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New smoke graphics

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Captain Manieri

You know, some Florida Orange farmers have to tend to their crop and pay close attention to their oranges. However if the orange isn't ripened enough, at the peak of perfection and at it's zienth, they won't pick the oranges to go off to market. The same applies to CM.....They're just F@#!*ing oranges! Who cares? Sell 'em already! Gimme CM. Gimme, gimme, gimme!! You've done enough freakin' tweakin'!

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Guest Madmatt

Its a completely new style and it doesnt use multiple .bmp's as before. Charles has it so it takes an image and twists and turns and rotates and resizes it and then layers them on top of each other. The feeling of motion in the smoke as it billows upward can not be gained from the screenshots unfortunately.

Thats not to say that this smoke can't be tweaked in shape and color! wink.gif In fact if they stick with the new format it will actually be much easier to tweak than before but you will all have to wait until the Gold to try your hand at that! biggrin.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Guest KwazyDog

Actually the smoke dosnt work like it use to cool, no frames as such.....it looks much better, more like rising plumes....

hehe, oh, matt beat me to the submit button, and did a much better message anyways smile.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 02-21-2000).]

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The smoke certainly does look excellent. smile.gif The problem now is that

Charles will have to fiddle with it for 2 weeks to get it working

perfectly with all the major cards (voodoo, TNT, GeForce, etc.). I

hate to think of that much of a further delay to CM. smile.gif

There are few games that I have looked forward to this much. smile.gif

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Guest Madmatt

Well it took Charles all of about 3 hours to tweak the TNT version once he saw the pics I put up earlier, I will have NEWER smoke graphics to show in about an hour! STAY TUNED, WE NEVER SLEEP!!!!


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-21-2000).]

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Well I've just made my Beta demo version of it!!!!! biggrin.giftongue.gif

Check the pics at my site, it looks good animated too!! smile.gif I used some cool tricks, and I must say it looks damn good for 12 frames - it even looks way better than the original Beta demo textures as a smoke round, although its a bit too black smile.gif It has the rolling and boiling look off burning oil smile.gif

ANother question, is the flames going to use the same trick?

I must say not having to animate will be much easier! Dang animating these smoke , has consumed all weekend frown.gif

Charles your a genius - this smoke would look good in a FPS biggrin.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there! tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-21-2000).]

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The new smoke looks great.

Word of warning

Anyone who ever plays against me, be forewarned. If you use the new smoke option, I may well bring your machine to its knees. Anyone who has played against me in the past will no doubt back me up when I say that I use smoke on a massive level.

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It's amazing how much a bit of spit and polish on the "final" product will go to enhancing the visual realism of a game like CM...that smoke looks like the way smoke should look for a game made in 2000....its spot on for a game like this.

Spit and polish on visual features like this have an immediate impact on peoples perceptions of the game and definitely add to the gaming experience: cerebral, visual, audible and viceral (if you include force feedback controller...hehe!). Sometimes "minor" enhncements like this have the greatest impact on the way a game is percieved and its all just a matter of spending just that extra bit of time improving it.

As a wargamer, I want the best of both worlds! Give me cutting edge AI/realism/accuracy, graphics, sounds...the whole damn lot! All my senses work so I want quality input for each one.

Lt. Bull

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Ah, good news, Madmatt. Maybe it won't take an extra 2 weeks after

all. smile.gif And seeing as how the smoke may well be the last significant

graphical improvement to the game, this could be the last such

delay needed before the game is finished. smile.gif

There is no way on earth that CM could get any less than stellar

reviews on just about every aspect of the game. It's just

incredible and I predict will not only win Computer Gaming World's

Wargame of the Year but also be quickly inducted into the

CGW Hall of Fame. smile.gif

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Guest Scott Clinton


I know its early for this, but...

As soon as possible can you give us an idea of which video card will most likely be included/exclued from supporting the new graphics.

Again, I know its early but I would think that after looking at them for the last 'x days' you have an idea about some of the cards out their ("that one will NEVER make it" or "...sure this one will be a breeze.")




The Grumbling Grognard

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Ok, I've seen the new smoke graphics and all I can say is "WOW" ! biggrin.gif

I'm sorry I was grumbling earlier, but you should know better than to listen to me. smile.gif

I have a 475 meg machine, but I just hope the graphics work with my SiS 530 card.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, looks like my prediction on the ***WIN A GAME*** thread of March 3 for a Gold Demo, doesn't look that bad now, does it?

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