 points Mikado

1 point weak side victory Mikado

Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

Allies vs Germans

67/33 Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

3 points Dinga

63/33 (Fiaros) McCobbler__vs___ Mikado

2 points McCobbler

59/37 Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

1 point Shell shock &

3 ½” points for upset (Best upset result anyone has ever received so far)

1 point Bert

51/46 Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

3 points Major Tum (I felt he deserves three instead of 2 with the highest German score)

42/42 Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

3 points JonnyEnglish &

1 ½” points for upset

(just one more point & jonny could have had 2 points for the only weak side victory – so close)

Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

Germans vs Allies

74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

3 points Dinga

2 points weak side victory Dinga

1 ½ points upset Dinga

38/62 Walker vs Mikado

2 points Walker

1 point Mikado

1 points upset Mikado

32/51 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

1 point Crow

30/70 (Fiaros) McCobbler__ vs___ Shell Shocked

2 points Shell shocked

½ point upset Shell shocked

16/84 Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

3 points Jonny English

Round one & two total accumulated scoring so far.

19½ points Dinga 44

14 points Bert

11 points Shell Shocked

10½ points Jonny English

10 point Mikado

8 points Walker

6 points McCobbler (Fiaros)

6 point Major Tum

5 point Crow Warrior

scoreless Gort

[ March 09, 2007, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

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OK guys. Since Ears and Eyes is finished by everyone I think I can safely post this question. It is especialy directed to the other allied players: how did you win this game ?

- How did you handle the 75mm AT gun ?

- How did you get your Greyhounds to the town over that open road without losing most or all of them ?

- How did you handle all the german armoured cars in the town before your Greyhound(s) got there ?

I don't raise this question to take anything away from Dinga ! I think he played it very well. Just to find out if my plan was flawed.

Personally I don't think I did very much wrong, but nevertheless was slaughtered by Dinga(the only one to lose this one as allied).

So guys, enlighten me !

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My plan, which went surprisingly smoothly, was to get the infantry into town ASAP using the scattered trees/brush cover as best as I could. 2 Greyhounds I raced down the road to town. 1 died at it's edge, but the other survived to become a pain in the ass to Gort later on smile.gif

The other 2 I advanced towards the ridge (carrying a .50cal each) but they both got taken out by Axis AC's or HT's in the trees on the high ground eventually.

- I spotted the AT gun & killed it almost immediately with arty.

- The 4 Greyhound reinforcements, I advanced 2 again towards the ridge to hassle Gort's remaining vehicles. The other 2 headed to town using the causeway as cover.

- Gort never managed to gt any vehicles in town, due to unusual accuracy from my advancing Greyhounds hitting them in the side. And my infantry was enough to hold his at bay. He never got a foothold in town except on the extreme edge of the map.

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Originally posted by Bert Hamoen:

OK guys. Since Ears and Eyes is finished by everyone I think I can safely post this question. It is especialy directed to the other allied players: how did you win this game ?

- How did you handle the 75mm AT gun ?

- How did you get your Greyhounds to the town over that open road without losing most or all of them ?

- How did you handle all the german armoured cars in the town before your Greyhound(s) got there ?

I don't raise this question to take anything away from Dinga ! I think he played it very well. Just to find out if my plan was flawed.

Personally I don't think I did very much wrong, but nevertheless was slaughtered by Dinga(the only one to lose this one as allied).

So guys, enlighten me !

Dinga is an excellent player so dont take it too hard

(1) Lost all the greyhounds in the first couple of turns!

(2) Sent some units down the right flank as I thought and proved right that an attack from the higher ground might come! Stop this attacked after about 5-6 turns

(3) Other troops down the left flank with lots of smoke

(4) Put the extra greyhounds on the train tracks and hit anything that crossed them

(5) AT gun taken out with arty on route

(6) Battled through town and defeated the renforcements

(7) However a Puma without ammo sat and took one of the flags right at the end

Conclusion: After losing a whole platoon of greyhounds thought that I wouldn't do well but managed (primaly to the second platoon of greyghounds) to trun it around

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My answer to Bert's question anout "Ears and Eyes" : First I won a fight between some light German armored cars up in the hills and my greyhounds in the valley.

Then I lost 2 greyhounds driving to town in a fight with the AT gun located above the railway. From there on, I always stayed under cover of the causeway and blocked all invading German troops firing at them from the side ...

I didn't manage to kill the AT guns with my artillery but took control of the town as fast as possible with a max of infantry.

German reinforcements appeared right in the middle of my troops, well protected by houses : a real duck shooting !

I never crossed the causeway (except at the end for the fun !) but the Germans didn't either ... and I was on the right side with all the flags !!!

It is true that Greyhounds didn't get a chance against AT-Guns : I crossed with 3 greyhounds on the last 2 turns and 2 got destroyed nearly immediately. N°3 was saved by the time limit !

