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Regarding "BAD NEWS"

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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

Gotta agree, theft is theft, i'm on the internet enough that I know of ftp sites that have bootleg games, i've met people at school and online, that ONLY get their games bootleg, well you can say i'm speaking from ontop a podium but if you steal a game, your a thief.

Your no better than some dimestore shoplifter. I spend probably hundreds per year on games, and at least i have no regrets about it, and when i do have kids, i'll be able to tell them right from wrong knowing that I truely believe it.

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"I don't know, Chruch told me that stealing is a crime"

"Do you think that sealing a loaf of bread to feed your starving family is a crime?"

"Well, no"

"What if you have a large starving family, and you need to steal a lot of bread, is this a crime?"

"Hell, no"

"What if your family doesn't like bread, say they like cigarettes, is this a crime?"

"Well, when you put it that way I guess not"

I have to say, if I somehow stumbled upon the Beta Version, let alone the FULL VERSION OF CM right this moment I would not download it, even if I did still buy it from BTS. I would report those bastards the first chance I get. It is all morality.

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-20-2000).]

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The fact of the matter is theft is theft, period.

That most of us on this board are playing the demo is a kindness extended to us by the folks at BTS. We, as gamers, are "entitled" to nothing more than the demo at this time ... no matter how eager and impatient we may be to get the gold version. We have no legititmate claim on anything other than the demo on our machines now and a CD at some point in the future ... if you have signed on the dotted line. If somewhere, somehow, by some form of fraud, theft or deceit, an updated beta version is posted, it is stealing to download it. What's worse, it is breaking the faith with Steve and Charles at BTS ... and all the "chosen" beta testers who have been busting their collective butts to get this thing to us.

They are doing their part. It's up to each one of us to do ours.

Yo, Capt., wasn't it Oddball (Donald Sutherland, not our fellow gamer) who said:

"Have a little faith, baby."


[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 01-20-2000).]

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Zamo, if finding the link inevitably leads to downloading the ripped version of CM, then we should all start bugging W583, who originally brought this to light, for copies of the file.

That BTS has not displayed any indication that they suspect that anybody here has d/led the file indicates to me that SOME people are capable of resisting temptation.


ps W583 (whatever that means) deserves a little credit for his finding

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OK. So I'll stand in this hornets nest and take my stings. I also spend hundreds on games each year. I do not make a habit of stealing anything. The person who "stole" the product is the person who broke a legally binding contract and posted the beta. I'd also like to see him skinned. I'm only saying I'd like a sneak peek and would sell my own mother to do it. Temptation is a terrible thing. I am not going to proactivly search for this software as I have better things to do and I actually doubt it really exists...I'm glad you are all so high and mighty and morally my superiors. I'm sure you are all running legal copies of Win9x or NT, and I'm sure you have all paid Netscape for the browser you're using here. I do apologize for suggesting any of you would stoop to my level and be human. Have fun in church...


Who still thinks most of you are even more hypocritical than ever...

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I'm not sure I have this straight...someone ripped-off a reverse engineered and/or hacked-into version of a complete/nearly complete version of CM? Is that right?

That hacks me off! mad.gif

As many have already said, theft is theft. There are moral absolutes; right and wrong! To whomever is into downloading working, non-demo versions of games, it is completely analogous to receiving stolen goods of any other kind. There is no gray area here!

If we want more tremendous games from BTS and Battleground's other developers, download the demo...be patient...and get your paid-for copy when it's available. We're all big boys and girls; I'm sure we can handle it.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. frown.gif -> smile.gif

Steve C.

[This message has been edited by scarr (edited 01-20-2000).]

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Why doesn't it surprise me you're one of the ones who wants to thieve the beta AND is stupid enough to say so publicly?


D/Ling the beta (if it is for real) IS stealing. It doesn't matter that the person who uploaded it was "worse" than little old you. IF you download it then you are stealing. It is that simple.

For those who want to go around claiming hypocricy.... All my games software and OS and work software etc is all either freeware or paid for. If I don't want to pay for something I just get something freeware which does the job as well as the software I don't want to pay for.

I have some MP3s but even those are simply so I can play music from albums I have on my computer since my computer crashes whenever I try to play an audio CD (for some reason I've never been able to figure out).

I'm quite sure everyone wants the game BUT the beta is NOT the full game (especially since, if this is true, its probably a very old build) AND wanting something is NO justification for stealing it.

