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mounted artillery spotters

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Ever tried to use a pair of binoculars while riding in the back of a truck? Kind of makes it hard to call in arty accuratley.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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its not impossible to call fire on the move. But it is hard to write down fire orders and plot the target on your map with all the bouncing. I'm in the canadian artillery and we don't have any high-tech forward observation kit like all the other industrialized nations of the world.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

I didn't quite catch that? Did he say moving vehicle? Ever heard of a OP tank?


Yes. OP tanks are discussed in another thread. They don't plot arty missions while moving, and are specifically designed for the job. Vehicles in CM are merely transports, and uncomfortable as such.

Personally I think it seems like a very good idea to leave the GP when plotting a mission, as a safety measurement. It doesn't take long to dis-/embark the GP.



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The mobile shoot is one of the most difficult

especially if traveling across the gun target line. Can it be done? Yes, a very experienced FO and a good FDC can get it done but I wouldn't recommend it.

Obviously the game engine is slightly flawed in this aspect. If a vehicle is stopped you can certainly do a mission from one. You can also do a mission on to a TRP easily also. An adjust fire is another matter....

Another question deals with the radio in question. There were different models, some were man portable some were not.

Hey were is the spotter plane by the way in the CM simulation?

Ibucephalus, whata you guys using? No digital? No lasers? Are you still at the compass and map level?

I was Fo'ing during the transition period from that style to the TACFIRE/FIST systems

An old FO

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We are backwater arty hicks. The most high-tech kit we have is an ancient(70's?) laser that we guntape(YES, GUNTAPE) to the top of a grizzly(lav). We've got some gps's too, but no intergrated FOO vehicle. Apparently there might be a FOO/LAV 3 on the way though. But then again, we can hardly afford tanks anymore.

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While adjusting fire on the move is more difficult, it is not impossible.

The biggest thing is WHY does arty fire stop when an FO moves? I'd like to see the option of, when a FO is moving (foot or vehicle) of having arty continue to fire on the last spot.

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I don't even want to call mission when I'm moving. I just don't want to get the guy out of the jeep when it stops. Is that too much ask. Just make it impossible to call down missions from a vehicle with move orders that turn.


Two Rules to Live By:

1. Never Get Out of the Boat.

2. Charlie Doesn't Surf.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CavScout:

The biggest thing is WHY does arty fire stop when an FO moves? I'd like to see the option of, when a FO is moving (foot or vehicle) of having arty continue to fire on the last spot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Er, it doesn't? In a game I'm currently playing against PeterNZer at night, in fog, I've had to move my arty spotters all over creation to avoid getting gunned down by his squads, and they've kept up their fire.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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