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If you live in the US and want legal govt money read this

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Notnthe stimulus.  Theyre giving covid unemployment relief.

This isnt reg unemploymemt and most ppl.legally qualify. We.re talking 7k retro and 867 a week to july then 267 a week in MA to december. Nothing owed. Legal

Theyre not suoer advertising it because its significantltly more.money. but 600 of.my money is federal.so all you qualify too!

I will help anyone interested on even checking. Unless you either 

Are still.working on the books

Are rich over 100k

You can get this legally

Google.it seriously. I will help as a couple things are tricky - rhey wont email you sayinf youre approved. I can tell 99% a comp is just approving the things anyways but i think they did a few things to weed out bots and dead people.  I.e you jabe to login even approved and reup as it were (answer the same questions) and the money suddenly.will come. Otherwise it will.just sit.

Second.. dont be greedy.  Mid march is a reasonable date.


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Good news in the scheme of things:


The current estimate is a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and projects a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate to 0.26% almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago. Early data. But flat out data. 

Go Cards! BTW. 





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its terrible, Im just saying, Ive always been poor and this is a f ton of money to me anyways (867 a week? till july? then 267 a week?!)

and a lotta people  need it

again this isnt a scam nor is it regular unemployment. I suspect the govt isnt advertising this as hard because its ALOT more money than a 1200 dollar check

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