Conclusion : My biggest mistake was to risk 3 squads, their HQ and a Bazooka in the hills ... : totally destroyed by the Germans. It could have been a great victory, but with these losses it became quite medium.

It was great fun, though !


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Trust me guys, from a defenders perspective it was VERY hard. Bert, I really don't think you realise just how far gone I was at around turn 20. I was gone for all money. If you want my password so you can watch my turns just send me an email and I'll be happy to give it to you smile.gif

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Eyes and Ears was superb, maybe the best-designed scenario I’ve ever played. All it needs, I think, is an earlier arrival of the ‘lost’ German company. The map is breathtakingly well thought-out, the embankment running down its breadth, the hills on one edge, the road leading over two elevated railway crossings, the fact that you can’t really be quite sure how far the LOS from the road leading into the town extends into the terrain through which the Hounds are approaching…absolutely nerve-wracking! Even though I lost it was a great game vs Mikado, who was kind enough to send a platoon and some Hounds to their doom on ‘my’ side of the railway embankment smile.gif .

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Originally posted by dinga44:

Trust me guys, from a defenders perspective it was VERY hard.

I think the fact I got almost my entire infantry force in the town (making *me* the defender) before Gort managed to even probe with one platoon made an infantry battle impossible for him.

As for his infantry reinforcements - they appeared at the map edge to be instantly surrounded by an entire company and received crossfire from at least 2 Greyhounds. If the Axis re-ups had arrived earlier while I was still trying to kick out his first foothold then I think things would have been more dicey for me.




And yes - great scenario & map. Very enjoyable and a nice change for a ME to not be the usual head-to-head clash, but the opposing forces having a perpendicular advance.

[ March 06, 2007, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: JonnyEnglish ]

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As all the other allied players have given their description of their tactics and how the games went, I will give mine too.


At set-up I considered my options. I had two compagnies of infanterie, a 81mm arty FO, a jeep and 4 Greyhounds. In the briefing reinforcements in the form of another 4 Greyhounds were announced, but not at what turn.

In the set-up zone there was the road which led to the village and on the left of this road a large area with scattered trees. It was clear that I had to go the vilage. Three big flags were positioned there.

The plan I made up was to move (walk) all the infantery through the scattered trees area to the village. It was a long way to go, so the first part of it, they were ordered to run. On the road I loaded two of the Greyhounds with MMG troops and the jeep with a Lieutenant squad. The vehicles were to proceed as fast as possible to the villages and occupy -if possible- key buildings. I wasn’t aware if there were any german forces in the village. I expected a small token force, although the briefing said there was none.


So much for the plan. The Greyhounds never got close to the village. Already in the first movie I lost one of the Greyhounds, but the germans lost a 20mm HT. In the next 2 or 3 turns I lost the other three, but they took a Puma(at the end of the game it turned out that this one kiled 3 of the 4 Greyhounds) and another 20mm HT with them.

How to proceed further ? Reinforcement were announced, but when would they come ? Only one option at the time: move on with the infantery ! And so I did. But while my infantery walked on, I witnessed Dinga's HT's, trucks and armoured cars race to and into the town and I could not do anything about it.

As my infantery got closer, they were greeted with a hail of MG an gunfire from the HT's, the infantery and the Armoured cars. It took a toll. I decided to target the edge of the vilage with my FO to drop smoke and cloak the further approach of my infantery. After all, I did have a couple of bazooka's !

Then my other 4 Greyhounds arrived as reinforcements.


The Greyhounds went on " hunt" to the village. They killed a 75mm HT and a 75mm aroured car. A HT was killed by a bazooka. In the village were still some 4 HT's left, but only one Puma. The only danger to the Greyhounds. Although my infantery was partially in a bad shape, I liked my chances.

Then the 75mm PAK spoke up. It was situated in the woods on the ridge with a prime sight to the road. It knocked out one Greyhound. The other 3 targeted it, but multiple shots didn't kill it: not enough bang in the 37mm gun of the Greyhound. Next turn the gun killed another 2 Greyhounds. What to do. Would the last Greyhound succeed where three didn't ? But if I would order it ti race to town into cover, it would take seconds before it got underway and during that time it would get shot at by the gun. And when it would get to town it could get killed easily. So I decided to stick it out and continue the duel with the gun. And it won !

So one Greyhound left. Still not all lost. If the Greyhound could knock-out the Puma I figured I had a good chance to kill the HT's and drive out the infantery with my infantery and Greyhound. It was not to be. The Puma won.


I expected the game to be lost by now, so I planned how to achieve the most points as possible: to lose as good as possible.

I did have a lot more infantery and only the Puma had HE capability and not that much. The plan was to storm the town with the infantery under cover of smoke. The plan succeeded but at a high price. I only had a small number of infantery left, so I stppoed the advance after taking the church. Better one flag then losing all while trying to get to the other two.

