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Reinforcements Notification?

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I'm play testing a scenario in which the enemy AI gets reinforcements if they hit a trigger point. That part is working fine, but what I don't understand is, I (the allies) am getting a notification that reinforcements have arrived. I'm playing in the Elite Mode and the allies don't receive any reinforcements. Is that correct that the opposite side would receive a notification that the enemy is receiving reinforcements? If the allies accidentally trigger the reinforcements, could that be why they might receive the notification of enemy reinforcements? I can't see where in a normal situation, the side opposite those receiving the reinforcements would be notified of such, except when they run up against them.They do not come in visible to the allies. Am I right to think something is amiss here? Thanks.

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4 minutes ago, Canuck21 said:

I'm play testing a scenario in which the enemy AI gets reinforcements if they hit a trigger point. That part is working fine, but what I don't understand is, I (the allies) am getting a notification that reinforcements have arrived. I'm playing in the Elite Mode and the allies don't receive any reinforcements. Is that correct that the opposite side would receive a notification that the enemy is receiving reinforcements? If the allies accidentally trigger the reinforcements, could that be why they might receive the notification of enemy reinforcements? I can't see where in a normal situation, the side opposite those receiving the reinforcements would be notified of such, except when they run up against them.They do not come in visible to the allies. Am I right to think something is amiss here? Thanks.

You are not notified of OpFor reinforcements only your own.  Are you using a terrain based trigger and maybe the trigger is set to "known to both"?  

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16 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

You are not notified of OpFor reinforcements only your own.  Are you using a terrain based trigger and maybe the trigger is set to "known to both"?  

It is a terrain trigger, but they don't list an option of known to either side. It just says "AI Trigger (friendly)" and you give it a name. The AI Trigger is set under the AI's forces (German in this case, while the player is the Canadians) in the Mission/Terrain Objectives window. 

Edited by Canuck21
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1 minute ago, Canuck21 said:

It is a terrain trigger, but they don't list an option of known to either side. It just says "AI Trigger (friendly)" and you give it a name. The AI Trigger is set under the AI's forces (German in this case, while the player is the Canadians). 

Are you seeing it in scenario author test mode?  What if you try under a play mode other than scenario author test?

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19 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

I think I know what is wrong. But I see that MOS has replied so in the words of Snagglepuss I will exit stage left.

Don't exit yet!!  I might need help myself.  I already confused terrain triggers and terrain objectives in my first guess at the problem ..... :D

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1 minute ago, George MC said:

You can’t tie reinforcements to triggers. Not possible in current game engine. 

I'm not sure, but I assumed he was referring to units already on the map that are triggered to enter (reinforce) the battle.  I think he is using the term reinforcements in a more generic way and not editor way?

@Canuck21 George MC is correct if you are talking about spawning reinforcements on the map. 

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53 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Are you seeing it in scenario author test mode?  What if you try under a play mode other than scenario author test?

Nope. Elite Mode. I played it the first time or two in Scenario Author and there I expected to get notified, which I did.


47 minutes ago, George MC said:

You can’t tie reinforcements to triggers. Not possible in current game engine. 

Well, it worked for me just fine. A little too fine actually. I accidentally triggered it with my own guys the second time through. Now, I will check again to be sure because after the first time, some of the reinforcements were already on the map (accidentally) but some were not and they showed up right where they were supposed to be.


42 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

'm not sure, but I assumed he was referring to units already on the map that are triggered to enter (reinforce) the battle.  I think he is using the term reinforcements in a more generic way and not editor way?

Nope, they weren't, but I'll look again.

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Ok, just ran 4 tests. They worked perfectly except for the notification issue. The premise is the allies are attacking a signals corps squad that is housed in a farmhouse. The troops themselves start out outside the house nearby. There is a trigger point set up that when the allies cross it, the Germans run for the house. The house is the second trigger point that simulates the radio call for reinforcements, so once they get inside (the idea is the allies are supposed to prevent that), the friendly trigger point there activates the reinforcements. In Test 1 I prevented the Germans from reaching the farmhouse and the reinforcements were never called. On the second test, I stopped the Germans but ran into the house with my own guys and the reinforcements were triggered. In tests 3 and 4 (to be sure) I let the Germans enter the house. Both times the reinforcements appeared where they were supposed to at the time designated, and started following the AI orders. So I have read that the triggers are not supposed to be able to call reinforcements, they are for me (I scoured the map before they were triggered to make sure they weren't simply hiding somewhere, and they weren't). The only issue I'm having is in trying to understand why I'm getting the notification for the other guy's reinforcements, both in Scenario and in Elite modes.

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12 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

An R group of Reinforcements come in by a set elapsed time with a possible time range to give some variability.

Perhaps your time happened to just coincide with this trigger. 