As for others who pirate from "bad" companies but not good companies.. Welcome to the slippery slope gentlemen.

I've seen FAR too many good games go down the creek because of pirating. You DO destroy lives and then worst of all you try to rationalise it as acceptable since the people you robbed off were "bad".

I'd love to see how you'd all react if someone robbed your computer and said it was acceptable payback since you had been "bad" and robbed so much software over the course of your lives. I bet you wouldn't think it was ok then.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Fionn; there really isn't too much to worry about for the following reasons;

1) When Combat Mission goes RTM, it will be pirated

2) This version will ship without tcp/ip support.

3) The tcp/ip support patch comes later

4) Pirate don't support what they steal.

So, if you challenge someone to a game, and they repeatedly refuse, I think it's safe to draw a conclusion from that. Further, it's very possible that say release version 1.0 PBEM files will be incompatible with rlease version 1.0x PBEM files.

As far as I can see it, it's rather Darwinian; the pirates are going to be self removing from the honest community of players. Given the first patch, I think they'll be self invalidating.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>At the risk of being disliked and annoying to a futher extent...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

More annoying, I didn't think possible. Disliked, as far as I was concerned, you weren't... until now

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I agree with Zamo. I would definetly download the pre-release version, and, I too will also try and find it. Although, I still want the final copy of CM. I'm not a priest. But the again I'm not making deals with the devil here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, you are not a priest, but by your own admission, you are at least a wannabe thief.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm glad you are all so high and mighty and morally my superiors. I'm sure you are all running legal copies of Win9x or NT, and I'm sure you have all paid Netscape for the browser you're using here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I am running a payed for version of OS9. I have payed for every system upgrade I've used. Netscape, last time I checked, is free... myself, I use Internet Exploder... which is free. Do not assume that just because you are willing to bootleg software that the rest of us are also willing.

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I have payed for everything on this computer except for things that were meant to be freeware.

My livelihood as a photographer depends on copyright protection. Therefore, I feel completely obligated to obey copyright law.

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*putting billfold in front pocket*

Please guys tell me im not in a den of theives. Fionn, your right. Theres not a single person here who wouldnt be pissed if someone stole something from them!!! Stop this. Pay for it or we ALL pay for it. It isnt a victimless crime. Your stealing food from somebodys mouth no matter what you think.

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This is funny ... lol ... i'm with zamo. If a link were to magically appear infront of you, you wouldn't be able to resist. You would all DL it, check it out, then e-mail the battlefront people and say "i found the warezed version, here it is, i got it from this server, no go bust them ... " (just so you don't feel all too guilty :P ). I bet most of you have searched for warezed CM too ... common admit it. You can say "i was just looking to catch thieves ..." i'll believe you ... rofl

Kraut <- will buy CM, if he likes the final demo

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I bet most of you have searched for warezed CM too ... common admit it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I can say that I have not. Nor, would I download it if I found it online. I would however e-mail the link to Steve. The statement quoted above really pisses me off mad.gif

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Haha! I have already PAID for the game, because I have no credit card. No, I didn't search for WAREZ-CM. (What for? Most of the people here pre-ordered anyway)

Besides, I don't think there will be a ripped version because it's no game for the masses. Not much fame for the crackers then.

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If no one downloadt the game, then it will be removed from the server and replaced with something more popular. Every person who pulls it keeps it there for longer and thus hurts Steve and Charles. Every person who does not download it helps get it off the server.

- Bill (Running payed for copies of : OS 9, Netscape, Photoshop 4, Ray Dread 5.5, Bryce 3 (and 2) and Claris Works)

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A regular hiring practice is to ask people about theft of small items, like office supplies (pens, pencils, paper, etc.). Those who routinely steal these items assume that everyone else does (else they would be inferior to those around them), and hence admit, in an interview, that they would steal 'insignificant' items (usually with a big, 'we are in this together' grin).

Interestingly, these 'insignificant' thefts are good predictors of later, larger thefts such as embezzlement, or taking 'just a couple' of memory slabs from the office computers.

The phrase 'come on, admit it' is a hallmark of this mindset. Fear of being outside of the group, coupled with a need to reinforce their belief that it's OK to steal. I prefer people who will have the courage to admit what they are doing, e.g., 'yeah, it was easy, no-one could catch me, and I saved a few bucks'.

For the record: our last upgrade from SQL 6.5 to 7.0 cost almost a grand.

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