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BTS, are you going to include an Operation in the Gold Demo?

Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

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Along similar lines...

Are the scenarios in the Gold Demo going to be different than the ones in the current Beta Demo ? If they are will the scenarios in the current Beta Demo be usable in the Gold Demo or will the format have changed too much to use them (of course the "elements" for the scenarios may not be present in the Gold Demo, so that may be a moot question) ?

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

Along similar lines...

Are the scenarios in the Gold Demo going to be different than the ones in the current Beta Demo ? If they are will the scenarios in the current Beta Demo be usable in the Gold Demo or will the format have changed too much to use them (of course the "elements" for the scenarios may not be present in the Gold Demo, so that may be a moot question) ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, as a 'member' you surely know that the game code has changed BIG TIME since the Beta Demo. So therefore, that is why BTS hasn't created a new scenario for the Beta Demo. That is like for someone to go back and write code to work on Windows 3.11.

The Beta Demo scenarios will not work in the Gold Demo. If you're wondering, a Gold Demo means that it is based on the final code. The Beta Demo is based on 6 month old code.

Hope this answers your question.

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I would like to see the beta demo scenarios included with the full

version of the game (remade with the gold code, same terrain,

units, etc.), just for fun. It'll be neat to see how they play

differently with the fully polished game. smile.gif

I'd also like to see the Aplha battle recreated for the full

version (IIRC, there were plans in the works to do that).

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In my opinion, there is no need for scenarios for the gold demo

Just one Operation should be enough! biggrin.gif

You to get fight several "scenarios" in an OP .Its like killing 2 birds with one stone. That way BTS get to show off CM in the best way, and remove any possible confusion from the demo tester.



aka BLITZ_Force

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CoolColJ:

In my opinion, there is no need for scenarios for the gold demo

Just one Operation should be enough! biggrin.gif

You to get fight several "scenarios" in an OP .Its like killing 2 birds with one stone. That way BTS get to show off CM in the best way, and remove any possible confusion from the demo tester.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That was my point exactly! Just have one Operation so all of us CM veterans could learn how they work while at the same time, allow new people to check out the possiblitites of the game before they buy as well.

Granted, only having one Operation in the Gold Demo would kind of limit PBEM games to some extent. You know, I'm not sure how many people would wanna jump into a PBEM Operation right off the bat. So I think having maybe one Operation and 2 or 3 scenarios would probably be a good mix.


"I am not interested in the names of your fathers...nor of your family's lineage. What I am interested in...is your breaking point!"--Gen. Chang

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People are asking for the beta demo scenarios to be included in release just as we clamoured for the alpha scenario that Fionn and Moon played to be included before. I wanted these things as well but have changed my thinking on it.

I think the scenarios that are coming out with the full game will ROCK biggrin.gif

Not that the scenarios we've seen so far are bad but with the people who are involved and the ability of the editor I'm expecting to get these old scenarios off the net with fresh stuff on the CD.

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Guest -panzershreck-

thanks alot Black Sabbot now i can understand what im reading lol

(i didnt even know what lol meant until recently).

I was thinking maby someone should make a website with all the stupid abbreviations so so some of us can actualy comprehend what people are saying, sometimes i wonder how new internet users get along with all the language people have developed.....

[This message has been edited by -panzershreck- (edited 04-16-2000).]

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I say they proceed as planned, whatever that is. The lag between Gold demo and full release is what, a month? A little more for overseas, perhaps?

We were kept busy a lot longer than that with 3 little beta scenarios. It's pointless to badger BTS at this stage. The demo is a freeb designed to attract new users- we just luck out by getting whatever's on it a little ahead of time.

Some enterprising member will no doubt remake LD, CE, and Reisberg with the new editor- and I will look forward to it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -panzershreck-:

I was thinking maby someone should make a website with all the stupid abbreviations so so some of us can actualy comprehend what people are saying, sometimes i wonder how new internet users get along with all the language people have developed.....

[This message has been edited by -panzershreck- (edited 04-16-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've seen numerous posts on this site that did just that, but they were hidden in other topics. Damm, i wish i could remember where they were, oh well...