Nope. In the finished scenario (I revised the times in the tests so I wouldn't have to wait 30 minutes to see them), I was notified they were activated but they didn't show up for another 30 minutes, per the AI instructions.

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Ok, I stand corrected. Thinking about what everyone is saying about not being able to trigger reinforcements and what you said about the timing idea, I ran a test where nobody entered the building. Sure enough, the reinforcements showed up anyway. So, there goes that idea. It must be a timing thing.

Now, I'm still left wondering why I'm getting the notification though. I didn't touch the trigger that was supposed to have triggered the reinforcements and yet I'm being told that they are on board. That doesn't make sense. I'll retry it again in Elite Mode just in case I screwed that up too, but it was seeing that in Elite Mode that prompted me to post this question. Anyway, back in a bit.

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So this time I removed the trigger altogether and I'm still getting the notification. Is it possible I have a mod in there somewhere (I have several installed) that could be causing the notifications? If it is possible, then I'll start removing each mod one by one to see which one it might be, so all I need to know (if you know) if it's a possibility. Thanks.

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Just now, Canuck21 said:

So this time I removed the trigger altogether and I'm still getting the notification. Is it possible I have a mod in there somewhere (I have several installed) that could be causing the notifications? If it is possible, then I'll start removing each mod one by one to see which one it might be, so all I need to know (if you know) if it's a possibility. Thanks.

Do you have both friendly and OpFor reinforcements set for the same time and possibly with the same typed in notification?  

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Found it. I removed all the enemy reinforcements, extended the map then put those units in an out of the way place. I then set their timing to start their order upon triggering the "Radio for Reinforcements" trigger, + 30 minutes. That part all works fine, but I **still** got the Reinforcements Have Arrived" notification. I decided that it HAD to be on my side, so I went in with fresh eyes this morning and found I had my Btn HQ set as a reinforcement because I didn't really want them on the map. Removed that and all is good.

So the problem was just as you folks suggested all along, on all fronts. No, triggers cannot be used to bring in reinforcements. Yes, it was one of my guys that was giving me the notification. 

I'm going to finish this scenario then take a break (I'm sure quite a number of people here will be relieved to hear that). I really have to get back to some other things and this has had almost my full attention for 3 months now. I've learned enough to move forward on my own with it, and when something doesn't work, I have enough behind me to find the answer on my own, or do a search here without bugging everyone else (believe me, the questions I've posed on here amount to only about half of all the questions I've had - I actually do know how to search things out - scary, eh?). Anyway, I hope to release one scenario a month and we'll see how that goes for the rest of this year. Oh, by the by, all my scenarios are now exclusively on The Few Good Men site. I am using my own site for other things now.

Thanks again for all the help over the past few months. I know I've been a royal PITA and I'm sorry about that. Onwards and forwards.

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2 hours ago, Canuck21 said:

I have enough behind me to find the answer on my own, or do a search here without bugging everyone else (believe me, the questions I've posed on here amount to only about half of all the questions I've had

One of the purposes of the forum is to ask questions and share information.  You have probably helped a half dozen or so lurkers who had similar questions.  In the future others will find and read the above information when researching.  Thanks for contributing to the forum.  


2 hours ago, Canuck21 said:

I hope to release one scenario a month and we'll see how that goes for the rest of this year. Oh, by the by, all my scenarios are now exclusively on The Few Good Men site. I am using my own site for other things now.

+1  Sounds good.  Look forward to seeing them. 

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This sort of started to remind me of my sons years ago playing some XBOX game and there was some deal where you'd hit left button, right button, up, up, then left and some certain thing would happen in the game.

6 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

In the future others will find and read the above information when researching. 

Hey Karl, I thought Glenn had found some cool feature! Now we can razz him about it for years... We can even call it a "Glenn"..! It can be a noun or a verb.

"Quit Glenning around with your AI plan and release the damn thing already!"



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22 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

One of the purposes of the forum is to ask questions and share information.  You have probably helped a half dozen or so lurkers who had similar questions.  In the future others will find and read the above information when researching.  Thanks for contributing to the forum.  

Well, thanks. I hope I'm helping others, but I've had a couple of "indicators" that might suggest I've overdone it a bit. Anyway, I appreciate the sentiments.

16 hours ago, kohlenklau said:

We can even call it a "Glenn"..! It can be a noun or a verb.


People won't be able to keep track of them, there will be so many!

The new scenario is up on The Few Good Men. I solved the problem by placing the reinforcements on the map after expanding the map size considerably. They may or may not come into play depending on whether the trigger is hit or not, which depends on how good the Canadians are at preventing that (and yes, I did stop them about 30% of the times in tests, so it is possible, but not easy). This one is strongly recommended for Allies vs. AI, but can be played H2H, provided both sides follow certain rules laid out in the briefing.

Anyway, thanks again for the help.

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