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To what "release date" are you referring? There's never been even a suggestion of a release date, and no mention of any such being brought forward or pushed back. We're not going to get more than a few days' warning, at most, before even the real demo is available, let alone the full-ship game.


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I read somewhere on this board that maybe a Feb. 9 release on the Gold Demo and a Mar. 8 as shipping date for pre-orders.

Is there any truth to this??

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I remember several months back Steve gave a live chat over at TGN. Somebody showed up late, after Steve was gone, and asked what the word was. Um....SOMEBODY else jokingly said "no CM until February." At that time, we were still expecting a pre-Xmas release so you can imagine this poor guy's shock (not really allayed by our saying it was just a joke). And none of us at the time thought we'd be able to survive if CM didn't come out on or about Xmas, having already seen a "Summer 99" release slip by.

Well, it's February now and no CM. We're still alive. In fact, we're no worse off than we have been all the years we've lived so far without CM. OTOH, CM has by all accounts gotten better in the interim. So, what's wrong with waiting some more?




WW2 AFV Photos: people.delphi.com/jtweller/tanks/tanks.htm

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I read somewhere on this board that maybe a Feb. 9 release on the Gold Demo and a Mar. 8 as shipping date for pre-orders.

Is there any truth to this??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Short Answer... NO !

Long Answer... NO... Those dates are just some dates someone picked out of their ass and posted. The person who posted them is NOT a beta tester and has no idea what the state of CM is or when it is likely to ship.

THAT is exactly why I don't like it when people irresponsibly start posting dates... Others are bound to interpret these dates as somehow having some basis behind them and some official sanction and then worry/wonder when the supposed "official shipping dates" are missed.

It all gets messy very quickly then I assure you.

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Guest Charles

I keep having this nightmare that CM, B17-II and High Heat Baseball 2001 are all released during the same week in March! eek.gif So many good games, so little time.... biggrin.gif


Not THE Charles from BTS

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You know, in March I start to take the wraps off my boat. And once the boat is in the water CM time will be limited.

So, could you please hold off on the release until, say, October?

ok ok just kidding smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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