Just when trying to consolidate the reinforcements from Dinga arrived. They went through my remnant forces as a hot knife through warm butter.

Only very few of my infantery survived uninjured.

I'm not totally happy with my play in a few instances: I should have area fired teh 75mm AT gun when it went "gun?". Possibly that would have killed it sooner. And I don't feel I handled the duel with the last Puma as good as I could. But the way Dinga played this one made sure it was me who had to bring the fight to him. He "just" had to wait.

The biggest difference with the other games seem to be that Dinga was able to get to town with almost all is forces before I got there. Fighting from cover is never a bad thing....

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Eyes and Ears was superb, maybe the best-designed scenario I’ve ever played. All it needs, I think, is an earlier arrival of the ‘lost’ German company. The map is breathtakingly well thought-out, the embankment running down its breadth, the hills on one edge, the road leading over two elevated railway crossings, the fact that you can’t really be quite sure how far the LOS from the road leading into the town extends into the terrain through which the Hounds are approaching…absolutely nerve-wracking!
Ouch, that hurts. My head is getting so big, dont get carried away with the praise.

I had fun coming up with this scenario, thought it would play well.

When I post it at the scenario depot, yes the german reinforcements will be arriving sooner and not as they do location wise either.

I will not be able to get to this until the next time I am home, so about 3-4 weeks from now.

Remember to save your praise for the scenario depot and rate it, that will be a nice Thank you.

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Well I guess since I'm the only winner from the defensive side I should make a few comments on the Eyes and Ears map as well.

Berts summation of the game is pretty accurate so I won't expand on parts of the game that he has already covered.

The initial briefing said that reinforcements were delayed and I had to hold the town till they arrived. It was not stated when these reinforcements would arrive, or even if they would arrive at all (I'm going from memory here guys ;) ). My initial concern was where the attack was going to come from so I set up two platoons in the treed area on the hill along with other key armoured units like my puma and 20mm half tracks for any forces that came along the road on the hill. I had the other platoon near the back of the map mount up and get ready to make a dash towards the town along with one of my AT guns.

It quickly became apparent that the main force was going to attack across the open/scattered trees section on the right and not throught the trees/hill on the left. I rushed two platoons into the town along with some half tracks. In the town I had to work out where the best place was to defend from. I quickly decided that if Bert got a foothold in the town with the number of infantry he had then I would really struggle to stop him. Because of this I decided to defend from as far forward in the town as possible in order to catch Berts infantry in the open, or in scattered trees. The best place to do this from was by occupying the stronger buildings such as the church, heavy buildings near it and small forest areas. Also, after about 5 or 6 turns I realised that no attack was coming through the hills so I moved my remaining infantry and armour into the town. But I decided to leave my second AT gun in an overwatch position (as Bert has already mentioned).

Once my forces were in the town I quickly realised that ammo was going to be an issue. Because of this I tried to hide some squads and use other squads sparingly. I knew that if I wasted ammo taking 'long shots' at Berts infantry then I would get overrun when they got closer. This proved to be a good decision because when Bert attacked I had plenty of firepower/ammo to defend with. However, by about turn 18 my men were all out of ammo and my left flank in the town was completely open (a 1 man HQ with no ammo was all that was left on that side). Around this time, and during the previous turns, only my remaining halftracks had any ammo to slow Berts attack. From memory the halftracks ran out of ammo around turn 19 or 20. Fortunately for me Bert was low on ammo and his infantry had been pretty badly mauled during his attack so he concentrated on the church. This meant that when my reinforcements arrived I was able to launch a good counter attack and take back the flag at the church with very little loss.

Key points in our battle:

- Taking out the last Greyhound with my Puma (as Bert mentioned). That allowed my halftracks to keep firing when most of my infantry were out of ammo.

- AT gun and Puma taking out most of the Greyhounds.

- Saving some of my infantry's ammunition till the main assault got closer.

- Getting my forces into town and setup in good defensive positions. This allowed me to do a lot of damage as Berts infantry advanced/attacked.

Overall a great map...defender just need the reinforcements a bit sooner OR give initial units a bit more ammo.