Considering that most of us are just killing time waiting for the Gold Demo, might i recommend you think of every abbreviation you've seen, and then start your own thread asking what they mean. I'm sure you'll find many that will lend a hand (and a few comedians too) wink.gif

If new terms appear you can edit/update keeping the list fresh. This way we then can steer the newbies who need help, and you come out looking like a hero wink.gif

P.S. make sure to give your thread a catchy name so we all can remember how to find it smile.gif

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hehe, might help there:

"Below are some of the most common acronyms or abbreviations used in

Chat. New ones are constantly being created. If you see one you don't understand, just ask, and if you'd like to submit one to this list, email your suggestions to ChatUKMgr, for entry in the competition at Keyword: CHATTERBOX!

AFAIK As far as I know

AFK Away From Keyboard

ATK At the Keyboard

BAK Back At Keyboard

BBL Be Back Later

BFN or B4N Bye For Now

BRB Be Right Back

BTW By The Way

FWIW For What It's Worth

GMTA Great Minds Think Alike

IIRC If I remember correctly

IMHO In My Humble Opinion

IRL In Real Life

LOL Laughing Out Loud

LTNS Long Time No See

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now!

TTYL Talk To You Later

ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing

ROTF Rolling On The Floor (variation of above)

WB Welcome Back

WTG Way To Go!

OIC Oh I See

BRT Be Right There

L8R Later

CYA See Ya

SWL Squeals With Laughter

GTTL Gone To The Loo

POS Parents Over Shoulder

SSTM Smiling smugly to myself

TRDF Tears rolling down my face

GTGN Got To Go Now

CON Call Of Nature

TXL Thanx Loads

GLB4UGH Get Lost Before You Get Hurt

WYBMADIITY Will You Buy Me A Drink If I Tell You?

SS ><)))"> Something Smells Fishy

WI With Irony

SI Sarcasm Intended

OOO Out Of Order

IASA I Am So Annoyed

NOMDB Not Over My Dead Body

YR Yeah Right!

SOMY? Sick Of Me Yet?

ROE Raising One Eyebrow

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I don't know if the topic is still relevant,


really!someone posted this same topic only

about a WEEK AGO!!!BTS awnsered no....

a few new scenarios...and that's all.


It is no disgrace to be defeated...It is a disgrace to be surprised.

-attr.to Fredrick the Great-

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Guest Big Time Software

No Operation with the demo for sure.

BUT... and this should make some your smile...

we are including at least one of three existing scenarios along with two new ones smile.gif This will allow people to see the difference between old and new demos. We are thinking of keeping it to one since 5 brand new scenarios (there are people who haven't played the Beta Demo you know wink.gif) is a tad bit too much replayability. All three older demos will be included on the CD, so you will be able to see them sooner rather than later.

Also, if we add all three older ones we will have to shape the new ones to fit the vehicle and unit mix of the first three. Otherwise the download will be too large. I am sure you guys would rather see some new stuff in the Gold Demo wink.gif

When we changed the file format we translated all EXISTING scenarios into the new format. Any that were missed (we know of one scenario) can not be translated now, but since we got all of them (except one) the point is pretty much moot.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 04-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>we are including at least one of three existing scenarios along with two new ones<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That will be excellent, thank you.

Some CM-specific acronyms:

HITH How in the hell...

GDS Goddam StuG

FT second word is "Tiger"

NW No Way!

UTDPF "Use the damn Panzerfaust!"

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Steve - You guys rock man smile.gif No one else would give us three more scenarios smile.gif

Look Sudden Strike those guys onthat forum were baited with the demo arriving for months and months :P

Then when it did arrive they got one scenario and Sorry to say IT SUCKED frown.gif

You guys are in a class all your own smile.gif



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Guest Big Time Software

Whooops! Well, not as much of a Class Act as you think smile.gif I forgot that we planned on keeping the scenarios to TWO TOTAL. Reasoning is very simple. Gold Demo will be out only a couple of weeks before Final. That means we just have to keep you entertained for a short period of time. The people who have NOT seen the demo yet, or who haven't made up their minds about purchasing, don't need three scenarios. Two will do just fine.

My feeling is that we should re-release Chance Encounter. I think it is the one that will be the most different from the Beta Demo vs. the AI and perhaps even in head to head. The new scenario is already 3/4 made and should keep you all quite happy for at least 2 weeks. Jdging by how long the Beta Demo has been played I would say 2 months, but since the game will be out sooner than that I know you will stop playing it wink.gif


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