Now guys (I'm assuming we are all guys here...apologies if someone isn't), I think you'll all agree that Slysniper has been fantastic in running BOTH tournaments AND getting some great scenarios for us. How about we all go to the Scenario Depot and rate his games for him...that's the least we can do as a little thankyou to him :D:Dtongue.gif

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Round Two matches & final scores

Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

Allies vs Germans

JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

0.5 point to Jonny

Bert___ vs___ Fiaros

3 points fiaros

Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

1 point Gort

Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

0.5 point Walker

Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

1 point major Tum

Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

Allies vs Germans

Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

2.5 points to crow

Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

3.5 points to Shell shocked

Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

1.5 Points to Jonny

Fiaros___vs___ Mikado

no Bonus

Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

0.5 points to Gort

Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

Germans vs Allies

Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

1.5 pointsDinga

Fiaros___ vs___ Shell Shocked

0.5 points Shell shocked

Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

0.5 points Major Tum

Walker___ vs___ Mikado

1 point Mikado

Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

1.5 points to Gort

Round Two scoring

Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

Allies vs Germans

55/37 Bert___ vs___ (Fiaros) McCobbler

3 points Bert

53/40 Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

2 points Crow Warrior

51/49 Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

1 point Major Tum

1 point upset Major Tum

1 point Shell shock

46/54 Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

2 points Dinga

1 point weak side victory Dinga

41/59 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

3 points Mikado

1 point weak side victory Mikado

Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

Allies vs Germans

67/33 Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

3 points Dinga

63/33 (Fiaros) McCobbler__vs___ Mikado

2 points McCobbler

59/37 Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

1 point Shell shock &

3 ½” points for upset (Best upset result anyone has ever received so far)

1 point Bert

51/46 Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

3 points Major Tum (I felt he deserves three instead of 2 with the highest German score)

42/42 Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

3 points JonnyEnglish &

1 ½” points for upset

(just one more point & jonny could have had 2 points for the only weak side victory – so close)

Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

Germans vs Allies

74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

3 points Dinga

2 points weak side victory Dinga

1 ½ points upset Dinga

38/62 Walker vs Mikado

2 points Walker

1 point Mikado

1 points upset Mikado

32/51 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

1 point Crow

30/70 (Fiaros) McCobbler__ vs___ Shell Shocked

2 points Shell shocked

½ point upset Shell shocked

16/84 Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

3 points Jonny English

Round one & two total accumulated scoring so far.

19½ points Dinga 44

14 points Bert

11 points Shell Shocked

10½ points Jonny English

10 point Mikado

8 points Walker

6 points McCobbler (Fiaros)

6 point Major Tum

5 point Crow Warrior

scoreless Gort

Dinga had 3-best finishes and 3-2nd best

by far the best performance

Bert also had 3 best scores, a 2nd and 3rd best finish.

Now the scoring system from this point on brings some interesting results

Shell shock takes third place with 2-2nds and 3- thirds but was lifted up because of who he won in the second round

Jonny has forth with 2-1st, 1-2nd, and 1-3rd

Mikado has 5th with a 1st, a 2nd and 2-3rds

and Walker only takes 6th with 2-best and a 2nd.

So from a more traditional scoring system the difference is Shell Shock moved up a few spots and Walker was lowered. Just awarding scores for position of finish would have resulted thus

Dinga, Bert, Jonny, Walker, Mikado & Shell shock would have tied for 5th. I like the fact that Shell shock was rewarded for consistant play and playing well against good players.

Walkers results is the only one that might be questionable to the scoring system, but if looking at consistancy, he did only score in three matches compared to everyone else having at least 4 match scores.

Dinga, email your address and info to me so I can see what it will take to get a little something down there to you for a reward of your accomplishment.

[ March 09, 2007, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

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Oops, I forgot: Dinga, congratulions with your victory !!

Sly, thank you very much for hosting, organizing, developing and-so-on this tournament. Must have cost you a lot of time and -for a natural like you- a little effort. ;) . Hope you had a laugh and some satisfaction every now and then out of it.

My personal top 3 of the scenario's:

1. "Bluecoat Surprise": Lots and lots of options for both players

2. "The Brick and Mortar Fest": Non stop action from the start with chances for both sides

3. "Eyes and Ears of Death": Should I ask for a replay ?

Perhaps I would have liked Unlucky Company B and The Last Hurrah better if I had known that the function of the axis side was to lose as best as possible. :D

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Thought of something else: in the Eyes and Ears of Death scenario the "raison d'etre" fot the 75 mm guns sem to be the AT role. Not the HE role.

The 50mm AT gun of the germans is just as effective against the Greyhounds as the 75 mm one. Idea to swap them in the scenario ??

I designed this scenario after I came across a German recon unit showing this was what their organazation was on a certain date, so I used what they had listed, found a location that they could have been in and pitted them against a unit that I thought would be challenging for them to stop but not something that in real life they would have just ran back to a safe location and reported their findings. But in a real battle they would have shot up the Americans as much as possible and kept their distance and themselves alive - But with a game that flags is all that matters, the death struggle begins.
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thanks sly for all your efforts...


great scenarios and a very well run tourney.

I always feel at this point a bit sad as its all over but also that you didn't get to play!

Shell shocked did well but least I got a point from him!

DINGA ARGHHHHHH!!! a great player

I also made some new friends - thanks to all

looking forward to the next one ! (sly, I will start to hassle you in a few months!)

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